1、春 w/trcfSupplier Selecti on andMan ageme nt Procedure供应商选择和管理程序Audit and Approval 审核及批准Audit and Approval 审核及批准Sig nature签字Date 日期Remark备注Gen eral Man ager总经理VProducti on Dept 制造部VR&D Dept.产品开发部VQuality Dept. 质量部VPurchas ing Dept. 采购部VFinance Dept. 财务部VHR Dept. 人力资源部Sales Dept. 销售部1 Purpose 目的:To de
2、fi ne the methodology to select, assess, approve new suppliers and man age supplier to en sure uni formity across the group and that all purchased product con forms to the purchase requireme nts of NAILI.定义如何选择、评估、批准和管理供应商。2 Scope 范围:All parts and services con tribute to products that sold to Custom
3、ers in cludi ng Raw material, Subc on tract ing parts, Services and Other Products.所有作用于销售给客户产品的原材料、零部件和服务,包括外包合同、零件、服务和 其他的产品。3 Defin iti on 定义:None 无4. Resp on sibility 职责:Purchas ing departme nt is resp on sible for sourci ng, prelim in arily assess ing, recomme nding, audit ing, man age new supp
4、liers and steer price determ in ati on.采购部负责寻找,初评,推荐,审核,管理供应商及跟进价格确认流程。R&D departme nt is resp on sible for audit new suppliers to con firm their tech ni cal capability.产品开发部负责审核新供应商以确认其技术能力.Quality departme nt is resp on sible for prelim in arily assess ing, audit new suppliers toconfirm their qual
5、ity assura nee capability and incoming con trol 。质量部负责初评,审核新供应商,确认其品质保证能力及来料控制.5. Procedure 内容:5.1 New supplier developme nt5.1.1 Sourci ng for new supplier 寻找新供应商5.1.1.1 Purchasing department gets purchasing request and needs for new supplier. All departme nts can request a n eed.采购部得到采购需求,需要发展新供应商
6、。公司任何部门都可以提出采购需求。 Purchas ing departme nt searches supplier through curre nt supply base, intern et, exhibiti on and other cha nn els accordi ng to kno wledge 、 in formati on and n eed specificati on from request departme nt.采购部根据需求部门的信息要求开始寻找供应商。可通过现有供应商、网络、会展等各种渠道寻找新供应商。 Purchas ing
7、departme nt con tacts the supplier and makes a prelim inary assessme nt.采购部联系发现的供应商并对其做初步评估。 It goes to the next step if supplier is feasible. Otherwise return to 5.1.12 Other departme nt can also recomme nd pote ntial supplier to purchas ing departme nt.如果经初评合格,进入下一步评估流程。否则返回,重新寻找供应商
8、。其 他部门也可以推荐潜在供应商到采购部。5.1.2 Pote ntial Supplier Assessme nt潜在供应商评估5.1.2.1 Purchasing department sends“Supplier Questionnaire ” and NDA to supplier.采购部给供应商发“供应商调查表”和保密协议。 Purchas ing departme nt send specificati on, in formati on and RFQ to supplier afterreceivi ng NDA.采购部收到保密协议后将产品规格参数或信息和询价单发
9、给供应商。 Purchas ing departme nt, Quality departme nt and R&D departme nt assess supplierby feed backed Supplier Questi onn aire.采购部、质量部和产品开发部通过供应商的调查问卷反馈进行初步评估。5.124 After review of the Questi onn aire, the supplier is described (if OK) as ?POTENTIAL ?.Otherwise return to对供应商的调查问卷进行讨论后,
10、如果认为合格后,则把供应商定义为潜在供应商。否则返回5.1.1.2重新寻找供应商。5.1.3 Decision to audit or place a sample order on the potential supplier.决定现场审核考察或无需审核考察而直接下样品订单给潜在供应商。 Decision to audit, visit or order without audit or visit by purchasing department,Quality departme nt and R&D departme nt together.采购部、质量部和产品开发部讨论确
11、定供应商是否需要现场审核考察或无需审核考察而直接下样品采购订单。 It goes to 5.1.4 if decision is to audit supplier. It goes to 5.1.5 if decision placing sample order without audit. Decisi ons shall be rec orded on the “ New Supplier Evaluation Sheet ”.如果决定审核供应商则执行5.1.4,如果决定不用审核直接样品采购订单则执行5.1.5,结论应在“新供应商评估表”中记录。5.1.4 Audit t
12、o the Pote ntial Supplier审核潜在供应商5.1.4.1 An Audit ” is normallycarried out by Quality department and with Purchasing departme nt and R&D or other fun cti on invo Ived. Quality departme nt passes audit check list and purpose to supplier before an audit is carried out.现场审核通常是由质量部主导,采购部、开发部或其他部门共同参与的。现场
13、审核 之前质量部会发给供应商审核清单和审核目的。 Purchas ing departme nt, Quality departme nt and R&D departme nt orga nize ateam that who will atte nd the audit. ( If possible, other fun cti on n eed invo Ive )采购部、质量部和开发部确定审核小组成员。(如果需要其他部门也可参与) With reserved auditors make a pla n of audit. Purchas ing depart
14、me nt con firm the audit date to Supplier.采购部与指定审核人员制定审核或考察计划,并和供应商确认审核日期。 Carry out audit and complete audit report according to“ Supplier Audit Check ListAuditor from Quality departme nt collect in formatio n from the audit team ,draft“ Supplier Audit Report , issue“ “ SupplierCorrective Ac
15、tion Plan ifneed and follow up。 if audit team decides to eliminate then need not follow up .根据 实施供应商现场审核。由质量部收集审查小组信息,起 草,如需要由采购部发布 并进行跟踪。 如果审核小组决定淘汰该供应商则不必再跟踪。 The supplier is described as ? Reserved Supplier ? if audit passed. The supplierinstigated corrective actions return to if it is not passing.通过审核的供应商将作为保留供应商进入后面的流程。没有通过审核的供应商必须进行限期整改,整改不通过则回到5.1.1.2重新寻找供应商。5.1.5 Sample Order of a product or Service to the Reserved Supplier向保留供应商采购产品或服务5.1.5.1 Order samples from supplier ( with