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1、The Melting Snow残雪断想Cen Sang岑桑Unwilling to be driven from the streets, the heavy snow piles sit here and there in the bumpy places, looking stubborn and rough. It is piled so deep and gives off a chilling air that makes people tremble.残雪不甘沦落,东一堆,西一堆,在那坑坑洼洼的地方,还积得老深,散发出令人战栗的寒气。Dont you believe that t

2、he cold winter has ended and spring has come?所以,你还不相信隆冬已尽,春天已经来临了吗?At that time, as the biting north wind blew, nature appeared to be frozen solid. Buried under the hard crust of snow, the world gasped in exhaustion. The world has dumb and the pleasure of the rich forests had faded. Hope had curled

3、up and hidden away in the depths of the frozen earth to pass its winter in hibernation. The pleasure of life had withered and the songs had died down too, leaving only the sighs, howling wind the cry of jackdaws. Men became heart-broken and their senses dulled. The hope of green life gradually withe

4、red away with the dry twigs and brittle leaves. The only fresh colour in the world were the blood stains on the snow-covered field.那时候,朔风凛冽,周天寒彻,我们这个世界埋在坚冰底下,气息奄奄。人间 是喑哑的,欢乐和树林一起凋零了。希望蜷伏在冻土的深处冬眠;生活的光彩 都已褪尽,歌声都已隐没,只有叹息,只有风声和寒鸦的啼叫。人们心都碎 了,神经都麻木了。绿色的信念随着枯枝败叶慢慢地枯萎,如果说世界还有鲜 丽的色彩留存,指的也许就是雪原之上的斑斑血迹了。It was

5、 simply like that the ice age had returned! 那简直是一个漫长的冰川时期呵!During the long nights, people were used to a hopeless and miserable life. When the warmth of spring finally arrived and snow melted, some people were too numb to believe in the passing of time.长夜里,人们习惯于在苦寒和无望中生活,以致到了冰消春暖的时光,对于时 序的迁流,竟还有人木然不

6、敢置信。Is it because of winter that you do not believe in spring?莫非正是因为这样,你才不相信春光就在眼前?In piles here and there, the snow was stubborn to melt away. And in the corners where the sun spent little or no time, the snow remained thick and threatening.残雪不甘逝去,这里一摊,那里一摊;在那背着阳光的角落还积得很厚,发出咄咄逼人的余威。So, why dont you

7、 believe that the cold winter has passed and spring has arrived?所以,你还不承认隆冬已尽,春天已经来临了吗?Then it was a time of a hundred leagues locked in ice and ten thousand leagues of whirling snow. The world was in fact still frozen and silenced by the force of the ice and snow. Man was forced to wait in pain. The

8、 eagerness for the coming of spring made them anxious to the point of tearing their chests open.那时候,千里冰封,万里雪飘,我们这个世界委实凝结得太久太久了。人们屈 处于冰雪的淫威之下,痛苦地期待着、期待着。对于春天的渴望,使他们焦灼 得快要撕裂自己的胸膛Oh, when would the colourful butterflies be whirling about again? When would the orioles be flying around? When would the fl

9、owers blossom, the trees turn green, the bee hives overflow wither sweet honey, and the human heart be full of the ties of friendship?.啊,什么时候,才有彩蝶蹁跹,才见群莺飞舞?什么时候呵,才让繁花竞放, 树木葱茏,蜂房酿满蜜汁,人心注满情谊 Beautiful expectations are dancing in our hearts, for life has been so desolate for so long and nobody can bear

10、 it any longer. We sincerely hope that the snow melt overnight, and the flowers and leaves flourish. But the warmth of spring is not yet enough to melt the hard, thick ice. No wonder that even after the swallows are darting about, there are still some people who are not yet convinced that the world

11、is changing. And there are those men who are only satisfied in their eagerness to understand this feeling through touch.美丽的期待,在人们心怀里跳荡不安;因为生活荒凉已久,谁也难以继续忍受 了。人们祈求一夜之间冰化雪消,花繁叶茂;而坚冰毕竟太厚,最初的春色毕 竟还不够浓艳。现实并无点化而成的奇迹,得以满足人们可以理解的迫切心 愿,以致到了飞燕衔泥的时光,竟还有人感觉不到如今已是换了人间。Is it just because of this that you dont beli

12、eve spring is before your eyes?莫非正是由于这样,你才不承认春光就在眼前?The suns reflection of the melting snow is blinding our eyes. However, it is slowly melthing and no longer can you build a snowman with it.残雪以它白皑皑的回光,刺痛我们的眼睛;然而它正在崩溃,再也堆不起几个 雪罗汉了。With a chilly gesture, the melting snow still settles in this corner

13、and that corner, trying its best to keep a foothold to life. However, the melting weather is too warm for the snow, so it finally surrendered to spring.残雪以它冷冰冰的神态,傲然盘踞在依旧可容立足的东边一角、西边一隅;然 而它正在没落,再也不能无休无止地扼杀大地的生机了。The remainder of snow, you are a proof of the ugly force that desperately attempts to fo

14、rce itself upon the earth when it should retreat. You are also a symbol of the impossible escape from its doomed fate. You belong to winter with your cold-blooded and untamed character. However, you are also a proof in the triumph of spring with your dissolving appearance. We can see the real spring

15、 atmosphere through your chilly, bleak light.残雪呵,你是丑恶势力绝不甘心退隐的明证;也是它摆脱不掉败亡命运的象 征。你是属于冬天的,有着冷酷而凌厉的秉性;然而你以自身残缺的形象,反证了春的胜利,我们因之得以透过你的寒光,探寻到切切实实的春意。The cold winter has retreated, and the melting snow is its real guard.隆冬溃退了,残雪是为它殿后的。Time is ruthless yet full of feeling. Those which must die, die; and th

16、ose which should live, live. It curses those which should be cursed and turns green those which be praised.时间无情,却也深情,它让该死的死,该生的生;让该诅咒的归于毁灭,该赞美的郁郁葱葱。Spring drifts in lightly from beyond the sky in the form of gentle breeze and skylarks. 春天从天外轻盈地飞了回来,化作柔风和云雀。Spring silently oozes from under the earth in the form of grass, leaves and fresh shoots.春天从地里悄悄地冒了出来,化作草叶和芽苗。Spring rushes up from mountain valleys,


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