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1、Module 4 New wordsIntroduction lantern /lntn/ n (usu portable) light for use outdoors in a transparent case that protects it from the wind, etc (通常指手提的)灯笼; 提灯.biography/ bagrf / n (a) C story of a persons life written by sb else (由其他人撰写的)传记: Boswells biography of Johnson. 博斯威尔撰写的约翰逊传记. (b) U such wr

2、iting as a branch of literature 传记文学: I prefer biography to fiction. 我喜欢看传记, 不太喜欢看小说. biographer / bagrf(r) / n person who writes a biography传记作家valentine/vlntan/ n (a) (also valentinecard) sentimental or comic greetings card sent, usu anonymously, on St Valentines Day (14 February) to a sweetheart

3、在圣瓦伦廷节(2月14日)寄给情人的贺卡(通常匿名). (b) sweetheart to whom one sends such a card 收受此类贺卡的情人: Will you be my valentine? 你愿意做我的情人吗?carnival / knvl / n (a) C, U (period of) public festivities and merry-making occurring at a regular time of year, eg in Roman Catholic countries during the week before Lent 狂欢节; 嘉年

4、华会(天主教国家大斋期前一周内的狂欢): attrib 作定语 a carnival atmosphere 狂欢节的气氛. (b) C festival of this kind, usu with a procession 狂欢节(通常有游行活动): a street carnival 街道上的狂欢节景象.Thanksgiving Day 感恩节Christmas /krsms/ n (also ,Christmas Day) annual celebration by Christians of the birth of Christ (on 25 December) 圣诞节(12月25日

5、): attrib 作定语 Christmas dinner, presents 圣诞节晚餐 礼物.Halloween hlinUDate: 1700-1800; Origin: All Hallow Even All Saints Eve; HALLOWEDthe night of October 31st, which is now celebrated by children, who dress in costumes and go from house to house asking for sweets, especially in the US and Canada. In th

6、e past, people believed the souls of dead people appeared on Halloween n. 万圣节前夕mark/ mk/ v Tn, Tn.pr A (with B); B on A make (a mark or marks) on sth 在某物上做(记号): mark ones name on ones clothes/mark ones clothes with ones name 在自己的衣服上标上自己的名字 * The route has been marked so that it is easy to follow. 这条

7、路线已标有记号, 很容易跟着走. Tn indicate or denote (sth) 表示, 指明(某事物): His death marked the end of an era. 他的死标志着一个时代的结束. Tn give marks (mark) to (pupils work, etc) 给(学生作业等)批分数, 评成绩: mark examination papers 评阅试卷 * I have twenty essays to mark tonight. 今晚我有二十篇文章要评分数.dress up wear ones best clothes 穿上盛装: Dont both

8、er to dress up-come as you are. 用不着穿讲究衣服-就穿平常的衣服来吧. dress (sb) up (in sth/as sb/sth)put on fancy dress, etc 化装打扮: Children love dressing up. 孩子们都喜欢化装打扮. * dress (up) as a fairy,etc 打扮成仙女 * They were dressed up in Victorian clothes. 他们化装成维多利亚时代的人.sweep/ swip/ v (pt, pp swept/ swept; swpt/)(a) I, Tn,

9、Tn.pr, Tn.p sth (from, off, into, etc sth); sth (away, up, etc)remove (dust, dirt, etc) with or as if with a broom or brush 扫, 掸, 打扫(灰尘 污垢等): Have you swept in here? 这里你打扫过了吗?tomb / tum/ n hole dug in the ground, etc for a dead body, esp one with a stone monument over it 坟, 墓(尤指有石碑的)ceremony /sermn/

10、 n C formal act or series of formal acts performed on a religious or public occasion 典礼; 仪式: a marriage/wedding ceremony 婚礼.origin /rdn/ n C, U starting-point; source 起点; 开端; 来源: the origins of life on earth 地球上生命的起源* The origins of the custom are unknown. 该风俗起源不详.C esp pl 尤作复数 persons parentage, ba

11、ckground, etc 血统; 背景; 出身: He never forgot his humble origins. 他从未忘记过自己出身卑微.original / rdnl/ adj attrib 作定语 existing from the beginning; first or earliest 原始的; 最初的; 原先的; 最早的: The Indians were the original inhabitants of North America. 印第安人是北美最早的居民. * I prefer your original plan to this one. 我认为你原来的计画

12、比这个好.original n the originalC the earliest form of sth (from which copies can be made) 原作; 原稿; 原型; 原物: This is a translation; the original is in French. 这是译文, 原文是法文的.originate / rdnet/ v (fml 文)Ipr in sth; from/with sbhave sth/sb as a cause or beginning 始自某事物某人; 起因; 发端: The style of architecture ori

13、ginated from/with the ancient Greeks. 这种建筑风格起源於古希腊.Tn be the creator or author of (sth) 创作, 发明(某事物): originate a new style of dancing 创作一种新的舞步 originator n person who originates sth 创始者; 创作者; 发明人.Easter /ist(r)/ n annual Christian festival, that occurs on a Sunday in March or April, and celebrates t

14、he resurrection of Christ after the crucifixion; period about this time 复活节(基督徒一年一度的节日, 於3月或4月的一个星期日, 纪念耶稣在十字架上受刑死後复活); 复活节期间: attrib 作定语 ,Easter Day 复活节日 * ,Easter Sunday 复活节星期日 * Easter week, ie the week beginning on Easter Sunday 复活节周(自复活节星期日起的一周) * the Easter holidays 复活节假期. Easter egg egg made

15、of chocolate or a hens egg with a painted or dyed shell, eaten at Easter 复活节彩蛋.atmosphere /tmsf(r)/ n (a) the atmospheresing the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth 大气, 大气层(包围地球的气体). (b) C mixture of gases that surrounds any planet or star 包围任何星球的气体: the moons atmosphere 月球周围的气体 * an atmosphere that supports life 可以维持生命的气体.confusion / knfjun/ n Ube wilderment or embarrassment 迷乱; 惶惑: gazing in confusion at the strange sight 惶惑地凝视着这种奇怪的景象.disorder 混乱; 杂乱: Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion. 她来得很突然, 使我们完全不知所措.mistaking of one pe



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