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1、 nit nePaV lw-p Execises. amus-hared: ckenatdbplticn: statsmancwin:breez.utile: ri.ascrtainig: ndinfw bobadwihecied a lot of g.peneddrw bakh.otiacomodate.habtscstom 2The itrs atttde chage fromnegaive t ositive n eachpa f seteces3.()_(4)exprened,lpse,attemptn, ith (5)_() ake u, mde, endevor, tre.a. T

2、e state atn said tat themanod bepsecued. b. Wesupos tht a feeree shouldbe diinterested ut nt nnteresed. c.Tny can it a bll fatherthan Icn. e.h principshind or constituton area picipareaso fr is astunng sucess. All th band istrumentexcept te ua wll be carrie to theuitoim for tmusi ce.g Theeerlgovernm

3、ent cmpriethe lgiaive,judiial, and xetive rance.h.Th w regn was sruc byan coom isaser.i.(orrect)j He wasaae t h rik5 The firt lne: prinipleprnalT secnd ine: stationary staioneyhefourh li:doptd pedTh ffth l : effc afectThe ithine: coomicecnmicl; elcnscencselfcocousTh senth line: distesteduniteresedTh

4、enthine: rdibe ceulousTheeleve line:contiuously cntnaly6 a. isb. isexpectd. hasd.w/ise if. wa planh. arei. werej vuk.mproeslbcosm.n. iso heAswer toit 2 2. Translat the lowig Cinse idi intoElish and if tey ae literally traslated a. playmorrle . Tats Greektome c.bela atio/ad d. Were hre i smoke,ere s

5、ire. e. an evl crature .walk nt te ap g. ns face glowing wt ah3. ee unecessary wrds orepetd aning n the entes below andmke mprovm. Thencomp thetwo vrsions and e how thetwo difer .We s racice economy. /e ust educ nnecessary exendies bIt is esntito conrl enionmenta olutio. c.We mst arriv a the sation

6、on tme d Fincia xpeituresshol arange in orde ofpiorty. . We sholdspeed up cstructiosof rban houingso at mprove he housgconitio. f. obe allowd make pofit, private api hs to meettwo condiions:1) h pofts mustbe legal, and2)y must t be xcesive. g.Dring theperiodothe Te Fie-Year an emust vr egect gran od

7、on.nted,m wmust sadiyincre it.4.Refeence versin| In feul Chn, wome h lowoal stu, ad ere rerde a inferior to m. hnks to he woen iberation oveme, women hae achied qualstat with , which istalihe b tha. But n act,the still cnt enjo qalrghti mn A home, wvarpected to d allte husewok,wici obviouslyunfir.Hs

8、band and ifeshoulshae the houwork andfamily responsiblie. But inomefamlieshusbnd usuallgetngry when theyfid th leainor okinguninishedb theirwives Onecatlp nderingh they donttb themslves. thk woen shoud e sptually ad financiallindpendet if th want real eqlty.In ordert ot,tey ave tolearna chas me so s

9、 to find goodjob. ppeace isno lnger imprant women I is thralitythat c bringhema good o athe thn er ppearanc. So Itink te besay oome o wn mre rightsis to ceive god eduatin.5. a._e :,who, I, me/mysef f._ :eah others, wo, us,hm, u, whom, me k_n :one,hi, hi; his,i6. . Weare all born into this wold sequl

10、s, btfo vriousreasos, nt al of s are treate s eals. Tis iqulit gs when rech the ae offive,fo tis i wh wwieer eemenaryschool In schol,e are noongr “Momm litle darling.”W now hae toroeorselvesthe her hldren anals tou teacher., f e ee dfferen fro he oher tudens, we a ear differtly,and he iffernce cul b

11、e nying: pats,oe, speech, reionnd sfrh Rtt from the tart, we thn tat a long asweae dren,there is somehing rng wth s.b. Therare thoe who ssume tatsince I antsee, bvouy canot hear.er oten elewlltal with m at t top ottheir lugs,uteing eah wrderyarefl. O he oth an,peope will also oftehsper,asumngthatsince y eyes ontwork, y eas dontiter. ormple,wen o toe aort an ask hetket agen fo atance o he plane, he or shewll invarilypi u the pn, cala ound hses nwisper: “Hi,ae, weve go a 76here.”I ave concudedtat te ord “ lid” iotuse fron



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