注塑成型模具设计工具毕业论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献(Injection molding mold design tool in the graduation thesis English control data translation literature)

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注塑成型模具设计工具毕业论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献(Injection molding mold design tool in the graduation thesis English control data translation literature)_第1页
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注塑成型模具设计工具毕业论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献(Injection molding mold design tool in the graduation thesis English control data translation literature)_第2页
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注塑成型模具设计工具毕业论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献(Injection molding mold design tool in the graduation thesis English control data translation literature)_第3页
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注塑成型模具设计工具毕业论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献(Injection molding mold design tool in the graduation thesis English control data translation literature)_第4页
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注塑成型模具设计工具毕业论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献(Injection molding mold design tool in the graduation thesis English control data translation literature)_第5页
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《注塑成型模具设计工具毕业论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献(Injection molding mold design tool in the graduation thesis English control data translation literature)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《注塑成型模具设计工具毕业论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献(Injection molding mold design tool in the graduation thesis English control data translation literature)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、注塑成型模具设计工具毕业论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献Injection molding mold design tool in the graduation thesis English control data translation literature原文标智能模具设计工具的塑料注射成型的题加甘纳斯亚玛作Jagannath yammada达,特伦斯L钱泰伦斯L.室译名国籍美国伯斯和苏伦N德者素人,Dwivedi维韦迪原文出提交ASME / jdsmc特刊传感器处摘要注塑成型是一个生产热塑性塑料制品最流行的制造工艺,而模具设计是这个过程的一个重要方面。模具设计需要专业的知识、技能,最重要



4、1-1说明了那种进入每个模块的输入形式和用户输出形式。制造商的经验水平将决定如何有效地控制工艺参数。有时这就导致人为错误引起的不一致性。还有经验缺乏,时间、资源短缺和创新的空间不大的情况。通过创造所谓的智能模型的问题,工程学知识提供了一个可行的方案去解决所有这样用户输入形式模架设计制造用户输出形式语法分析程CAD模型本钱估计序图1-1组织工程的IKEM 2智能模具设计工具在它的根本形式中模具设计工具是一个从文本文件中提取输入的Visual Basic应用程序,这种文本文件包含关于零件和用户输入程序。该文本文件包含来自Pro/E的一个信息文件的零件的几何解析。输入是用来估测模具得尺寸和其它各种特

5、性。2.1文献回忆模具设计的是另一种注塑成型过程的阶段,有经验的工程师在很大程度上有助于自动化进程,提高其效率。这个问题需要注意的是深入研究设计模具的时间。通常情况下,当设计工程师设计模具时,他们会参阅表格和标准手册,这会消耗大量的时间。另外,在标准的CAD软件中需要大量的时间去考虑模具的建模组件。Different researchers have solved in different ways to shorten the time it takes to die design problems. Kelc and James use group technology to reduce

6、 the mold design time. A kind of tool for polymerization of injection molded parts unique encoding system and required in the injection mould has been developed, it can be applied to other product lines. A software system to implement encoding system has also been developed. Through the acquisition

7、of engineers in the field of knowledge and experience, try to direct the automation of the mold design process. The research and development of concurrent mold design system is such a process, trying to develop a process of injection mold design system in concurrent engineering environment. Their go

8、al is to develop a concurrent engineering practice is conducive to the development of mold process, and developed a knowledge as the basis for the design of injection mould design process problems and provide support to product requirements. For sure about the mold design process information and unc

9、ertain information through a variety of ways, researchers have been trying to make the mold design automation process. This study attempts to develop a mold design unique applications, access to information it is a certainty and uncertainty in two forms. 2.2 methods used for the development of intel

10、ligent mold design tool, the traditional mold design method in research. Mold cooperative application developers and engineers to design a specific design of plastic parts. In the meantime, adopted by the engineer to select the mold base is being closely observed and aspects of the screening process

11、, to determine the needs of his knowledge and experience. In addition, engineers will sometimes reference charts and manuals to standardize its selection process. This time-consuming process, later were also recorded in the application. This system according to the input and output of the applicatio

12、n is the next stage. This involves how to define what information about the mold layout is most in need of the user, but at least he is given the same input output. According to the collected in mold design information in the Convention followed by the engineer are transformed into if - then rules.

13、The decision table is used to account for all possible cases, they are put forward when dealing with a particular aspect of mould design in engineering. This is the formulation of rules, and are organized into modules interacting with each other, using the application development environment. Finall

14、y, the application is tested for its validity, when it comes to the mold design for plastic parts in industrial production. 2.3 select the appropriate frame normally involved for the manufacturing of plastic parts to choose the appropriate form are: (1) estimated the number of number of cavity cavit

15、y decision depends on the number of parts required in a certain period of time, like the plasticizing capacity of the machine cavity quantity reject rate will also affect the mold etc. the. (2) the insert and the size of inserts contribute to mold reuse, thus helping to reduce production costs. When

16、 it comes to the size and number of choices, make the decision depends on the existing block reuse and insert the new cost. (3) to determine the size and location of road watering road depending on the size of the molded material. Although there are other considerations of material properties to determine the size of the runner it conforms to its requirements for traffic. The wheel positioning depends on the topology of runners. Although the circular runner system is always the b



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