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1、全国研究生研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section IUse ofEnglisecos:ad the follointt. Cooe theet o(s)fo enmbered bl anmark A, B, C or D on ANSER SEET 1 (10 ponts)Thhuman noe ian uderraedol. umans aroen hght tobeinsesitiv smellers copard itimals, his islrly becaue, animas, we tand upgh This eatht rnoses re to percevinthoses

2、ll whichfloat hrugh air, thaort fmlswhic stick t urfaes.In fact, ,w arextrm eive smells, wedonotgnerll relizit Ournose re aabeo han smll vn when hes e t fr blowone prt in onemillion.tangey, somepplefind h they casmell oe tye fflowebut nt anhr, oter aresnsitve o theselo bth flwers. is may be ecase op

3、eople do othae thegees essary o eneratelprin teose. hesrcpors are hecellwhih sense sels nd sed o t bran. Hove, hasbeen fun that even people inensitive ta certin smll ca sddenl beoeensve t tot oft enoghT xplaatin for insensiti smell seems o be that e ain finds t to eeall sll eptr woking all the time

4、butcan n receptor ifneesary. This may exan why w re not uully sensitive o ouronmellswesimly dont need tobe. Wre notof th usal smell of ou on house,utwe new smels w wevist omeone elses. The ainfinds best o kep sll receptors frufiliard emergensinat smell of smoke, whih miht indcte th dangr of fire.1.A

5、 thougB aC bt(C)Dwhle. above unlikexcldg(B)D esid.A limdB cmmitedC deicated(A)Dcni4A cathiB inringC mssin() tackg.A nywyB though istad(B)D tefor6. en fB i nyCny (A)D as f7stshingB discovernC deermining(D) dtcting8. diledBdissoved dispersd() difused.A wheB sineC o(D)D hreas0A sualB prticaC niqu(B) ty

6、ical11 sgns timuliC mesages(C)D impu12.Aat fiB at lt arge(A)Dat times1.A subctdB lfC draw(D)D expse14.AinffctiveB incompetntC ineffiient(C)D isficint1.A nrodcB smmn rge(D)Dcat16A stilB aloC re() ertees17sureB ick aw(C)D tir1.olerate epelC negct()D noice1. availbeB iale ideal(A)D suitabe20Asimiar toB

7、 such asC alogwit()se romSectio IReadiCoeheninart Aiection:Rea te folowngrexts Anw the ueston elo eh text by choosing A, B,C o ark your swers on ANSWR SHE1 (40point)Txt 1Everyby lovs afat y ris. Yepleasure at ur owncan sh if y ean that a leaguehas ben ven abigeoneInded, if e has repuaion for slcking

8、,you mightee beoutraged Such ehaiou i regard as“all o human,” th the undrlyin assumton thathe animals wul notbe capble thfnel deoesene of rieance.Btast y arah rsnaand Frans Waa ofEmoyUniversy nAtant,Grgi,whihhas jusbenpublished iaure,suggesht it is al toomoy, s ell.Threehrstded thebehvioroffemale ro

9、wnapuin monky.hey loo cte. They ar gd-natur,co-operatiecreatrs,nd h hare their foodediy. Aov ll, like ther femal hmn unterarts,heyen topy muhcoserattntion t he value of “goosan service” ha maes.c charactrstics me them perft caidates for D sas and Dr de Ws suy. T seahers pttw as tahig heiokeys to cng

10、e tokens fr fod.Noma, th mneswerhapy eutxcha pis f rock fr slicesofucumber.Hoever, h two monkeys wre laced in epatbt adjoinn chambers,o hat ech could oerv wht theothewas engi eurn fr tsrock,the ehaviour cam markely difert.In teworld of apuhin, grapes ae luuy gods (amuchprrable toucmbes). o when oneo

11、ney wasandeda gra in exchangeorherken,he secodasluctant to handheroverfr are pce of cumbr. Ad ifoe receved grae wihouaving toprovid her ton i xcang a ll,he oherther tossed erow tokn at theresearher o out othehamber, or efusd toccep the sice o umberIneed,h mere resee of rape n th oher chaber (iot an actualmoney oet t) as oug to induceresetment in afema capuchinTe resecherssuggest tht cauchin monk



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