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1、初一英语Units1-3单元检测试题初一英语测试题题Units1-3一、 单词辨音,选出画线部分读音不同于其他三项的一项。 ade B. Japanese C. Kate D .Daleinese B. this C. in D .it ( ) 3.A.egg B. desk C. bed D. eraserank B .banana C. bag D .map ( )5. A. good B. afternoon C. ruler D. blue二、单项选择:将正确答案的标号填如题前的括号内。(20分)( ) 1.-What color is your pen? -_.A. Yes, its

2、 blue B.Yellow. C. Its a red. D. Yes, it is.( ) 2. -Good morning, Eric! -_.A. Hi, Frank! B. Morning! C. Good evening! D. Good night!( ) 3. -Red C. -_. A. Yes, it is. B. Im OK. C. OK. D. Its red.( ) 4. -Whats this? -Its _.A. a orange B. a pen C. an pen D. Key( ) 5. Is this _English book?A. / B. a C.

3、the D. an( ) 6.What is this? _.A. Its an S. B. Its a S. C. Its F. D. Its S.( ) 7. -Whats this _Chinese?(汉语) Its a diannao.A. on B. to C. in D. at( ) 8. Mary and Alice _ good friends.A. is B. are C. am D. /( ) 9.-Nice to meet you. _. A. Fine, thanks. B. Good morning! C. Nice to meet you, too. D. This

4、 is John.( ) 10.-What color is your clock? _.A. Blue. B. Yes, blue. C. Its a blue. D. The blue.( ) 11. -This is Eric. _.A. Bye. B.OK. C. Fine, thanks. D. Nice to meet you.( ) 13._orange is _orange.A. /;a B. /;an C. The;/ D. An; a( ) 14.-Whats this in English? _a clock.A. This is B. Its C. Thiss D. Y

5、es( ) 15.-Spell it, please. -_.A. Yes, P-E-N, pen. B. P-E-N, pen. C./pen/ D.PEN( ) 16. -_is it? -Its a red letter. A. Who B. What C. What color D. How( ) 17.This is a map in English.(对划线部分进行提问)A. Is this a map in English? B. Whats this?C. Whats this in English? D. What this in English?( ) 18.-Draw(画

6、) a TV, please. _.A. All right. B. Thats all right. C. Yes. D. Thanks.( ) 19.当别人对你说“Thank you.”时,你应该说_. A.OK. B. Im sorry. C. Thanks. D. Thats all right.( ) 20.The desk is brown. The chair is _, too. A. red B. yellow C. brown D. black三、补全对话:(10分)1、 A: Hello, Tom! B: _, Dale! A: What _ this _ English

7、? B: Its _ orange. A: _ it, please! B: O-R-A-N-G-E. A: Thank you. B: _.2. A: Good morning, Alice! B: _,Peter! A: What _ it? B: It is_(一件夹克衫). A: _ is it? B: It is red.四、连词成句:(10分)1、 is, a, it, key_2、 is, this, in, what, English_3、Frank, good, evening_4、 are, how, Bob, you_5、 OK, I, am, thanks_6、 see

8、, nice, you, to_7、 it, please, spell_8、 color, is, what, it_9、 an, is, orange, orange_10、 is, it, color, what, is, this, and,what_五、用a, an, the填空。(4分)1. Is this _ orange?2. Its _quilt.3. Its _ English book. (书)4. The word “black” has _”a” and _”k” in it.5. _ ruler is blue. 6. What color is _ jacket?

9、7. This is _ ID card.8. _ girl is her sister. (妹妹)六、用am, is, are 填空。(4分)1. What color _ your pen?2. You _ Han Mei.3. Bob and I _ good friends.(朋友) 4. What _ her name?5. It _ my map.6. I _ a boy.7. This _ his key.8.Alice and Helen _ in Room 4.七、写出下列缩写或含义。(15分)1、停车区_ 2. 激光唱片_ 3. 中央电视台_ 4. 英国广播公司_ 5. 中

10、号_ 6.全美篮球协会_7. 大号_ 8. 不明飞行物_ 9. 小号_ 10. UN _ 11. ID card _ 12. HB _13._ 14.BC _ 15.ABC_八、汉译英:(21分)1.黑白相间_2.一个橙色的桔子_3、用英语_4. 这是一把黄色的钥匙。_5.早上好! _6. 见到你很高兴。_7 晚上好!_8. 请拼写一下。_9. 这是什么?这是一把红色尺子。_ 10。它是什么颜色的?绿色的。_ 11.这个夹克是蓝色的。_12.把B涂成红黄相间的颜色。_13.你叫什么名字?_14. 下午好!_15.-你好吗?-好,谢谢。_ 16.你好,Bob!_17、她的名字叫Mary. _18、他叫什么名字?_他叫李明。_



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