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1、一般将来时与过去完毕时. 选择填空1. Li M said he_ppy fa_tChna next onth.A.as;come B.ws; wulcm .wldbe; ame D. will be;coe.eny saidse_herhlidy in Cna.A spet BudeC.was goin to spent would spend3. Wh did our son sa in e ette? H oldme that he _ the iney Wld te netda. wl visit B.hasiedC.is gino vist D.woudisit4. Ihoped T

2、ina_tm ithdayparty tme the nextWednesday. to oe B. i ominC. will cme .ws ing5. atheraid that h _me t Beijin extyerA. tk woul take ake .wll ak. We notsure heterhey _ ore vegetales.A. are gonro B.were gongo gro. will rD ave gron7 he _ to worhn hetelephe ran. i gong Bwil go. was about to go D. istgII.用

3、所给动词的合适形式填空1 iss Zhag aid she _(ist) th Grea Wall nextummer.She lhi that he _(not stay) her f lng.3. atsure whether uy_(ce) h nx yer.4 e sientistssi the worlsppulatin _ (slw) dwn in fre.5. he aid he bus_(eav) five thnetmonin.6. I asntsre whethrhe _(end) me hi bok the net morig. Hwas fifty-six.Intwoy

4、ears _(b)fif-ight.8. Wheneer he has time,she_(lp) tem in e work.单选。( ) 1. There _ a meetg omrwafternoon. . wil egong to B. wll going be C.is ging o be D.ill goo e( ) 2.hare_heenext th. A. int rkig B. oesnworkng C. istoing to workg D. onwork( ) 3. He _ vrybstswek, he _ free nxt ek. A. will e;is B.is;

5、 s C. wl be; il D. i; illbe( ) . There _ a dolphinshow th zoo tomooeveing. A. was B isong to have wllhae D is goingobe( ) 5. _ you _ free omorow? o. _ ree hdayftr tomorrow A.Ar; gngto; wil Ae; goin tob; wil C Ae;goingo; wile D. e; gong to e; wil ( ) . Mother_ e a niceprent next birhday. A. will gvs

6、B.wl ive C. gies D.give( ) 7. Shall Iuy a up ota or you? _ (不,不要。) o, you wo. B. o,u aren. C. No,plase dont. . N, plee.( ) 8. Were sth oni aer? I _it fr once. A.ge . am getti C.oget D.wll ge( )9. _ a concert ext Satuday? A.Thewil e B.Wil tere be .her can be D. Tee ae( )10. Iftey com, we _ a meet. .h

7、ave B. illhve . d D. w hve( ) 1. He_her aautil hat ohr ext birthday. A. gies B.av C. wil giving D. isgoi givin( )12. He _ t asson as hegesthere. Awries B a written C.ill wi D wote( ) He _in three ds. A. coin back B. camback C ill ce bck . is gonto cmig ack( ) 14. If it _ toorrow, well go rollerskatg

8、. A. snt ri B wonrin C. don rain D. doe ie( ) 15 Will hispaets go o see te Terra CotaWarrors tomorro? No, _ (不去). A the wil. B. hey won . hey art. D teont.( ) 16 o _w _ swmming withtomorowaftrnoon? A. will;g B. o;go C. i;in D. shall; ( )1. We_ tework sw nexttime A. d B. il o Coing to d D. wl doin( ) 18. Tomorrw _kie theope air first, an tn _oatig in th park. A.wll fly; will go .wl ly;gos . isgin o ly; ill oes D. flie; wll go( ) 1. The dyafter tmorhe _a volleybll mac. A. wil watchng B. watces C. i wachn D.isingto wath( ) 0.here _



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