2015届高考英语二轮复习 unit5 period 2同步精炼 新人教版必修2

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1、Unit 5 Music 规范训练(2) (人教版必修2,课标通用)(时间:45分钟).短语填空1_English,he speake French.2You should _my thoughts before you can start writing.3What a child should do,_, is to do well in his studies.4_, he is sometimes clever.5She has_her teaching.答案1.In addition to2.sort out3.above all4.In brief5devoted herself

2、to.单项填空1_, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.AAbove all BFirst of allCAt first DAfter all解析考查固定短语。句意:开头第一件事,他列出了一张所有禁吃的食物单。根据句意“首先”此处有顺序。答案B2Once a decision has been made, all of us should_it.Adirect to Bstick toClead to Drefer to解析考查动词短语。句意:决定一旦做出,我们所有的人都必须遵守。stick to 表

3、示“坚持 (计划、建议、原则、理论、语言、规则等,有执意不变的意思)”。 答案B3Ill make a_visit to Paris.Abelief Bchief Cbrief Dgeneral解析考查名词。句意:我将去巴黎作短时间的访问。make a brief tour“作简短的访问”。答案C4It was so disappointing last year, but now we are _ that well go up.Aconfident BfortunateCkeen Dcalm解析考查形容词。句意:去年太令人失望了,但是现在我们确信我们上升了。从语境推知对于上升是有把握的。答

4、案A5Was it from the lake _he often went fishing_he saved the drowning girl?Athat;that Bwhere;whereCwhere;that Dthat;where解析句意:他是在他经常钓鱼的那个湖里救了这个落水的女孩吗?此句中用了强调句型,强调了作地点状语的介词短语,lake后跟的是定语从句,且指地点,故用where引导;第二个空构成强调句型,用that引导。答案C6Shes looking at me _ she _ me, but Ive never seen her before in my life.Aas

5、if;knows Bas if;knewCas though;knows Deven if;knew解析考查连词。句意:她正在看着我,好像认识我(实际并非如此),可是我从没见过她。因此此处应该为虚拟语气,排除A、C两项;even if “即使”,不合题意。答案B7They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to_them.Aget familiar to Bget familiar withCget similar to Dget similar with解析考查动词短语。句意:他们太出名了,为了和他们接触,他们的追星族

6、组织了一个俱乐部。get familiar with“对熟悉”。答案B8_speaking, I think spiders are indeed disgusting.AHonestly BOfficiallyCObviously DFluently解析考查副词。事实上,我认为蜘蛛是贪婪的。根据语境说出蜘蛛习性,由此推知答案。答案A9The village I grew up _ was destroyed by the earthquake last year and is under construction now.Ain Bin itCin that Din which解析考查定语从

7、句。句意:我长大的那个村庄去年在地震中被毁坏了,并且现在在修建中。I grew up为定语从句,先行词the village与定语从句之间需要加介词in。答案A10They made friends with each other and formed a band in 1998, but then_ after a quarrel about its future.Abroke down Bbroke up Csplit away Ddeparted away解析考查动词短语。句意:他们成了朋友,并且在1998年组成了一个乐队,但是在后来的一次关于未来的争吵,之后解散了。breake up

8、“分散;瓦解”。 答案B11_two compositions to write, you have to work really hard this weekend.AWith BBesidesCAs for DBecause of解析考查介词。句意:由于有许多的作文要写,这个周末你真的不得不努力工作。此处为with名词不定式的复合结构。答案A12Fever is a_of many illnesses.So I suggest you take it seriously and see a doctor as soon as possible.Amessage Bsymptom Clabe

9、l Dclue解析本题前句句意:发烧是许多疾病的征兆(symptom)。答案B13English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of _ uses it somewhat differently.Awhich Bwhat Cthem Dthose解析考查“代词of关系代词”引导定语从句的用法。先行词是several diverse cultures,指物,故关系代词用which。答案A14His family dont like the secondhand car,_is very high.Athe price

10、 of which Bwhich priceCits price Dthe price of that解析考查定语从句the名词介词关系代词用法。句意:他的家庭不喜欢二手车,二手车的价格也是很贵的。the price of which符合句式要求。答案A15Why _you stay up so late since you know its bad for your health?Acan Bwould Cmight Dmust解析考查情态动词的用法。句意:既然你知道熬夜对你身体不好,为什么你偏偏还要熬那么晚呢?must在这里表示“偏要”。答案D.完成句子1_(最重要的), make sur

11、e you keep in touch.2She_(赢得经验)while working for the newspaper.3He_(岂止微笑);he laughed out.4You can _(指望)he will come.5_(对你说实话) , I dont agree with you.答案1.Above all2.earned experience3.more than smiled4rely upon it that5.To be honest with you.完形填空When NYU psychology professor Gary Marcus was a child,

12、 he loved music.Marcus, however was not musically_1_. He tried to learn to play the guitar, but_2_to master the simple tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”“I was so bad that my teacher_3_me to seek my fortunes elsewhere,” he said.Marcus eventually decided to _4_ music and take up a career in science. T

13、hree years ago while on_5_, his lifelong love of music reappeared._6_by the video game “Guitar Hero,” Marcus picked up a_7_for the first time.At first, nearly every aspect of playing the guitar was _8_for him. Though music theory came naturally, he noted that_9_the notes on the guitars fret(琴柱) boar

14、d was demanding of the human_10_.“Then theres an issue of shills for me_11_and a big issue of rhythm,” Marcus said.“I had to struggle quite a bit to be able to just play notes in time.”Marcus soon_12_that mastering the guitar would be a huge career.“In order to give it the attention it_13_, I had to really make it a part of my life,”he said.Marcus began_14_music knowledge to matc


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