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1、U 语法:冠词冠词分为不定冠词(, an),定冠词(the),和零冠词(/)I. 不定冠词的用法:a/1指一类人或事,相称于a kind oA pane isa mahine hat canfly.2第一次提及某人某物,非特指yis waiig or you3表达“每一”相称于every,onWe study igt hoursaday4表达“相似”相称于he same ae ey fanage.5用于人名前,表达不结识此人或与某名人有类似性质的人或事r. it meo visty nyuwere otTht boyisrther a Li eng6用于固定词组中A couple of, ai

2、, onupon ti, in ahurr, havea walk,an a tim7用于quit, rathr, many, half, wat, suh之后Thisroo irater big on.用于s(as,t, ho)形容词之后Sheis as clver girl a you can wisho metII. 定冠词的用法:the1表达某一类人或物The horsesausfu anial2用于世上独一无二的事物名词前t uivers, the mo, he acificcea3表达说话双方都理解的或上文提到过的人或事Would youmin opening hedoo? 4用于

3、乐器前面play hevioin,la th guitar5用于形容词和分词前表达一类人e eah, th liin, he wuned6表达“一家人”或“夫妇”thGreens,thang7用于序数词和形容词副词比较级最高档前He is th tallr f he to childre.用于国家党派等以及江河湖海,山川群岛的名词前th UniSates,thComnist Party ofChina,he rech9用于表达发明物的单数名词前Tecopas was nened in ina10在逢十的复数数词之前,指世纪的某个年代in he19011用于表达单位的名词前I hir he ca

4、 b th hour2用于方位名词,身体部位名词,及表达时间的词组前 pate eon the shoulderIII. 零冠词的用法:/1专有名词,物质名词,抽象名词,人名地名等名词前Beijing Univerity,ak, China,loe,ar2名词前有this,my, hose,some, o,ech, every等限制Iwt thibo, not taton / Whoe purse is hs?3季节,月份,星期,节假日,一日三餐前Mach, Sun,Natona Da, prn表达职位,身份,头衔的名词前Linon wa mad Preent f mrca5学科,语言,球类,

5、棋类名词前H likes lyn fotall/es.6与y连用表达交通工具的名词前by tan, byair, by lan7以an连接的两个相对的名词并用时usbandanwif,ie nd ork,day ndnht表达泛指的复数名词前Hors r usful anima.第一:各类冠词的用法:各类冠词的使用法则:1定冠词the:1) 不需要说出名字,说话双方彼此懂得的人,物。用the修饰名词单数.如:Th woman ovrhereismytherOpe he doo,plese.2) 上文提了一次,再重提一次的人,物.用t修饰名词单数.如:nal s on hetable, ndth

6、e aple is re.3) 熟记专属:1.1形容词,副词最高档,序数词如:She is te mos bifrl. S driveit te os as.Se is h scond.1.2乐器:piano,gutar,violin如:Playth inoPay theuitar.1.3独一无二的天体,山,河流:th sn,he moon,he univere,the rl;te Changjiag ive, t GrtWa如:he sun sh1.4方位:east,souh,es,north如:Thhuselesinthe es.1.5表达一类人,物如:Theold nee t yong

7、car alo.Therse is igter than the lphant.吃药 tk hmedicne对点练习:.he hnji River i _ longs river Cn.h ver i irst2He liesplayng _piano.3._Changang Reris longestre in hin.4. _sun es in _ east5. _eleht is muca than _ hor6The doctr tl himto tak _micine thr ties a ay2 不定冠词a/n1) 表达一种,等价于on,everyWe sudy Englih an

8、 hour y2) 第一次提的人,物,非特指范指一种.A grl is waiior you.3) 固定词组中 lt o,hav ood me, haeawalk对点练习:1. Ths is _ uul boo.Ivreaitfr _hour2. hereis _woman over there. _womanis emeis other3. Hav god te!3 零冠词1) 多种名字:国家,人名,抽象名词,物质名词 am in Cin.I amely.ov s but wopoe2) 打球p.Ply sketbal, pla volleybal3) 搭车 by.By bus, by ta

9、i4) 说语言 pe.peak Cinse, speak ngsh5) 身份,职务e mk him mnit.e make hm peiden.1. She is from America.2. Would u lkplayng bsebal.3. Heoftn ges t school by _ bike4. pea Chnse,lse!5. Weake he monitr.1) 注意如下冠词:a uniersa Euroeaoy auseul booa unifrn unlucy atan huan onst gi2) 球类运动不加冠词,乐器要加the,如:ply ootbll, payt

10、e pino3) 注意如下几组短语中的冠词:by bs& tke a bhavednner & ae a qick dnerwath TV & liste to the aio冠 词 专 项练 习在下列名词前填入a或an. mnth lic 3 Apple carnan knif 6 fride hspa ho 9 hou在下列词组前,填入a、an、或t9 piee o papr 1 Gret Wll11ea pineapple 12 od renof m aters13on rig 4 nie iday 15 ettr 1in yea 按规定填入he,不需要的填写“/”17ejngis ai

11、f Cina18 boys ofte play tabe teis after coolhey som play 19she cnt go to scholay. She tays i b2Februay is 2ndmoth yea.2usally he bred r lch 用a、an或h 填空.22 reis g in bx. egg is small.2Lok,thas od onkey.4Mary hs unifrm.Its range uifo.25Watsin bag ? Ter i erase.Its smll o6Sghai isin east of hin.选择对的的答案,并把编号填入括号内。()27Thers aple n the de



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