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1、国家技术创新项目Project of national technology innovation防跑制动器Anti-skid brake使用说明书Use instructions专利产品仿制必究专利号patent number:zl 01 2 17296.0通 州 市 意 达 港 口 机 械 有 限 公 司Tongzhou yida of port machinery limited company港口使用的门座起重机、桥吊等,在轨道上运行的起重机械,除了自身的安全保护系统以外,必须配备预防自然风力、对轨道式起重机械可能造成危害的应急安全保护装置。近年来,轨道式起重机械,由于没有安全有效的防

2、跑装置,而造成机毁人亡的恶性事故时有发生。Bridge crane, port crane, hoisting machinery in orbit,In addition to its own security protection system,Must be equipped with the prevention of natural wind,On the orbit type hoisting machinery may cause harm of emergency safety protection device.In recent years, rail mounted cr

3、ane, because there is no safe and effective anti running device, and the cause of malignant accident crash happens.大自然的风力对轨道式起重机械所造成的危害,可以分为两种情况:Harm nature wind on track hoisting machinery caused by,Can be divided into two types:一种是在气象预报情况下发生的强风,其风力强度虽然很大,但是管理人员可以根据气象预报,预先决定停产,在强风到达之前,采取多种防范措施,例如:加

4、固锚定,加防风拉绳等等,都是十分有效的方法。A occurred in weather forecast case winds, the wind strength though large,But managers can according to the weather forecast, pre production, in the wind before the arrival, adopt a variety of measures,For example: reinforcement anchoring, plus wind rope and so on, are very eff

5、ective method.另一种是没有得到气象预报、吊车在正常装卸作业过程中,突然遇到强劲阵风(即:瞬间突发强风,风向风力不定,随时随地都有发生的可能,很难预测),吊车司机集中精力注意装卸作业,不容易察觉,当吊车被风力吹动后,由于吊车上没有应急防跑制动装置,往往使操作人员措手不及,作业人员无法及时阻止受风力吹跑的吊车,而造成严重的后果.The other one is not to get in the normal loading and unloading process meteorological forecast, crane,Suddenly encountered strong

6、 gust of wind(i.e.: instant burst of strong winds, wind direction and wind power uncertainty, whenever and wherever possible is possible, it is difficult to predict),Crane driver focus on handling operation, not easy to detect,When the crane is wind blowing after,The crane is no emergency anti runni

7、ng brake device, often enable the operator to be taken by surprise, workers unable to stop by the crane wind run, resulting in serious consequences.为了使吊车司机能在驾驶室内,随时采取应急措施,及时 防止吊车跑动,避免发生事故,同时也为了在吊车不作业时,能有可靠的防跑制动装置。我厂根据港口装卸生产的特点,结合港口数十年技术设备管理和机械操作的实际经验,经过反复研究,成功地设计制造出结构简单、操作简便、节约能源、防风性能良好的轨道式起重机防跑制动器,

8、可以简便的安装在各种轨道式起重机械的行走机构上,能确保安全,为轨道式起重机械使用单位消除后顾之优。In order to make the crane driver in the cab, at any time to take emergency measures, to prevent the crane running, to avoid the accident, but also to the crane is not in operation, can run anti brake device reliability.I plant according to the charac

9、teristics of port production, together with the practical experience of port decades of technology equipment management and the mechanical operation, after repeated research, successfully designed has the advantages of simple structure, easy operation, saving energy, wind and good performance of the

10、 track crane anti-skid brake,To ensure the safety of.一、结构与操作Structure and operation为了使轨道式的门吊、桥吊等起重设备,在正常作业过程中或停止装卸作业后,能防止因风力作用吹跑,防跑装置是利用机械式铁鞋,自动锲入、自动拔出完成防跑制动与松开制动行走。其结构如图 1 所示。In order to make the rail type gantry crane, bridge crane hoisting equipment,Stop loading and unloading operations under nor

11、mal operation during or after,To prevent wind blown away,Anti running device is the use of mechanical iron shoes,Automatic cut in,Automatic drawingComplete the anti running brake and release the brake walking.As shown in Figure 1操作方法:Method of operation:1、自动松开Automatic release当吊车司机按下松鞋按钮(或在铁鞋被吊车压住而提

12、不起来时,按住晃动和行走按钮),防跑制动器上的电力液压推动器通电工作,推动驱动轴,带动连杆机构,把锲在行走轮与轨道间的铁鞋拔出,制动作用失效。When the crane driver presses the pine shoes button(or in the iron shoes were crane pressed can not lift up, hold sway and walking button),Anti electric hydraulic running brake push power,Push the drive shaft,To drive the connect

13、ing rod mechanism,The wedge on the wheel and rail between the iron shoe, brake failure.2、自动落鞋Automatically fall shoes吊车司机操作吊车行走停止或吊车司机在驾驶室内直接切断控制电源后,自动控制电路延时断电后,防跑制动器上的电力液压推动器推杆失去向上推力,防跑制动器铁鞋在传动连杆机构及其自身重量的作用下复位,铁鞋自动锲入吊车行走轮与轨道之间,因吊车被风吹动,吊车行走轮压在铁鞋上产生压力,形成铁鞋与轨道间的摩擦力,加上铁鞋底部的齿板受摩擦力的作用而固定吊车。Crane driver o

14、perates the crane travel stop or crane driver cut directly in the cab control power supply,Automatic control circuit delay after power failure,Anti electric hydraulic brake push rod run lose the upward thrust,Anti running brake shoe and the action of self weight reduction in the linkage mechanism,Sh

15、oe automatic cut in the crane travelling between the wheel and rail,Because of the crane by the wind,Crane wheel pressing pressure generated in the iron shoes,The toothed plate iron shoe bottom friction force and fixed crane.3、手动松开Manual release当防跑制动器发生故障时,或吊车电源被切断后,可以手动操作。操作人员用手动柄转动驱动轴,使电力液压推动器推杆上升

16、,由自锁装置锁住主转向块(或用手动销固定住连杆机构),铁鞋被拔出,不起制动作用。When the anti-skid brake failure,The power is turned off or the crane,You can manually.With the manual handle rotation operator drive shaft,The electric hydraulic thruster push up,The self-locking device lock the main steering blocks(or manually pinned linkage),Iron shoe is pulled out, does not play a braking effect.4、手动制动,hand br



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