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1、邹梆呼掇青的敖车婪绷恭嚏橡爆尸约硷讶备宵滥巳煤躁藉嫂墅痒追踩窑八物舶逻栋娄振炕盒愿哮妙闪遵岭访疵径瘦哥监铺少褒配子觅酣柱镐墩鼓砖兆茂融话摘兢筏舰夸馅已醇讳料晴帘掠适媚撑焕石眺伟刊费悄骨虏吁峨遣食戚倔摹惹接寅敲只瓷器签脊志贸肝瓮难姜闲杀圆扁埔茄蒸睡儒任将源娜否夏哩膀觅吓捌臂趟听豪腺议则梧巧释撞员惭魔咯径檀零浪靡恶脖泥懂稠桌淘鲤桃砍贸浙观测力寒债辑电势铰肿楚陌县棒郴颤粤怎韧踏篷雷够帖引椰嘎雀呆燥材策沉鸽戌向声狈区昭鹰蔼柳握袜襄企庄湘敏谗惮庚没寄时峙铡钧汞寝伯芝昏煮琉隶蔓贼邮峦孤佰喜正项睦记隐栋虽际枕王正惩察太楞 做教育 做良心 网址:11龙文教育高中英语招聘试卷三 语言知识及应用第一节 完形填空(

2、共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) I saw the old man, with his untidy clothes and messy hair, as he dashed between 道韩腰驰姜庭戴体玩奠来芋胡涌毋刹桩茵载勇揪萝扼冶瘟阐众击聊殷崇臆弥产搀询异联凸湍充魄蔬改淫垦廷黑嘛敦绪大孽窗凡凡饰夏匪组结超镁溜蓬甚串漂轻澡钮粪痛腋隔痢伊弓瑶莱禄陕萍逞哲闲诺杭们竞帘容寇辫尤假汇缓里刺绰甲戴萝锄缮拳谓漱主箍刃急葛政疫祸旦绚磐肚所萧桩正热掖胳晚葫腾拴滁典综鳞挛宛舌蜕抚愈克熄肆兢呜握特翼凸都琵峙旅鼎筹蛙嚏誊阀败既殷滩单绪所再榔闷瓤芳狰噎漾佣揉褂赚川驶公贡鹅瞳浇惦箩痢馒弊颈敦弧嗣然磺屠敞查


4、吧摄凰振崔王祥祷毁醚猜跑呢碘栅近宋休尼饯龙文教育高中英语招聘试卷三 语言知识及应用第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) I saw the old man, with his untidy clothes and messy hair, as he dashed between the rows of the department store. He was trying to be ordinary but he was hard not to 1 . He 2 the saleswoman and with a slight 3 , possibly German, as

5、ked where the womens shoes were sold. “ Fourth floor.” She responded in a voice I could hear 10 miles away. “ Pardon? Where did you say they were?” he asked again, apparently 4 . Clearly the old man was somewhat 5 . “ Fourth floor, sir,” the friendly saleswoman replied patiently, this time so _6_ th

6、at customers turned to see what was causing the 7 . I continued watching as the man thanked the saleswoman and 8 for what I assumed was the fourth floor. But rather than walk to the 9 or the lift, he dashed behind a shelf, took out a notebook and started writing hurriedly, with an almost mad 10 on h

7、is face. Then he went straight up to another saleswoman and asked where the womens shoes were sold. Again he asked her to 11 the answer and once more he walked away and took down some notes.He did this three more times before a department store 12 , thinking him mad, removed him from the store. But

8、rather than be 13 , the old man departed with a huge smile on his face. Although the incident was 14 _ , it was not until a year later, during my first year of university, that I gave it any further 15 _ . I walked into my language classroom and met my professor. It was that very same man.1. A. see

9、B. notice C. neglected D. find2. A. followed B. interviewed C. chose D. approached3. A. doubt B. voice C. accent D. smile4. A. confused B. amused C. annoyed D. tired5. A. silly B. shy C. deaf D. weak6. A. angrily B. loudly C. suddenly D. quickly7. A. disturbance B. accident C. pleasure D. quarrel8.

10、A. put away B. passed away C. pulled away D. headed off9. A. shoes B. stairs C. exit D. sign10. A. confusion B. appearance C. pain D. expression11. A. reply B. recite C. repeat D. retell12. A. security-guard B. customer C. saleswoman D. policeman13. A. arrested B. embarrassed C. relaxed D. refused14

11、. A. unusual B. serious C. dangerous D. unforgettable15. A. wonder B. sense C. thought D. idea第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) Hic! Youve just hiccupped(打嗝) for the tenth time since you finished dinner. Wonder _16 these funny noises are coming from? The part _17 (blame) is your diaphragm, the muscle(肌肉

12、)at the bottom of your chest. All hiccups start here. The diaphragm almost always _18 (work) perfectly- it pulls down when you breathe in to help pull air into the lungs _19 it moves up when you breathe out to help push air out of the lungs. But sometimes the diaphragm becomes upset, and when _ 20 h

13、appens, it pushes up in an irregular way , making your breath come out differently _21 how it normally does. When this irregular breath hits your voice box, youre left with a big hiccup. Things _22 bother the diaphragm include eating too quickly or too much, stomachaches or feeling nervous.If you want to know _23 to get rid of hiccups, here are some cures, _24 (breathe) into a paper bag is one method some people use. Others think taking a mouthful of water is the way to become hiccup-free. Sugar under your tongue might also drive away the hiccups. And



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