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1、介绍春节的英语作文篇在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都写过作文吧,写作文可以熬炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思索自己将来的方向。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是我细心整理的介绍春节的英语作文5篇,欢迎阅读与保藏。介绍春节的英语作文 篇 A wyer,a new start,whe I stan nhe edg of nwar,I cnt heltiking aboutmy planof nexyear. Jus a he old saying:“el began the half f h cces”So I die tha I shulbeatwork whl te other are til

2、reaxng ,and ten ,at th beginnin ,m quckrthanthe oter andof course I ill et tte esultthanthoers. ut ,at I ray ecide o hat mus make go o aytim an par though t s mpossie.Whil,wil dm bet lupwth w I havelned,nd e rsult wil rovit.介绍春节的英语作文篇2 TeSping estivl the most mporan festival in hinPep usualy decore

3、t doorsandindows ith r ppcusecouee mangd luckPeolesually cean us too.ecosehey wanto sweep aa b luk.Childrcan gt some e ohes or presef heir parents and adparnts.On Ne Years Ee,amiy alwayshebig diner.veybodyre wac TV an taIn the miniht,there ualyfarwoks.On New ers Dy,psually pt o thenewclte nd vt thir

4、 miyadfiends.Theyuall s Happy e Years D Te ringFesival finhs t he LntFesialfter two eekPeople usuallyat a kind o ric dupling caled unxo.Itcan take people goodlkll h year od.介绍春节的英语作文 篇 Te Spngetal vey imprant t Cinesepop. thpa,peple coud nt oftenveme,rcerther deliious food. The cld only a teseduring

5、 the Srin fstial. er ear they hopetat the Spig tival wud come soon ow, althoughpopes life mch btter,ndwe caneat tedlicos odeveyd Peoplstill like the festival. Bcue mos peoplcanhvea lngholiay,and e r fre o a trp vtou friends or hav tieswthur amly. n the ening, nhv a i ml te eaurant or tay athmewith f

6、aml an wch theV progams. I likete Spring Festival ery mu. ow ondrfl the Spring Festil !介绍春节的英语作文 篇4 The hapy sprngestival sprig ftia s on h irt ay of te fist lunar onth.hieseeople mst likee pring fetl.durngspring fetival,cinese ople ike having mealsth thei ailis,lyinfirewok in thopenaiysites andipye

7、fos n ht day.we had many fireworks.teyeeerybetiful.tey re rning into he ky ad breakingto iece.hey looed lkflowr he skye wre very appyn xcite.afr tat,i made awishi hopeat,we can hav ahappyd hlthy lie net yea an evryne in myfamily cabeappy joy h fstil very apy 春节,中国新年,是我们大家最重要的节日。全部的家庭成员都得到新大吃一顿。同时,大家

8、相互庆祝。大约十二点,一些家长和孩子们放鞭炮,天空是光明的。我们可以兴奋地看烟花! 在一年的第一个早晨,很多老年人早早起床,贴上颠倒的礼物,或在前门挂上对联。一些房子的窗户上贴上红纸。中国新年持续十五天。所以在这十五天里,我们总是登门探望我们的亲戚。那时,孩子们最欢乐,因为他们可以从父母、祖父母、叔叔、阿姨那里得到许多红包。春节的最终一天是另一个节日。它把元宵节命名为元宵节。所以中国新年就要到了。介绍春节的英语作文 篇5 Te Sping Fetiva, every fmly decoated,beamg. Tiyear Sprin Fstal, Ih particuarly iteretin

9、 Unti oa, I remmbr. I themrning,ur famiymae hate Mother putsu sring coplets n the door Greetse is Japan Korea ng reidet,and fyong eave. aid he famly hamony hpines. For e, I vtohep y mothe to stikf rd, erepostedohedoor. Mother hried stop me nd sad,f rd shouldbnegativ,is the e amonic, blessig to ur fm

10、iy. Ps drng the prn Festal uplets festive,te, auspiiusmeanng.Oce I litn to, urriedl (f word. Dad re arfullyrepared, ag the YiZhanhn red lantrns. In theeenng, its tie toeatdiner. Frgrancflled the ktchn; Ters bignner table, maethe person sa, muth water. Tableheris a fish, at men more thnvy year. The g

11、uestsav arrived, ldlysittn in rn ote ae, tst wi relish hefamilyreuon dnnr. m and adsming greting he gests. he wholfamily hpp, te hoeis ull ofapy tophereAftr the eal,gradmher to ae out ons package! Ou hue as asal aemnt, yunplaer av go te crictes, tere is dole redenvelopes. his year, I asontethreegod

12、tudnGrapa is assigedm twoedpaets. Ecorage me to y inthe e Yr, o tenextevel. ldren eivedaed enlope, brih smle on is fe. 8 in he veng,rwhoe faiy on time pened heT and w heSprig Festiva al . The meodious song, make people intoxcated; Te graceudance,make erson praise; Tewodrfulrutines, t mak peple laugh.eintemitentlaughter rppes n heivg rom ThisyeasSringsival, Iad a very meningul I oetht nxtar the Srng Fsal, I wl live better! 春节,家家户户都张灯结彩,喜气洋洋。今年的春节,我过得特殊有意思。直到今日,我还记忆犹新。 早晨,我们一家人忙开了。妈妈在大门上贴春联。映入我


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