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1、新译林英语六年级小升初知识点总结(全)1. 动词的过去式大多数动词_,以哑e结尾_,特殊的:catch do become eat bring get can read fly write go buy see make take bite let wake say am is are give put你还知道哪些过去式是特殊变化的动词么?_(可以以后补充)2.副词修饰动词(或形容词),形容词修饰名词。将下列形容词变副词:excited quiet good bad loud sad happy quick easy 形容词和副词同形的:fast (快的,快地)late(迟到的,迟地)earl

2、y hard3.如何区分exciting和excited _填空:an_ movie. He is _ today.4.be good at 意思_ 后接(1)名词或(2)动词ing 请翻译:他擅长英语。他擅长打篮球。_. _.5.wake up,pick up,try on,这三个词有什么共同特点,考试会怎么考? _6.like 动词ing 表示长期的爱好 (考试常考) to do 表示现在暂时喜欢做某事(了解)7.would like to do=want to do想要做某事 would like 缩写形式_would like sth.= want sth.想要某物 e.g. Woul

3、d you like some coffee?肯定回答是: Yes,Id love to.否定回答是: Sorry.填空:He likes_(run) on the road. Would you like _(come) here?8.with: 用 和 拥有e.g . The man caught the lion with a net. play with, chat with, live with, come with,I go there with my family. I like girls with long hair 9. let和make 是使役动词.他们后应接动词原型.e

4、.g. Let us(=Lets) go! He makes me do housework (了解另一用法:make sth.adj,如I make her happy)10.祈使句 (没有主语的请求对方做某事的句子)肯定式:(直接用动词原型)如:Stand up !Close the door! Be careful!Keep quiet!否定式:(直接在动词前加dont):Dont eat in the library!Dont be afraid 别害怕11.助动词do后面用动词原型、 1、He likes hamburgers.变否定:He _ _hamburgers.变疑问: _

5、he _ hamburgers? Yes, he _2、 I went swimming yesterday. 变否定 I _ _ swimming yesterday. 变疑问: _ you_ swimming yesterday? No, I _.14. keep sth.adj.(形容词) 保持某物某种状态 keepadj.= stayadj.(形容词) 保持某种状态 如: keep healthy / quiet/tidy stay healthy/clean/ 15.动词和介词后面如果用人称代词的话用宾格形式、如: He likes(动词)me(宾格).Dont play with(

6、介词)her(宾格). 16. 主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。(会背会用) 主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格形容物代名词物代 形容词性物主代词名词=名词性物主代词 17. 时间介词 at/on/in in:年;季节;月;一天中的早中晚 如:in 1964 ;in summer; in December; in the morning/afternoon/evening on:日期;星期;具体某一天的早中晚/带day on 24th July, on Sunday, on a winter evening, on a Monday morning at:钟表时刻;

7、不带day的节日;夜里,中午 如: at half past ten, at 8o clock, at Christmas/Chinese New Year/ Spring Festival/Dragon Boat Festival/Halloween/Easter/Mid-autumn Festival/Qingming Festivalat noon/at night 18.sleep和sleepy sleepy: 困倦的 feel sleepy sleep:n.睡觉 v.睡觉 e.gI need a sleep. /You should have a sleep I want to sl

8、eep 19. too和also._ _放于句末,_放于句中。填空: He likes Maths. I like it,_.He likes Maths. I _like it. 20.a little/a few/many/much/some/a lot of a lot of=_后接_ many后接_much后接_some后接_a little后接_a lew后接_21.可数名词/不可数名 不可数名词前面不能用数词(1,2,3),它没有复数形式,它都包含哪些词? 可数名词前面可以用数词,有复数形式,怎么变复数? 以y结尾的有两种 以O结尾的有两种22.health和healthy 对比

9、safety、 safe 和 safely对比 23.some和any Some用于_, any 用于_. 但是当_, _我们用some. 填空: There isnt _ food in the fridge. Can I have _ grapes? Are there _ apples on the tree?24.too much 和too many 什么意思?_如何区分_25. have.for breakfast/lunch/dinner 写作文神句!一定要会用26.量化不可数名词或可数名词 数词量词不可数名词单数(如果数词大于1,那么量词用复数) two bottles of j

10、uice,a bag of rice 数词量词可数名词复数 a basket of apples,two plates of vegetables27.help(to)do 或help sb、 I help my mother(to)do housework./I help him. 28.情态动词can.must.shouldV原 can应该,可以;也表示能力 cant 不能 /mustnt 必须 ; mustnt 一定不要,千万别/should应该;shouldnt不应该.变一般疑问句:He can swim. _? You must go to see the doctor._? 29.

11、there be.某地存在某物 there is可数名词单数/不可数名词 there are可数名词复数 There _ a lot of fruit on the table. There_ some drinks at the party. have 人拥有 (注意它的三单) I have a lot of apples/ He has a little dog.30.look for/ look after/ look out/ look at 对比.意思分别是_31.look for/ find/ find out 对比。如何区分?_类似的,look/see, listen/hear区分方法_32.look/read/watch/see对比_33.say/talk/speak/tell对比_34.复习一般过去式,一般现在时,现在进行时和一般将来时。从标志,句子结构入手。一般现在一般过去现在进行一般将来时间标志句子结构主语是三单:主语+_+其他主语+动词的过去式+其他主语+be+Ving主语+will/be going to+V原主语不是三单主语+_+其他如何变否定和疑问主语三单否否否否疑:非三单否疑疑疑疑35.展示/给/带来/发送/买show sb.st



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