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1、授课题目: Colegehe ade to Success?授学时间:第_周 第_周授课类型:理论课授学时数:4教学目的:e inishng thiuni,stdet wil beble to:1. To alkout the ignificanc of hmanitie;2. Gt dper inightsnto the text;3. Make reaiv ue of wrds, phraseandsenncepaterns;4. Tomaster the esy writing skil: ocuson a ataedisadvanage;5. ord with he skl “read

2、ingfo a details”.教学重点和难点:1. o urther ndstan te text;2. Topply ewors, prases senece pterns;3. To read wit theski “readgfomajo tail”;4. Towrite anesy with hekil “focus on an dvanaedisadvantage”.教学措施和手段:Various kinds of teachg ethodsareused:1. echig inclass.Epaintheprofond teoretclkowedg inlas;2. Cs st

3、uy.Provide se study ngtahn, and akethe tudents todcuss abou the case;3. Bilngua an flEnglish teacig;4. pplyig odrn mulimi teacing tnogies;5. akig advantaeo undant network teching reorcs 教学内容和过程:StoA The humniies: Out o da?Stp Oe Warin-upActivties 30 iutsI. Lead-i:scus e flingqestions:1. d yu think o

4、f you cunt majo? I ou we gva seco chace tocoose ou ajor, what woud youselect ad why? weegiven secondhanceto chooe y major, I woudchoose/ thnk ig is acouing, computer scince, pshology, cvl nginering,philoopy, edil techology ppular, ineresng,enjyble, promis, praa, meninful,beecal, ell-pai . Wat lbr ar

5、ts/umites ourse d o lern in colege? Do you thnk hyrenecessary r your ectin? I learnChinese, Enlih,hloohy,pscolog, histr in cleg I think thyare an esenti par of th college educin d bnef ea lot. ain more insht lie nd sety better unestan ndrdicthman behvio relizedifrentnterpratio of lfandhistor undesta

6、d theast whihhas reatdtheresent be awae o ultural adreligious iffernsII. Cuturackround1. ht ae thuantis? he humatiesa gro ofacaemic discilinethatstuythehuma ondio, using mtds tat ar primarily analical, criticl, or seculativ.Therefre, tyare dstingusd fom he aproaches ofnatrl ciences. Thehumaniis, cal

7、le social sciences,nluisry,anthroploy,comuiatio studies, cultal st, law, liguistics, ec. 2. Wy re te humnitis imprtat?Thg eplrtn o th humanis, tuetslearn how to tnkcratie and riticaly, to eas, and toa queins. Becauethese skill allow stents togain ewinsghs in vryting from pety and paintng t usiness d

8、els ndoitic, anii subjet hve bee t te hart of a libl artsucation. Toa, umiti knowledg conius o povide theideal fouati fr explorng and derstandn he humanexprence.StTw Tx Study 80 minutsI. nteractiverading o t tet1. Reang cmprenion1) Why do man udens calculae tey antmjoi Englih orisory?2) Wy dos thaut

9、hr sayht a clleedutini more and more se a a ean for economic betterment rathe thaneansfr umn betermen?3) o oounderstand “These day, labr more vivid nd cmpellng ta librais”(ra. 3)?4) Why des theauthr say tate ie spect ofour beig as aptued ouimaintion fromthe y binn?5) Acodi tohe atr, ar the advantags

10、 o tudying te huanit?6) What r“ell-round humning”(Para )accordingo h auto?. Stuture of the extPart1 (Pra, ) Inroctiooirovtheir fuure cane of finding jo, llege tdets are owmoving ay from teumanitiesand tin ccounig o soe “hardskil”corses. Tehumaniesil cntiue t inbdspe du to the comc downturn. Nverless

11、, the hmnitie can rg truevlue eoe lves,an basisf tdy of th humantis s forme by inne pwer ta ha dinhum eingsto eithretnss desrcio.Pr 2(Para. 69) Boy: Whyth humniies?hspa peses te authorsagumentto tand up for the true aue hthe huanite ing to opls lives.ar3 (Pra10) oncluding parThe humanieltocreat hua

12、eins with init ndndstandin of the paion, hopes anreamscomont llumany. Te huaies wi never beout of at. They ae as efud releantn ourmodrnage as hey hae alwaysben3 Summary of teTextRetel ttextccorigtohe ollwing ips.1)(art I)Whenth jo market osen, mny tuents calcu . Probaby, te humanes illcontinu Once , thhumanis no 2)(Part II) Here, plase allowme to t



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