九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 1-2随堂基础同步练习 (新版)冀教版

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《九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 1-2随堂基础同步练习 (新版)冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 1-2随堂基础同步练习 (新版)冀教版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、九年级全册Unit1 Lesson1-2 随堂基础同步练习一、单选题1. Hismother_terribleyesterdayButsheisfeeling_nowA. fell;wellB. fell;betterC. felt;wellD. felt;better2. Herfriend_inawhiteskirtyesterdayA. woreB. dressedC. waswearingD. wasdressed3. Idontregret_herwhatIthoughtA. totellB. tellingC. talkingD. totalk4. Thelittlebabyiss

2、leepingDont_A. wakeuphimB. wakehimupC. towakeuphimD. towakehimup5. -MustIfinishmyhomeworkatonce,Mum?-No,you_A. mustntB. needntC. shouldntD. maynot6. Davidhasatoothache,so_A. heshouldgotobedB. heshouldeateverythingfor24hoursC. heshouldseeadentistD. heshouldliedownandhavearest7. Whydidthepatientrefuse

3、_themedicine?A. totakeB. takingC. tookD. take8. MyEnglishteacherisayoung_A. FranceB. AmericaC. GermanyD. German9. Hehasnochoicebut_thedifficultyA. faceB. facingC. tofaceD. faced10. Jacklikesreadinganewspaper_heishavingbreakfastA. andB. whileC. becauseD. until二、单词造句11. now,how,he,feeling,is_?12. hosp

4、ital,he,go,should,the,to_13. dressed,got,and,out,LiMing,went_14. drawing,saw,boy,in,he,the,next,the,room_15. mother,she,look,needs,after,her,to_16. was,how,I,scared_!17. fixed,my,tooth,was,aching_18. kind,like,music,do,of,you,what_?19. toothache,he,woke,a,with,terrible,up_20. an,mum,saying,told,old,

5、German,me_三、选词填空regret,fever,pale,pain,take an X-ray1. My grandma had a high _ last nightShe was taken to the hospital2. Danny has a _ in his stomach3. Lily looks _ She must be ill4. -My head hurtsDoctor -You need to _ 5. Sandra _that she cannot come四、单词拼写-单句1. P_,couldyouspeakslowly?Ididnthearyoucl

6、early2. Hewillhaveamath e_nextweek3. HerfriendinvitedhertothepartyButshe r_him4. DavidlikestoeatcandiesNowheshadat_allday5. TheoldmanfelloffthebikeBut f_hedidnthurt6. These G_comefromGermany五、完成句子1. 我的头从未这么疼过Myhead_thismuchbefore2. 妈妈,请你在5点钟叫醒我Mum,please_atfiveoclock3. 如果你感觉身体不适,你该怎么办?Ifyou_,whatsho

7、uldyoudo?4. 她害怕去看牙医Sheis_tothedentist5. 他认为我的一颗牙齿可能已经坏了Hethoughtoneofmy_probably_6. 我除了和她一块去别无选择Ihad_togowithher7. 在牙医办公室有许多穿着奇怪衣服的人Therearemanypeople_strangeclothing8. 医生告诉我,你没必要害怕Thedentisttoldme,You_afraid9. 这个男孩发烧,他父亲把他送去了医院Theboy_Hisfathersenthimtothehospital答案一、1. C2. D3. B4. B5. B6. C7. A8. D

8、9. C10. B二、11. How is he feeling now12. He should go to the hospital13. Li Ming got dressed and went out14. He saw the boy drawing in the next room15. She needs to look after her mother16. How scared I was17. My aching tooth was fixed18. What kind of music do you like19. He woke up with a terrible t

9、oothache20. Mum told me an old German saying三、1. fever2. pain3. pale4. take an X-ray5. regrets四、1. Pardon me2. exam3. refused4. toothache5. fortunately6. Germans五、1. has never pained2. wake me up3. dont feel well4. afraid to go5. teeth was;rotten6. no choice but7. dressed in8. neednt be9. had a fever3



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