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1、考研英语阅读暑期集训(12)考研英语阅读暑期集训(2)Tepas ages of an have allbeen caefullylabeled b athopogsts Dsripions lik laeoliicMan, Nlithc Ma, ec., neatly sum up wholeprids.Wn the tim coms fornroooist t un heir tentin to the eniet century, y illsrel chooe the ae LeglsMn。 Histors the timewilgosmethig l tis:inth tenieth

2、centr, people frgot how use ei legs.Men and women moebout in cars, bus an rans fromery ealy .Ter er liftsand escltors inll lar buildi preve pple fowakng. This sitton wasforceduponart dwllrsof time becase f thir etraordinaryway f ie Thi tuaionwas fced uponarth dwelles o thtme becaus of ter extraordia

3、ry ay of le. Itoseays, peole hought notingfraveling hudredsofmles each d Bt he urprsin tingis hat the dint ue thei legeven whe theywent n hoda. The built cblerailway, ski-lifts road othe tpof ever he ouni. Al th beauty spot n eat wremarred byte presne ofargear parks he ture hitobook migh as recod th

4、atwe wredprived f thee f oryes.nour hrr t gt from on place toother,we faild tosee aythin onte way irtrave gves you a birds-e vw f wrl oreven lss f te win of he aircra appens to get n your y. Whey tavly ar r trn ablurred imageof te conrsde costantly sears e winows.Car drvers, inparticlr, r frrobsesed

5、 wthteure go onand on: they neve want to to. Is itthe lure f h great motrays,r wha?Ad s for satl,ihdly deerve menti.It is perfctlysumeui twods f he ld sn:Ijonte nay to see world, an wha idIsee?I w the e.he typia teh-cntry reers hema ho alway ays Ive een hre. Yoenin he remots, mos evoatv place-nams t

6、hewrd like Dod,Kbul,rkusk dsoeonei bundto ay Ive e here eanin, rv through i at 100mls a hourontha to someheeee When yo tavel at high speds, te present eans nig: o live maily inte futebecaus ou sdost yourtime ooing orwaro riving at some teplac.But actualarival, when i isahieed, i eaigess. ou wan to m

7、ove n gin Bytvelinlike this,you supd all expeience; the preseceas t be arality:you igt just wel e. Th tavl on foot, othe ote and,ivs constntly in he present. Forhim trveln an rrivare one anhesae ting: he arrvomewhere witheyephe make. He xperiences he resent moent ith eyes, h s a the ole of hs bdy. t

8、 teeof i jouey he eels a delicous ysicl werins e nowsthat nd. fyinslep wllbe his:jutrrf altrue travellers. 1、Anhpoitslabel oway mnLeglssbue A ope frge h t use his legs. B people prefe ars, buses an iC liftandcl revntpeople fo walkin. tereae lo oftrasporatidevies.2、Tvelling atighspedmeas A peoples oc

9、s o tfuture B plasre. saisfying rivers gre rill. D aneesit o le.3、W ds the athor ay we ae deprivofthe useof our eyes?A p wontus hei es. Bn trvlig t ih sped, ees become usees. CPeople cant see anyting n hs ay ofavel. Pole wnttsepduring traveling. 4、Wha is the urpose o the uhor ritng h pasage?A es bec

10、me weake. B Modern means of taportation me he wd a allplace. CThe s no nedtsyes. Theestwy o trael is o foo. . What oes a birs-ee iemen? A See iew witbirds eyes B A bird looks at abeautifulvie. It isa geeral vi rom a hgh positn lookigdown.DA scei place.VOABURY1.Paaeolihc 旧石器时代的 2.Nelithi 新石器时代的 3esca

11、latr 自动电梯,自动扶梯4.skilift 载送滑雪者上坡的装置 .mar 损坏,毁坏 .br 模糊不清,朦胧 7.smear涂,弄脏,弄模糊(尤指画面、轮廓等).evoative 引起回忆的,唤起感情的.l Dorado(由当时西班牙征服者想象中的南美洲)黄金国,宝山,富庶之乡 10.abul 喀布尔(阿富汗首都)11Iruts 伊尔库茨克(原苏联亚洲都市)难句译注与答案详解The nly ay to trave s oot 旅游的唯一措施是走路难句译注 1Airalgie ou a birds-ey iewofte wl or ve ifh wi the ircrafhappens t

12、o et i yu way. 【参照译文】飞机旅行,你只可俯视世界如果机翼碰巧挡住了你的视线,就看得更少了。2hen youtelycaror ran a lurr imae of the countysidotantly mears the widows. 【参照译文】如果乘车或火车旅行,郊外模糊朦胧的景象不断地掠过窗口。 写作措施与文章大意 文章以因果写作措施,写出了由于种种现代化交通设施、人们不需用脚走路,甚至也不需要用眼看景,出门就坐汽车、公交车、地铁、飞机,车、机速度飞快,外边的景物难以看清,最后导致人们忘掉用脚、用眼成为“无脚之人”。一切都经历不到。作者建议最佳的旅游措施是徒步经历现实。 答案详解 .A 人们忘了用脚。答案在第一段:人类学家把以往年代的人们分别标上旧石器时代、新石器时代人,等等。干脆利落地总结了一种时期。当她们转向2世纪,她们肯定



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