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1、原版英语儿童诗歌朗诵原版英语儿童诗歌朗诵无论诗歌、文章还是影视,通过原汁原味的语言呈现的文学才最能表现出作品的精髓。那么有哪些关于比较好的原版英语儿童诗歌朗诵?下面是阳光网我给大家整理的原版英语儿童诗歌朗诵,供大家参阅!原版英语儿童诗歌朗诵(一)你的心事我恒久不懂When a guy is quiet, he's listening to you.当男人宁静的时候,他在仔细听你说话。When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running in her mind.当女人宁静的时候,会有多数个念头在她脑中闪过。When a guy star

2、es at you, he thinks you are the most beautiful thing in the world.当男人盯着你看时,他认为你是世界上最美的。When a girl stares at you, she's wondering why you are lying.当女人盯着你看时,她在想你为什么要骗她。When you are laying your head on a guy's chest, he has the world.当你把头靠在男人的胸膛上时,他就拥有了全世界。When a girl lays on your chest, she

3、 is wishing for you to be hers forever.当女人把头靠在你的胸膛上时,她希望你能恒久属于她。When a guy calls you everyday, he is in love.当男人每天都给你打电话时,他爱上你了。When a girl calls you everyday, she is seeking for your attention.当女人每天都给你打电话时,她在寻求你的留意。When a guy says i miss you, he misses you more than you could have missed him.当男人说我想

4、你时,他想你比你想他要多。When a girl syas i miss you, no one in this world can miss you more than that.当女人说我想你时,在这世上没有人比她更想你了。When a guy is in love and says i love you, he means it.当男人坠入爱河说我爱你时,他是真的爱你。When a girl is in love and says i love you, she means it.当女人坠入爱河说我爱你时,她是真的爱你。原版英语儿童诗歌朗诵(二)一棵开花的树A Blooming Tree

5、A Blooming Tree一棵开花的树May Buddha let us meet如何让你遇见我in my most beautiful hours,在我最漂亮的时刻I have prayed for it为这for five hundred years.我已在佛前 求了五百年Buddha made me a tree求它让我们结一段尘缘by the path you may take,佛于是把我化做一棵树In full blossoms I'm waiting in the sun长在你必经的路旁every flower carrying my previous hope.阳光下

6、慎重地开满了花As you are near, listen carefully朵朵都是我前世的盼望the quivering leaves are my waiting zeal,当你走近 请你细听As you pass by the tree那颤抖的叶是我等待的热忱without noticing me,而当你最终无视地走过My friend, upon the ground behind you在你身后落了一地的is not the fallen petals but my withered heart.挚友啊那不是花瓣是我凋零的心原版英语儿童诗歌朗诵(三)你是人间四月天I Compar

7、e You to Lovely April Days作者:林徽因我说你是人间的四月天,I compare you, my beloved, to lovely April days.笑音点亮了四面风,轻灵When your giggling charm enlightens the breezes astray.在春的光艳中交舞着变。Rising lightness be your dancing shapes,tiptoeing the gorgeous spring rays.你是四月早天里的云烟,You are my early April cloud;黄昏吹着风的软,星子在Eventi

8、de softness where winds linger in steps proud.无意中闪,细雨点洒在花前。Starry sparkles, a careless note,Modest raindrops over the blooms in a whisper silently loud.那轻,那娉婷,你是,鲜妍Lightness, fairness, and freshness are your floral crest,百花的冠冕你戴着,你是Naive grandness is the embrace of your chest天真,庄重,你是夜夜的月圆。You, every

9、 touch of a round moon holding my breath.雪化后那片鹅黄,你像;簇新Yellowish green is your budding blade,初放芽的绿,你是;柔嫩喜悦When the wintry snow fades;水光浮动着你梦期盼中白莲。Tender rejoicing be your dreamy lilies in the rippling parade.你是一树一树的花开,是燕Your are trees heavy with flowers merry and gay;在梁间呢喃,你是爱,是暖Like keen swallows, under every roof, you gently chatter away,是希望,你是人间的四月天!In thy name of love and warm hopes, you are a lovely April day!本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页



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