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1、一、时态1、一般现在时 do/is 真理经常I (do) work everyday.-否:I dont work everyday. 疑:Do you work everyday?2、一般过去时 did/was I worked yesterday.-否:I didnt work yesterday. 疑:Did you work yesterday?3、一般将来时 will(承诺,会实现) Will you marry me? Yes,I do(I will). be going to do (计划,个人打算,不一定会实现) Im going to London. be about to

2、do (即刻,无时间状语) The boy is about to cry.男孩马上快要哭出来了。 关键词: in three days/months/yearstime(三天/月/年后)4、现在进行时 is doing (now; at this moment; Look! .)I am having class now.-否:I am not having class now.5、过去进行时 was doing (this moment yesterday; from 7 to 9 last Friday)6、现在完成时 has/have done sth. 关键词:since/for(s

3、ince + 时间点;for + 时间段)I have lived in SH since 2010.I have lived in SH for three years.alreadyyet(否、疑);just;evernever(否、疑);*in(/during) the past(/last) .years(/months) (在过去的.年里)*twice;the first time(次数)7、过去完成时、将来完成时 had done/will have done had done have done will have done -| -| -| Pase now future by

4、 the end of last year (去年为止)过去完成时 by the end of this year (今年为止)将来完成时 by now = so far =up to now (现在为止)现在完成时by 都是完成时,具体是什么完成时,看后面跟的具体时间I will have lived for 2014.I had lived for 2011.I have lived for ten years.When I got(get) home, my son had left(leave) for school.(当我到家时,我的儿子已经离开去上学了。)儿子离开是过去的过去,用过

5、去完成时。Before I left home,I had my lunch. ()had-had had(我离开家前,我在吃午饭。)吃午饭是过去的过去,用过去完成时When I got home,he had lunch. ()had-had had(当我到家时,他在吃午饭。)It was the first time that I had lived (live) in a hotel.(那是我第一次住旅馆。)It is the first time that I have lived(live) in a hotel.I will have lived(live)in this city

6、 for three years when you grow(grow) up into a man.(等你长大成人时我住在这个城市也将3年)(主将从现,不管什么将来时)will grow ()8、被动态主谓宾主:The doctorseesme被:Ibe done(过去分词)by sbIam seenby the doctor被动态 done(过去分词,永远不变),时态是通过前面的be变化 一般现在:am/is/are seen 一般过去:was/were seen 一般将来:will be seen 现在进行:am/is/are being seen 过去进行:was/were being

7、 seen 现在完成:has/have been seen 过去完成:had been seen 将来完成:will has/have be seen 带有情态动词的(可以、能够):can be seen 过去常常:used to be seenEg:判断被动态 have been seeing(现在完成进行时的主动态) have seen(现在完成时的主动态) have been seen(现在完成时的被动态)* 连+句=从句(有且仅有一个主句,不能无主句,从句可无数)谓=连+1(do,done,to do 非谓语)I go there to buy a coat. (to buy非谓语)W

8、hen I saw him yesterday, I smiled at him. - Seeing him, I smiled at him. did + was doing(在过去持续性动作时,意外短暂动作发生)When I was watching TV, the phone rang.When I was skiing(ski) in the winter, I broke(break) my leg. will do(主句) + do(从句) 主将从现(用在if条件从句;when/while时间状语从句)I will go (go) there by myself, if it do

9、esnt rain (not rain) tomorrow.I like it. I love you.(感官、情感、思维等通常不用于进行时。P4) I am rude.(我粗鲁) I am being rude.(be动词的进行时。我就是粗鲁) I am loving it. (麦当劳广告语:我就是喜欢)描述发展趋势(增减、涨跌)P34增:increase = go up = rise减:decrease = go down = fall = dropThe petrol price has decreased in the last two weeks.(石油价格在过去两周下降了。)The

10、 petrol price has decreased by 1% in the last two weeks.( .下降了1%。)The petrol price has decreased to 8.00 yuan per Litre in the last two weeks.( .下降到8元/升。)The petrol price has decreased from 8.20 yuan to 8.00 yuan per Litre in the last two weeks.( .从8.2元下降到8元/升。)The number of students has risen by 10

11、0 in the last three years. (在过去三年里,学生的数量增长了100人。)频率副词always usually often sometimes一直 通常 经常 有时定语从句关系代词物that有不定代词sth./anything This is sth. that I want to tell you.有最高级This is the best novel that I have seen.人 + 物which介 + which = when/whereI like Oct. 1st on which I can have a rest.非限定信定语从句(,which)翻译

12、成“这”My father told me off, which is intere-sting.父亲责怪我,这很有意思。人who/whose所属格whose定语从句转换(关系代词的使用,要看 重复部分在从句中的成分)1)I dont like novels.GJM wrote novels at the age of 20.I dont like novels which GJM wrote at the age of 20.(我不喜欢郭敬明在他20岁时写的小说。)2)Do you know the man?The man is talking to my father under the

13、tree.Do you know the man who is talking to my father under the tree?(你知道那个在树下与我父亲谈话的人是谁吗?)3)I like the rooms.The rooms windows face south.I like the rooms whose windows face south. (我喜欢窗户朝南的房间。)4)I like making friends.My friends job is a doctor.I like making friends whose job is a doctor. (我喜欢结交医生做朋

14、友。)关系副词(状语,有介词)时间when地点where原因why1)I like Oct. 1st .I can have a rest on Oct. 1st .I like Oct. 1st on which I can have a rest.I like Oct. 1st when I can have a rest.(我喜欢能休息的十月一日。on which = when)2)I will visit the city.I have ever worked in the city.I will visit the city in which I have ever worked.I will visit the city where I have ever worked. (我要去参观我曾经工作过的城市。in which = where)3)I will visit the city.I like visit the city better than any other place.I will visit the city which I like visit better than any other place.



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