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1、中考英语词汇句子练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、默写下列短语。1.参加 take 2.照相take 3.冒险take 4.参观;旅游 take 5.发生;举行 take 6.讲述 about7.学习;了解 about 8.怎么样 about9.考虑 about10.了解 about二、根据句意并结合汉语或首字母提示写单词。1.Its raining hard.Youd better take an u with you.2.- Tim, how often do you visit your grandparents?-0 a week.I really enjoy staying with

2、them.3.How c the boy is! He can work out the problem easily.4.Excuse me, could you please take me to the a ?I want totake the plane to Nanjing.5.Who ran f in the school race just now,Bob,Mike or John?6.There are lots of (规则) in our school and all of us should follow them.7.We help the farmers near o

3、ur school to pick (西红柿) every year.8.There is a pay phone (在.的后面)the library.9.Miss Zhang 订购)a dress online two weeks ago, but it hasnt arrived yet.10.I think health is a kind of (财富).三、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.Amy is my best friend.Shes always there to be a good (listen).2.The Shenzhou-15manned spaceship h

4、as returned to the earth (success).We are proud of our country.3.The flight ( cancel) because of the bad weather last week.4.For Chinese people, it is a (traditional) to get together with their families during the Spring Festival.5.Lucy is organized and her room always looks (tidy) than mine.四、用方框内所

5、给词的适当形式填空。long depend on at the end of put up pay attention to1.Fresh water is important.Life on the earth it.2.The Yellow River is Chinas second river after the Yangtze River.3.The exchange students from Australia will arrive June.4.Simon always stays up late.Doctor Ma advises him his health.5.Thes

6、e volunteers the tent already.Lets say thanks to them.五、单项选择。1. Yueyang is one of the top 10 most beautiful inChina this year.A.capitalsB.citiesC.countries2.(绥化中考)- What are ,do you know? - I think they are smart watches.A.it B.thisC.those3. ChatGPT is one of applications these days.A.hotB.hotterC.t

7、he hottest4. -What abilities should a dog trainer have?- I think he should be responsible and never .A.give awayB.give out C.give back D.give up5. -Whos the little girl in the photo?-Its me.The photo when I was five years old.A.tookB.was takenC.is taken六、翻译句子。1.中国科学家屠呦呦发现了一种治疗疟疾的有效药物。Tu Youyou is th

8、e Chinese scientist an effective drug against malaria.2.很抱歉我不能向你解释理由。(explain)Im sorry I cant the reason you.3.对她来说,要分发那么多书是多么困难啊!How so many books!4.对我们来说多使用公筷很有必要。(use)Its very necessary public chopsticks more.5.多么有耐心的老师们啊!- 七、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(有两项多余)she make club much value different

9、he tell work kind parent understandLast year we had a new classmate.1. name is Danny.He was tall and handsome with dark brown eyes.Many classmates liked him.One day, we 2. that we would have a school trip at the end of the month.The whole class got very excited and the girls began to discuss what to

10、 wear and what to bring with them.But Danny simply told everyone he wouldnt go.“Dont you like it, Danny?” our teacher Mr.Smith asked with 3. Danny stood up and said, “Its too much money for me.My dad is ill in bed.My mom 4. in a supermarket every day.Im not asking them for money.”“Im very proud of y

11、ou that you can understand your 5. .Not every student of your age can think about this,” Mr.Smith replied.Then Mr.Smith said to the class,“This year, we are going to do things 6. .Would you like to raise money for the trip by yourselves? I hope each of you can come up with at least one idea.And we 7

12、. a plan tomorrow.”“Well, my family can afford the trip.Do I still have to do that?” Shelly asked.“Shelly,this will be a different and8. learning experience for everyone, whether you have the money or not.”That day, we knew Danny 9. than before because he was not only honest but also brave.His behav

13、ior(行为)helped us 10. what his family had or didnt have couldnt decide who he was.He won the respect of many of us.附:参考答案一、1.part in2.pictures/photos3.risks/a risk 4.a trip 5.place6.tell 7.learn 8.what/how 9.think10.know二、1.umbrella 2.Once3.clever4.airport5.fastest6.rules7.tomatoes8.behind 9.ordered10.wealth三、1.listener 2.successfully 3.was canceled 4.tradition 5.tidier四、1.depends on 2.longest 3.at the end of 4.to p


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