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1、Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. -Section A (1a-1c)一 Analysis of the teaching materialThe topic of this unit is“feelings”. It talks about how things affect people from colors, weather, music, products and so on. Students are required to master how to express the feelings,opinions and influences broug

2、ht to people by things. In this period, it centers on “Which restaurant would you like to go to?” to develop the training of mind(1a),listening(1b),and speaking(1c).二 Teaching aims1.Knowledge aim: Master the key words and sentences.(1) Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet mus

3、ic while Im eating.(2) But that music makes me sleepy.2.Ability aim: Learn to express the opinion using the target language.3.Emotion aim: Understand how things affect people and learn to adjust the mood.三Teaching important points and difficulties1.Master the target language.2.Improve students liste

4、ning and speaking skills.3.Learn to talk about how things affect you.四Teaching aids: ppt , a ball , handouts五Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm up1. Greetings .2. Lead-in.Let students look at a poster of a movie. Ask students if they like watching movies and what kind of movies they like.Talk about the

5、different feelings of different kinds of movies with students. Lead students into Unit 11.Step 2 Presentation1.Look at pictures and speak out the feelings.T: As we said just now, things may influence our feelings. Right?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Lets look at some pictures . When you look at the picture , you s

6、hould speak out your feeling. Clear?Ss: Yes.Look at the first picture and do it together. Then for the following pictures,one student speaks out the feeling.(One student stands for one group and gets one point.)After the activity, tell students we have reviewed some words about feelings and we will

7、review more. 2. Competition.Show some adjectives on the screen. When the teacher points at a word, students who know the Chinese meaning should stand up and speak it out.3. Play a game.The teacher shows a ball to the stuents. Tell students the one who gets the ball should make an expression about fe

8、elings and then the stuent passes the ball to another one.The one should speak out the sentence according to the face expression. Tell them only three groups have the chance.4. Activity 1a.T: Are you hungry?Ss:Yes.T: Im hungry, too. So when we are hungry, we may go to a restaurant. Right?Ss:Yes.T:No

9、w look at the two pictures of two restaurants. Look carefully and describe what you can see.First, give students two minutes to talk about them.Then describe the things in the pictures together.Next, ask stuents which restaurant they would like to go to using “Id like to go to.because I like.music.I

10、t makes me.”.Finally, invite three students to speak out their decisions.Step 3 ListeningActivity 1b.T: I have known the decisions of some of you.But now Amy and Tina are hungry ,too.They are talking about which restaurant they will go to.Do you want to know their choices?Ss:Yes.T: OK. Now lets list

11、en.First, students listen and fill the blanks.Then ask three students to read the complete sentences to check the answers.Next, listen again and when students hear the key words, they should clap their hands together.Finally, students read the tapescripts individually.Step 4 PairworkFirst, the three

12、 groups read Amys words,and the other two groups read Tinas words . Then change the role.Then, let students pay attention to the underlined parts .Next, students make their own conversations.Finally, invite two pairs to come to the front and act out their conversations.Step 5 Summary of language poi

13、nts1.would rather 的用法2.make的用法Step 6 Exercises1. Snow days _ children happy.A. give B. send C. make D. lend2. The soft music makes me _. A. be relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. be relaxed3. Id _ stay at home _ go to the cinema. A. better; than B. sooner; than C. rather; than D. like; than4. I _ cry af

14、ter I saw the sad news. A.is made B.was made to C.makes D. makeStep 7 SummaryAsk two students to speak out the language points.Step 8 HomeworkWrite a short passage about your experiece. How did it make you feel? Step 9 Emotion education人们的情绪会受到外界环境的影响,我们要学会调节自己的情绪,从而减少事物对自己的负面影响。五. Blackboard designUnit 11 Sad movies make me cry. -Section A (1a-1c)1. would rather do sth. would rather do sth. than do sth.2. make +sb.+adj. make sb. do sth.六 Teaching reflection本节课主要是一节听说课,在教学过程中,我采用“小组合作”以及“任务型”的教学途径,借助多媒体和游戏,增强直观性和趣味性,学生兴趣较浓,参与度较高,课堂气氛较活跃。但在课程结束后没有对小组得分进行总结,没有评出winner。所以,以后激励机制要完整。


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