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1、江 苏 英 语 六 年 级 小 升 初模 拟 测 试 卷听力部分(3 0 分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容.(每题1 分,共 1 0 分,听两遍.)()1.A.cheer B.dearC.chair()2.A.reach B.benchC.teach()3.A.visit B.visitorC.visiting()4.A.study B.stayC.say()5.A.plans B.planC.planning()6.A.around B.soundC.found()7.A.saveB.safelyC.safe()8.A.care about B.take care of C.be care

2、ful()9.A.UluruB.Grand CanyonC.Niagara Falls()10.A.Look out for his cars.B.Look out for hercars.C.Look out for her car.二、听录音,选择正确的应答,将其序号写在题前括号内.(每题1 分,共 5 分,听两遍.)()11.A.It was great fun.B.That was too bad.C.Thafs wonderful.()12.A.They will go in July.B.They will go swimming.C.They will go to London.

3、()13.A.Look out fbr cars.B.Play football on the road.C.Look at the traffic lights.()14.A.Helen does.B.Helen do.C.Helen is.()15.A.Because I lost my lunch box.B.Because I got a present.C.Because I saw a nice film.三、听录音,判断下列句子与所听短文是否相符,相符的选T,不相符的选F.(每题1 分 洪 5 分,听两遍.)16.()It is September 30th today.17.(

4、)We are talking about the plans for summer holiday.18.()Mary will go to Shanghai by train.19.()Mary will visit Disneyland in Hong Kong.20.()There arent any famous gardens in Suzhou.四、听录音,根据听到的短文内容,填入所缺单词.(每题1 分,共 10分,听三遍.)Summer 21 will come.The _22_ are talking about their travel plans.Jim will go_

5、23_ to Oxford.He will stay there for two_ 24_.Tom likes_ 25.He often_ 26_nice places.He _27_ to the UK last year.Nancy is _ 28 about _ 29_ now.She willgo to Beijing._30_ their plans sound great.笔试部分(70分)五、选择填空.(每题1分,共 10分)()31.What does he want to do?He wants to.A.a dentistB.be a cook C.the cook()32

6、.There isnt milk in the fridge.A.someB.much C.many()33.Mike is reading the US on the Internet.A.about B.forC.to()34.Are you from?A.different countriesB.different countryC.same country()35.Theyre veryabout thebasketball game.A.excited;excitedB.excited;exciting C.exciting;excited()36.Everyone shouldca

7、rs and bikes on the road.A.look outB.look out forC.look out of()37.一 Who a big hole in the bag?The dog did.A.makeB.makesC.made()38.You,ll find the Great Barrier Reef in.A.the US B.the UK C.Australia()39.My father will go back my hometown.A./B.to C.for()4O.Tim sometimes feelsin the morning.A.sleep B.

8、sleepyC.sleeping六、完形填空.(每题1分,共 10分)We had a long winter holiday this year.We41 at home from February42 April.Now let me tell you43 about my44holiday.I had451essons on the Internet every day,except Saturday and Sunday.I learned Chinese and Maths in the morning.Then Ilearned English and Science in the

9、46_.I had to do some homework about these47.148 with my classmates and teachers on the Internet too.We talked49 our homework.Our teachers were very happy50 us.I think I had a busy but meaningful holiday.)41.A.studyB.studiesC.studiedD.are studying)42.A.andB.toC.orD.in)43.A.someB.anyC.somethingD.anyth

10、ing)44.A.winterB.summerC.springD.National Day)45.A.fiveB.fourC.threeD.two)46.A.nightB.classC.afternoonD.school)47.A.storiesB.friendsC.termsD.subjects)48.A.helpedB.playedC.saidD.chatted)49.A.toB.withC.aboutD.for)50.A.helpsB.helpedC.to helpD.helping七、阅读理解.(每题1分,共 15分)A.阅读短文,判断正误.正确的写“A,错误的写“B”.(共 5 分)

11、The air is usually dirty in winter.Smog(雾 霾)makes the air dirty.We can findsmog in many cities.Smog becomes a big problem(问 题)in China.We cannot seeclearly(青楚地)in the heavy smog.Sometimes,we cannot drive.Smog is bad for ourhealth.Where does smog come from?Many people think it comes from factories an

12、dcars.So we should find a good way to make our cities clean.()51.The air is usually dirty in summer.()52.Smog becomes a big problem in China now.()53.Smog is good for our health.()54.Many people think smog comes from factories and cars.()55.We should not find a good way to make our cities clean.B.阅读

13、短文,选择正确的答案,将序号填在提前的括号内.(共5 分)Betty is a lazy girl.She doesnt study hard,and she doesnt help her mother withthe housework either.What are you going to be when you grow up,Betty?”Motherasks.Youre too lazy.No job will fit you.”But I know one,says the girl.Tmgoing to be Father Christmas.You want to be F

14、ather Christmas?Mother is surprised.“But why?,6tBecause he works only one day in a whole year.”()56.Betty is a girl.A.lazyB.good C.pretty()57.Betty,s mother t h i n k s.A.Betty can find a good jobB.Betty cant find any jobsC.Betty isnt lazy()58.Betty wants to be.A.a teacherB.Father ChristmasC.a write

15、r()59.Bettys mother is at Bettys dream.A.happyB.excitedC.surprised()60.Betty wants to do that job b e c a u s e.A.that job fits herB.she likes Father Christmas very muchC.she could work only one day in a whole yearC.阅读英文海报,选择正确答案,将序号填涂在题前括号内.(共5分)Welcome to the zoo!)61.When does the zoo open on Wedn

16、esday?PriceOpening:Adults:$10.00Monday to Friday13 15:$7.5010:00 a.m.6:00 p.m.4 12:$5.00Saturday to SundayUnder4:Free9:00 a.m.8:00 p.m.($2.00 for the bus everyone)A.10:00a.m.6:00p.m.B.9:00a.m.8:00p.m.C.10:00a.m.8:00p.m.()62.When does the zoo close on Saturdays?A.6:00 p.m.B.8:00 p.m.C.10:00 p.m.()63.How many days in a week does the zoo open?A.5 days B.6 daysC.7 days()64.Peter is ten.How much does he pay to go to the zoo?A.$10.00 B.$7.50C.$5.00()65.There?re four people in Peters family.How much do



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