Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section B(3a--Self-check)学历案(无答案)

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Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section B(3a--Self-check)学历案(无答案)_第1页
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《Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section B(3a--Self-check)学历案(无答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 Is this your pencil Section B(3a--Self-check)学历案(无答案)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(Unit 3 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 第五课时 写作课)Section B(3a-Self-check) 学历案 班级:_ 姓名:_【主题与课时】主题属于“人与自我自然”的范畴,为本单元的第六课时Section B(3aSelf check)。【课标要求】1.能围绕相关主题,用合适的表达方式进行交流各自观点,完成交际任务;2.本学段结束时核心素养应达到基本成就,反映学生核心素养的发展水平。能提取、梳理、分析和整合语篇的主要或关键信息,进行相关话题的表述,采用合适的表达方式进行书写文章。3.培养和提高学生的英语书写表达能力;能在写作中运用所学知识。【学习目标】1

2、. 能够初步了解失物招领和寻物启事的构成要素。2. 能够运用正确的表达写一则失物招领或寻物启事。【评价任务】1. Task1,2 ,3,4,5(检测目标1)2. Task6 (检测目标2)【学习过程】Task1. Revision1. Watch a video and choose the answer.(1) Where did John lose his wallet? A. At the park. B. At the school.(2). Which one is Johns wallet? A. a square brown wallet with J B. a black wa

3、llet 2.Free talkIf you didnt find your wallet in the lost and found office, what would you do? Task 2. Complete the notices. Mary and Tom are Johns friends. They lost or found something. So they wrote notices to get them back or find their owner. yours found 284-5486 lost e-mail Task 3. Read and fil

4、l What should you write on the notices? How do you express what you found or you lost? How do people contact you? Task 4. Recall and answer.【独立完成 得】John didnt find his wallet in the lost and found office, so he wants to write a lost notice. Task5 Complete the notice John wrote a lost notice. Task 6.

5、 Think and write Have you lost or found anything recently? What is it? Where did you find or lose? Write a notice If you lost something, please write a lost notice. If you found something, please write a found notice. _Task 7.Post-Writing.1. Work in groups and correct each others passages.2. Show an

6、d analysis some students writings.【课后作业】1. Finish 3a. 2. Polish your notice according to your group members advice. 3. 能力提升综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从下面方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确形式填入短文中,使短文通顺正确(每个词或短语只用一次)。I, of, a set of, thanks for, lost, must,have a good day, book, be, tooGood morning, everyone. My name is J

7、ack Green. Im in No.2 Middle School. This morning, I cant find my schoolbag. I 1. it in the library. Its blue. A red pencil box, some 2. and 3. keys are in it. A photo 4. a girl, a white eraser and a black pen 5. in the pencil box. My school ID card is in it, 6. I like the schoolbag very much. And I

8、 7. find it. If you see it, please call 8. My telephone number is 752-0386.9. your help. I hope that you will 10.书面表达(共1题;满分15分)Jim和Lisa是同学校不同班的学生。今天早上Jim丢了一块黑色的手表, 被Lisa拣到了。Jim需要写一则寻物启事,Lisa需要写一则失物招领启事。请参考Jim和Lisa的信息, 写出他们的寻物启事和失物招领启事。First name: JimLast name: GreenTelephone number: 456-5632First n

9、ame: LisaLast name: BrownTelephone number: 568-2564Lost: Found: Jim Green Lisa Brown【学后反思】一、 完成自我评价表:【自我评价】评价内容12345我能够初步了解失物招领构成要素。我能够初步了解寻物启事的构成要素。我能够和同学合作学习,根据四宫格提示运用正确的表达写一则失物招领或寻物启事。丢失物品或捡到物品,我知道如何去处理。本节课我学习到在写英文作文时要注意: 二、撰写反思日志:本节课我学会了哪些学习方法,能独立完成哪些活动?对自己在本节课的总体表现感觉如何?在哪些方面还需要继续努力?学习内容上哪些地方还有疑惑? 【课堂反思与补充】


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