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1、八年级上册英语第二单元教案年级八 年 级 学 科 英 语 主备教师复备教师课题Unit 2 How often do you exercise?课型新授教材分析本单元的中心话题是谈论休闲时所进行的活动,本节是本单元的第一节,通过谈论周末进行某项活动的频率,初步学会运用频率副词和目标句型来进行与同伴对话,由于本节的内容与学生的生活息息相关,语言实践性较强,很容易开展话题交流。学情分析学生初一已学过一般现在时,并且学习现在进行时已学了许多关于活动的短语,他们已经有了描述活动的能力,因此,本单元学习时注意频率副词或短语的位置即可。只要积极参与教学任务中去,和教师、同伴进行互动、合作交流定能学好这节内

2、容。O教学目标What do you usually do on weekend?I usually play soccer.How often do you shop?I shop once a month.What do.?How often?引导的特殊疑问句、频度副词。通 过What du you usually do on weekends?这个话题的讨论,从而培养学生学会与人沟通,善于交际、关心别人、融入社会的能力品质。学点点析教重难分1 以“What do”句型为引导的日常活动:reading,watch TV,go to the movies,shop,exercise,slee

3、p,drink milk,eat vegetables 等。2、以“How often”句 型 为 引 导 的 话 题 及 词 汇:always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never,three times a week 等。学略析教郛分通过老师讲解带读,激发学生学习兴趣,让学生自主学习,合作学习,探究学习,在熟悉的情境中用英语进行交流表达,在轻松的氛围中学习新知。课前准备教师录 音 机PPT学生教学活动过程设计(第_ 1 _ 课时)学节教环教学活动设计意图教师活动学生活动I.LeadinGreetingsTalk about last weeke

4、ndsactivities.Greet students as usualWarm theclass;学节教环教学活动学习新的词汇短语通过听来输入新的语言八占、教师活动学生活动II.PresentationIII.WritingIV.Listening(l)Teacher ask:”What do youusually do on weekends?”(并月.板书)让学生根据自己的实际回答。I usually.onweekends.sometimes(2)教师引导学生用英语说出书本中图片活动的英语表达。watch TV,read books,exercise,help with housewo

5、rk,goshopping,go to movies(3)点击鼠标屏幕上出现频率副词及相关的百分比。always(100%)usually(80%)often(30-50%)sometimes(20%)hardlyever(5%)never(0%)领读频率副词,让学生快速认读。1.Look at the picture.Discusswith your partners.Make a list ofthe weekend activities.2.Let some Ss read out theiractivities.Let other Ss add moreactivities.1.Let

6、 a student read the wordsaloud.Make sure all the Ss knowthe meaning of the words.2.Tell Ss to listen and write theletters from the picture above onthe line below.学生观看课件回答问题学生观看课件学生跟读并理解记忆。学生自己写下活动的名称。学节教环教学活动设计意图教师活动学生活动V.PairworkVI.Listeningvn.PairworkVffl.Role-play1.Act out the conversation with a

7、student.2.Let Ss talk about the pictures inla in pairs.3.Let some Ss act out theirconversatio1.Let Ss read the phrases in thechart.2.Tell Ss that Cheng Tao is takingabout how often he does theseactivities.Play the recording forthe first time.Ss listen and numberthe activities 1-5.3.Play the recordin

8、g for thesecond time for the Ss to check theanswers.1.Read the conversation bythemselves,then match theactivity with the right time.Dance lesson TuesdayPiano lesson Wednesdayand FridayPlaying tennis Monday2.Let the Ss read the conversationafter you.3.Ss work with a partner and actout the学生观看课件学生跟读并理

9、解记忆。学生自己写下活动的名称。播放听力,学生先听一遍,由根据要求找答案,在老师的引导下再听一次,最后由学生来复述听到的内容。学生角色表演学生按照听力训练部分1b的模式来完成2a部分的听力,大声的跟读复述。输出所学语言点板书设计Unit 2 How often do you exercise?What does he do on weekends?一He usually watches TV.How often do you watch TV?一I watch TV every day.Does he go shopping?一No,he never go shopping.英语教学要根据新课

10、标的要求,强调学生的主体地位,在教学活动中激发学生学习的兴趣,引导学生自主学习,合作交流,大胆的表达。听力这一块是学生比较薄弱的环节,要加强训练。老师要加强与学生的互动,了解学生知识点存在的缺漏,并采取有效措施予以解决。学校教师备课笔记年级八年级学科英语 主备教师复备教师课题Unit 2 How often do you exercise?课型新授教材分析本单元的中心话题是谈论休闲时所进行的活动,本节是本单元的第一节,通过谈论周末进行某项活动的频率,初步学会运用频率副词和目标句型来进行与同伴对话,由于本节的内容与学生的生活息息相关,语言实践性较强,很容易开展话题交流。学情分析学生初一已学过一般

11、现在时,并且学习现在进行时已学了许多关于活动的短语,他们已经有了描述活动的能力,因此,本单元学习时注意频率副词或短语的位置即可。只要积极参与教学任务中去,和教师、同伴进行互动、合作交流定能学好这节内容。O教学目标What do you usually do on weekend?I usually play soccer.How often do you shop?I shop once a month.What do.?How often.?引导的特殊疑问句、频度副词。通过What du you usually do on weekends?这个话题的讨论,从而培养学生学会与人沟通,善于交际

12、、关心别人、融入社会的能力品质。学点点析教重难分1、以What do 句型为引导的日常活动:reading,watch TV,go to the movies,shop,exercise,sleep,drink milk,eat vegetables 等。2、以“How often.句型为引导的话题及词汇:always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never,three times a week 等。学略析教策分通过老师讲解带读,激发学生学习兴趣,让学生自主学习,合作学习,探究学习,在熟悉的情境中用英语进行交流表达,在轻松的氛围中学习新知。前备教师

13、录音机PPT学生教学活动过程设计(第_ 2 _ 课时)学节教环教学活动设计意图教师活动学生活动Brainstorm&lead-in1.To ask Ss about their dailyactivities.-What do you usually do in yourfree time?(Task 1)2.To ask Ss to make somesentences using the adverbs offrequency.(Task 2)1 .Students answer the questions.2.Students make some sentencesusing the a

14、dverbs of frequency.1.To lead Ssto reviewsome usefulphrases.2.To lead Ssto practice theadverbs offrequency.学节教环教学活动1.To train教 师 活 动学 生 活 动students someReadingcomprehension1.Fast readingTo ask Ss to read the passagequickly and try to get the main ideaof the passage,and then finishsome exercises rela

15、ted to thepassage.(Task 3&4)2.Careful reading(1)To ask Ss to read the passagecarefully and try to answer moredetailed questions.(Task5)(2)To ask Ss to underline someuseful phrases.(Task 6)3.Pair-workThe teacher shows some difficultsentences and asks Ss to talk aboutthem in pairs.Then the teacher let

16、sthem finish the exercises related tothese difficult points.(Task 7)(1)Fifteen percent of our studentsexercise every day.(2)Here are the results.=The results are here.(3)Althouah many students like towatch sports,4.Discussion(1)The teacher gives students threeshort paragraphs and asks studentsto talk about whose lifestyle ishealthy.1.Ss read the passage quickly andtry to complete the charts.2.(1)Ss read the passage carefullyand answer more detailedquestions.(2)Ss try to find out some usefulphras


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