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1、2023年河南省商丘市考研英语一高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)We are all reasonable beings and it is very human to do unreasonable things at times. The following story tells you

2、what I 1 .At lunchtime, Jimmy, Patrick, Devon, and I began our regular 2 of our lunches. I glanced across the busy cafeteria and saw the 3 student, Joel. He was holding his plate and waiting in lines.Patrick noticed him too. “Whys the new kid 4 like the headmaster?” he asked. Devon and Jimmy laughed

3、.“Joels cool, and his clothes are always neat and clean. Hes in my English and history classes,” I said. However, I kept the 5 that Joel and I had become friends when we worked on a project together. We discovered that we were both enthusiastic readers-something I would never admit to Patrick, Jimmy

4、, and Devon.I was that Joel was walking toward us. “Dont do it,” I thought, but 6 seconds he was at our table. My friends raised their eyebrows. Jimmy, Devon and Patrick 7 their backpacks on the table and chairs so that there was no 8 left for another person to sit down. Patrick said, “I dont think

5、we have room.”This awkward situation 9 the air. I could 10 Joel looking at me, but I stared at my lunch 11 it contained precious pearls of wisdom instead of rice and beans. After a long, 12 pause, Joel left. I 13 have spoken up for him, but I couldnt walk away from my three friends, could I?Joel did

6、nt speak to me after that 14 . He was soon hanging around with another group of kids. A few months later, I saw an announcement about Joel being chosen to be president of the class book club. I was 15 for Joels achievements, but I realized I had made a big mistake when I said 16 at the lunch table t

7、hat day. why was I so afraid that my friends might 17 that I like to read?As I stared at the announcement, I knew I needed to 18 to Joeleven if he did not want to become my friend again. I was certain that my three friends would not agree. I was also certain that I 19 losing them as well. 20 , I kne

8、w that I would lose myself if I did nothing.As the dismissal bell rang, I gathered up my books, took a deep breath, and went to find Joel.1、Aregret Bvalue Close Dadmire2、Aroutine Bprocess Cstep Dcourse3、Alucky Bgood Cnew Dtop4、Abehaved Btreated Claughed Ddressed5、Awords Bideas Cpromise Dtruth6、Aon B

9、in Cat Dby7、Alay Bthrew Cfolded Dpiled8、Aspace Bfood Ctime Dbook9、Arounded Bcovered Cfilled Dfroze10、Ataste Bsmell Chear Dfeel11、Aeven if Bas if Cin case Dnow that12、Atough Bpainful Cuncomfortable Dfrightening13、Aneed Bshould Cwould Dmust14、Agreeting Bchange Cmeeting Dlesson15、Ahappy Bsorry Cthankfu

10、l Danxious16、Aanything Bsomething Ceverything Dnothing17、Ahold out Bfind out Cturn out Dgive out18、Aadapt Bapologize Csmile Drefer19、Arisked Bpermitted Ctried Dsuggested20、ATherefore BMeanwhile CHowever DBesidesSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer th

11、e questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Academic learning is usually in the spotlight at school, but teaching elementary-age students “soft” skills like self-control and how to get along with others might help to keep at-risk kids

12、 out of criminal trouble in the future.Once a program called Fast Track was started in the early 1990s for more than 7,600 children of 55 schools in America. They were identified by their teachers and parents to be at high risk for developing aggressive behavioral problems. The students were randoml

13、y divided into two groups; half took part in the intervention, which included a teacher-led curriculum, parent training groups, academic tutoring and lessons in self-control and social skills. The program, which lasted from first grade through 10th grade, reduced delinquency(少年犯罪), arrests and use o

14、f health and mental health services as the students aged through adolescence and young adulthood.In another latest study, by looking at the data from nearly 900 students in previous findings, researchers found that about a third of the influence on future crime outcomes was due to the social and sel

15、f-regulation skills the students learned from ages 6 to 11.The academic skills, or hard skills like learning of physics, which were taught as part of Fast Track, turned out to have less of an influence on crime and delinquency rates than did the soft skills, which are associated with emotional(情绪的) intelligence. Soft skills might include teaching kids


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