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1、2021-2022学年天津北洋中学高二英语模拟试卷含解析一、选择题1.Chairman Xi Jinping has proposed a road map for Belt and Road I n i t i a t i v e,h eprovided a comprehensive vision of how it could contribute to the world development ingeneral.A.which B.asC.when D.where参考答案:D【骷析】考察非限制性定语从句。先行词为a road map f此句用引导,在定语从句中作状语。国家主席习近平

2、提出了一带一路的路线图,他提供了一个全面的愿景,说明它将如何为世界的发展做出贡献。选 I)。2.Rescuers are for the safety of two men trapped in the mine.A.grateful B concerned C loose D entire参考答案:B3.The manager was very angry,for he had sent his business partner two thousandmachines yesterday,half of unqualified.A.them B.what C.which D.whom参考答

3、案:A略4.He spoke in a quiet,distinct voice,as though his t h o u g h t.A.was far away B.had been far awayC.were far away D.went far away.参考答案:B5.1 dont mind her criticizing me,but is how she does it that I object to.A.That B.it C.this D.which参考答案:B6.Do you know the reason why the Whites got divorced?一

4、 No,they havent quarreled with each other since they got ma r r i e d.,theybroke up finally.A.Somehow B.Anyhow C.Anyway D.Somewhat参考答案:A7.there three more days enough for the work to be finished?I dont think it is enough and only after go on with it.A.Is,does the rain stop we can B.Are,the rain stop

5、s can weC.Is,the rain stops can we D.Are,the rain stops we can参考答案:c8.Although there were many students who admitted to these products because ofthe brands image they provided for the wearer,the majority did not openly relate the productsappeal to social motives such as status.A.being attracted B.at

6、tracting C.to attracting D.to be attracted参考答案:A试题分析:考查非谓语动词 句意上:尽管有些学生也承认被这些产品所吸引是因为品牌的形象,但大多数人还是没有把产品的吸引力同诸如社会地位这样的社会主题所联系在一起。此题考察的是admit 一词的用法即admit doing sth且依据句意后面表示的是“被吸引 ,故选A 项正确。9.Did you have a good time yesterday,Jane?Sure,as you know,party went on in most pleasantatmosphere.A.the;不填 B.a;t

7、he C.a;a D.the;a参考答案:D10.Should the present unemployment continue,the society a more troublesomesituation.A.would have faced B.would face C.is facing D.has faced参考答案:B略11.Can you lend me some money?-I m short of money myself,but _,I 11 give you some.A.someway B.anyway C.however D.therefore参考答案:B略12.

8、You havent been to Australia,have you?.How I wish to go there!A.Yes,I have B.Yes,I havent C.No,I havent D.No,I have参考答案:C13.There is a shortage of teachers in Western China,and it will fall on the 80s and 90sgenerationsto this responsibility.A.take on B.step up C.make up D.apply for参考答案:A14.His heal

9、th under the pressure of work andhe had to stay in hospital fo r a month.A.broke up B.broke away C.brokeout D.broke down参考答案:D15.You shouldnt have talked back to our teacher like that.It was awfully impolite.-You are right.I crazy at that moment.A.could have been B.must have beenC.can be D.should ha

10、ve been参考答案:B16.In his first class,the Chinese teacher tried to to the students that reading is one oflife/s greatest pleasures.A.convey B.educate C.load D.convince参考答案:A试题分析:A.convey传达;B.educate教育;C.load使担负;D.convince使确信。句意:在他的第一堂课中,语文老师努力想传达给学生,读书是一生中最大的快乐。convey to向 传达,故选A.17.He got up late and h

11、urried to his o f f ic e,t h e breakfast untouched.A.left B.to leave C.having left D.leaving参考答案:D18.Whats the matter with Della?Well,her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party,but she st i l l.A.hopes to B.hopes so C.hopes not D.hopes for参考答案:A略二、完型填空19.The word“plastic“comes from the Greek w

12、ord Platicos“and is used todescribe 3 1 which can be easily shapedThe history of plastics is longer than you might 32 In fact 3 3 manmade plasticsever to appear on the market was made over a hundred years ago.It was called“celluloid(赛璐璐)”.It was discovered by both an Englishman and an American in th

13、esame year.3 4 it was the Americans who first produced it on a large scale during theyear 1860.Everybody was 35 by this new material which could be molded(用模子做)into shapes and 36 so cheap to buy.Poor young men 37 in cities with lots of smoke and dirt were 38 to buy whitecelluloid collars(领子).The col

14、lars were hard and uncomfortable.But they did not have tobe sent to wash.The poor young men 39_ rub them clean every evening with soap andwater!Poor mothers,40 had not been able to afford playthings 41 their children,werenow able to buy them playthings 42 of celluloid.But celluloid had one very seri

15、ousfault.It caught fire very easily.In fact it burned even more quickly than wood or cloth.There were many terrible accidents,particularly 43 children.For years scientistsworked hard to find a better plastic material than celluloid.For years scientists worked hard to find a better plastic material t

16、han celluloid.Theyhad 44 success.Then in 1932 an American scientist called Backland produced a hardplastic material which did not burn.45_ became known 46 bakelite(酚醛塑料).Otherplastic materials like bakelite were 47 produced.They 48_ to make electrical fittingsand plates and cups.Poor people liked them because they were both cheap and safe,butrich people 49 them because they were cheap,and because they could only bemade 50_ dark color 1 s.31.A.somethingB.everything C.thingD.anything32.A.WishB.Thi


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