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1、2023届北京市部分区高三英语一模试题分类汇编阅读表达2023届北京市东城区高三一模英语试卷第一节(共 4 小题;第40、41题各2 分,第 42题 3 分,第 43题 5 分,共 12分)阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。请在答题卡指定区域作答。If youve spent any time on social media sites,youve probably noticed it:parents share news,photos,and other infbnnation about their children.This phenomenon is called“share

2、nting”,acombination of the words“sharing”and“parenting”.Much of the research on sharenting focuses on why parents choose to share online.Studiesfound that for parents of infants(婴儿),sharenting can help ease the social isolation that comes withthis period in their childrens lives.Parents of teenagers

3、 also share information about their kids onsocial media.Research has shown their motivations include communicating their pride in theirchildrens accomplishments and informing friends and family about their kids lives.However,when parents post about their children on social media with high frequency,

4、thephenomenon of“oversharenting occurs,which can be a great cause for concern.For example,ifparents share too much information that their children dont want disclosed,it may lead them towithhold information about their lives from their parents so they can better control what can andcant be posted ab

5、out them.Additionally,the cute photos or funny observations parents share online about their childrencould become a problem when their kids get older.In particular,colleges and employers areincreasingly checking applicants,online activity,and as a result,information posted by parentscould become a s

6、ource of embarrassment or affect a potential colleges or employers assessment oftheir child.Sharing information has never been faster than in the digital age.While it can be veryconvenient to post milestones of their children,its important for parents to ensure theyresharenting responsibly.After all

7、 its not just a picture,its the child and their digital footprint.40.According to the passage,what is sharenting?41.Why do parents of infants choose to share online?42.Please decide which part is false in the following statement,then underline it and explain why.When parents oversharent,their childr

8、en may make up information about their lives to bettercontrol what can and cant be posted about them.43.Besides whats mentioned in the passage,what else can you do if your parents oversharent?(Inabout 40 words)2023届北京市西城区高三一模英语试卷第一节(共4 小题;第40、41题各2 分,第 42题 3 分,第 43题 5 分,共 12分)阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。In

9、 Martin County,Florida,two non-profit organizations have come together to plant seeds ofhope through community gardening.Recently,the House of Hope charity for the homeless andpeople with addictions and other mental health issues partnered with Project L.I.F.T.an organizationthat helps at-risk teens

10、,to grow community gardens in four small towns across the county.The teens in Project L.I.F.T/s program-many of them aged 14-19 who are also strugglingwith addictions,managing mental health or legal issuesvisit the gardens every day after schoolwhere they grow seeds,maintain and water plants,harvest

11、 the produce and learn to create their ownmeals.They take some of the produce home to their families but most is sent to House of Hope forthe homeless community.Beyond the need for food,Project L.LF.T.hoped the gardens would provide an educationalopportunity for their teens.“Were trying to teach kid

12、s nutrition to deal with the health problems-diabetes andobesityin our community,but when we get into the garden,now theyre doing hands-on stuff thatreally connects.Bob Zaccheo,the executive director of Project L.I.F.T.tells Guideposts,org.The gardens also offer the teens professional skills that ca

13、n help them find work later in theirlargely rural county.Beyond skills,this project has helped the teens find confidence and hope fortheir futures.So far,the four gardens around Martin County have generated 100 pounds of produce forHouse of Hope and the community at large.Although the amount of food

14、 cant meet the greaterneed of the area,the program is an opportunity to teach kids that the importance of giving back isjust as valuable as the food theyre harvesting.“You see a major shift in the thinking of these kids J Zaccheo says.You see them giving.Thekids are learning to give at a bigger leve

15、l than theyve ever been able to give at before.40.What kind of organization is Project L.L.F.T.?41.What do the teens do when they visit the gardens?42.Please decide which part is false in the following statement,then underline it and explain why.The four gardens were built only to provide an educati

16、onal opportunity for at-risk teens.43.In addition to what is mentioned in the passage,what else could at-risk teens learn throughcommunity gardening?Explain why.(In about 40 words)2023届北京市朝阳区高三一模英语试卷第一节(共4 小题;第40、41题各2 分,第 42题 3分,第 43题 5 分,共 12分)阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。请在答题卡指定区域作答.Over the years I have been fascinated to read about studies into the power of touch.One famous study examined videos of how people responded to those near them who had beenthe victim of a bad fortune.Researchers looked at



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