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1、(2023年)四川省自贡市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1._ with the developed countries, some African countries are left far behind in terms of peoples living standards()A.Compare B.To compare C.Compared D.Comparing2.His family()very large and the whole family watching TVA.is; is B.is; are C.are;

2、 are D.are; is3.Im sorry I cant help _ the flowers, because Im busy preparing for the singing competition _ tomorrow()A.watering; to be heldB.water; being heldC.to water; heldD.to water; to be held4.If wemore time and money, we could have visited many more places()A.have B.had had C.have had D.could

3、 have5.Do you mean this is the_decision you have made after thinking for hours()A.upright B.ultimate C.total D.tight6.A new technique(), the output as a whole increased by 20 percentA.working outB.having worked outC.to have been worked outD.having been worked out7.Although I have read the book assig

4、ned by the professor several times, I still cant make any _of the last chapter()A.meaning B.importance C.significance D.sense8.It _ me about three hours to get to your new company()A.cost B.used C.spent D.took9.Its good to know _our pet will be well cared for by our kind-hearted neighbor while we tr

5、avel on business()A.what B.whose C.which D.that10.Although Mary had suffered from a serious illness for years, she lostof her enthusiasm for life()A.some B.neither C.none D.all二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.kindhearted B.heartwarming C.cold D.hot12.52.()A.lost B.lowered C.dropped D.raised13.64.()A.English B.Fren

6、ch C.Russian D.Latin14.48()A.disadvantages B.qualities C.characteristics D.uses15.Sometimes, people come into your life and you realize that they are there for some purpose, to_51_you a lesson, or to help you to know who you are or who you want to become. Youd never know who these people_52_be, your

7、 friend, your classmate, your neighbor, your co-worker, your teacher, or_53_a stranger, but they will deeply_54_your life in some way.and sometimes things_55_to you that may seem_56_, painful and horrible at first, but_57_, you realize that without overcoming those difficulties you would never know

8、your strength, willpower or potential. Everything happens for a _58_. Nothing happens by_59_or by means of good luck. Illness, great achievement, love, injury and failure all come to_60_the limits of your soul. Without these tests, life would be like a straight and flat road, but it goes_61_. It wou

9、ld be safe and comfortable, but dull and completely _62_.Those people who affect your life, and the failure and the success you experience can help you to create who you are and who you become. Even the bad experiences can_63_from. In fact, they are the most important ones. If someone breaks your he

10、art, or hurts you, please_64_them, for they helped you to learn about the importance of being careful when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them_65_, because they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things51.()A.teach B.deliver C.give D.learn16.63.()A.learn

11、ed B.learn C.be learned D.learning17.49.()A.join B.visit C.welcome D.greet18.74.()A.experiments B.circles C.trips D.movements19.The family is the center of most traditional Asians lives. Many people worry about their familys welfare, reputation, and honor. Asian families are often 41, including seve

12、ral generations related by 42 or marriage living in the same home. An Asian persons misdeeds(过错) are not 43 just on the individual but also on the familyincluding the dead ancestors.Traditional Chinese, among many other Asians, respect their elders and feel a deep sense of duty 44 them. Children rep

13、ay their parents 45 by being successful and 46 them in old age. This is accepted as a 47 part of life in China. 48, taking care of the aged parents is often viewed as a tremendous 49 in the United States,where aging and family support are not 50 highly. In fact, in the youth-oriented United States,

14、growing old is seen as a bad thing, and many old people do not receive respect.Filipinos, the most Americanized of the Asians, are still extremely family-oriented. They are 51 to helping their children and will sacrifice greatly for their children to get an education. 52, the children are devoted to

15、 their parents, who often live nearby. Grown children who leave the country for economic reasons 53 send large parts of their income home to their parents.The Vietnamese family 54 people currently 55 as well as the spirits of the dead and of the as-yet unborn. Any 56 or actions are done from family considerations, not individual 57. Peoples behavior is judged 58 whether it brings shame or pride to the family. The Vietnamese do not particularly believe in self-reliance; in this way, they are the 59 of people in the United



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