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1、第3步Unit 16 StoriesSection Language Awareness 1 & Culture Corner第1步第2步全全析析重重点点词词汇汇解解构构经经典典句句式式掌握课时语法掌握课时语法No.1No.2No.3返回返回返回返回.重点单词必记重点单词必记A词义匹配词义匹配1pat ato mention or speak about sb./sth.2present bdone in a way that was planned, not by chance3refer cto give sth. to sb.4deliberately dto touch sb./sth

2、. gently several times with your hand flat.答案:答案:1.d2.c3.a4.b返回B根据根据词性及性及汉语意思写出意思写出单词5 n软件件 n硬件硬件6 adj.可利用的;可可利用的;可获得的;有空的得的;有空的7 n职业,工作,工作 vt.占据占据softwarehardwareavailableoccupation occupy返回.高高频短短语必背必背1 the other hand 另一方面另一方面2have a problem doing sth. 做某事有困做某事有困难3 than 而不是而不是4refer 涉及;涉及;查阅;参考;参考5

3、 up with 忍受,容忍忍受,容忍6present sb. sth. 赠给某人某物某人某物7make 有道理,有道理,讲得通得通8 ones attention 吸引某人注意吸引某人注意oninrathertoputwithsenseattract返回.经典句式必会典句式必会1. There is so much suffering in the real world that it is often difficult to hold peoples attention.在在现实世界中有如此多的痛苦以至于世界中有如此多的痛苦以至于经常很常很难引起人引起人们的的注意力。注意力。句式分析句式

4、分析在在“so . that .”句型中,句型中,that引引导结果状果状语从句,意从句,意为“如此如此以至于以至于”。尝试仿写仿写云台山如此美云台山如此美丽以至于我以至于我们流流连忘返。忘返。 we couldnt tear ourselves away from it.Mountain Yuntai is so beautiful that返回2. A son or daughter might inherit a nickname as a surname even if they themselves did not share the particular characteristi

5、c.儿子或女儿可能因儿子或女儿可能因袭一个一个绰号作号作为自己的姓氏,即使他自己的姓氏,即使他们本本人并不人并不带有有这种特点。种特点。句式分析句式分析even if引引导让步状步状语从句,意从句,意为“尽管,即使尽管,即使”,相当于相当于even though。尝试仿写仿写即便是你邀即便是你邀请她来参加你的婚礼,她也不会来。她来参加你的婚礼,她也不会来。She wont come to your wedding even if/though you inviteher to返回.交交际用用语必必备1你知道你知道汤姆不会喜姆不会喜欢它。它。 Tom wont like it, you know

6、.那又怎那又怎样呢?我不在乎呢?我不在乎汤姆怎姆怎样想!想! ? I dont care what Tom thinks!So what返回2我提醒我提醒过你你别忘了那个会忘了那个会议。 I reminded you not to forget the meeting.你的确提醒我了。你的确提醒我了。 3我想去度一周的假。我想去度一周的假。 Id like to take a weeks holiday.不可能。我不可能。我们太忙了。太忙了。 . Were too busy.So you didForget it返回返回返回考点考点1 have a problem (in) doing sth

7、.做某事有困难做某事有困难教材教材原句原句Why do charity adverts have a problem holding peoples attention?为什么慈善广告在抓住人什么慈善广告在抓住人们的注意力上有困的注意力上有困难?返回Do you have a problem in learning English?你在学你在学习英英语上有困上有困难吗?We do have a problem in our relationship, but I feel that we can work it out.我我们的关系确的关系确实有些有些问题,不,不过我我觉得我得我们能解决。能解

8、决。返回归纳拓展归纳拓展返回They had no difficulty (in) working out the difficult problem.他他们毫不毫不费力地解决了力地解决了这个个难题。He had some trouble (in) making communication with others in words.他在口他在口头交交际方面有些吃力。方面有些吃力。Li Na took quite a lot of trouble to win the French Open.李娜在法网公开李娜在法网公开赛上上费了老大了老大劲才取才取胜。返回多角度演练多角度演练1用所用所给动词的

9、适当形式填空的适当形式填空You could ask the teacher for help when you have trouble (learn)Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time (pass) the exam.You cant imagine what great difficulty we have ever had (deal) with the problems.We take enough trouble (pay) the rent as it is!learningpassingto

10、 paydealing返回2单项填空填空You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm.Awalked Bto walkCwalk Dwalking解析:解析:选 imagine后面的后面的宾语从句是从句是what引引导的感的感叹句,其正常句,其正常语序序为:We had difficulty _ in the snowstorm.这其其实是是have difficulty (in) doing sth.结构,构,所以答案所以答案为D。D返回考点考点2present vt.赠送;提交;呈现赠送;提交;呈现n.现在;

11、礼物;赠品现在;礼物;赠品adj.出席的;在场的;当前的;现存的出席的;在场的;当前的;现存的教材教材原句原句Some adverts present us with a puzzle; they show an unusual image which at first doesnt make sense. 有些广告开始就有些广告开始就给我我们设了一个了一个谜;它;它们展示一个展示一个不不寻常的画面,开始常的画面,开始让我我们感到不解。感到不解。返回(1)vt.(正式正式)赠送;提交;呈送;提交;呈现归纳拓展归纳拓展present sb. with sth. present sth. to s

12、b.赠送某人某物送某人某物返回Davids manager presented him with the award for best sales in the region.戴戴维的的经理向他理向他颁发了本地区最佳了本地区最佳销售售奖。You must present your passport to the customs officer.你必你必须向海关官向海关官员出示出示护照。照。返回(2)adj.在在场的,出席的;目前的,的,出席的;目前的,现在的在的归纳拓展拓展(be) present at出席出席(be) absent from 缺席缺席返回All the people (who

13、 were) present at the party were his supporters.参加聚会的人都是他的支持者。参加聚会的人都是他的支持者。The audience present burst out laughing.在在场的的观众突然大笑起来。众突然大笑起来。A few brief comments are sufficient for present purpose.就当前而言,几句就当前而言,几句简短的短的话已已经足足够了。了。返回关关键一点一点present表示表示“出席的,到出席的,到场的的”时,作表,作表语或后置定或后置定语;表;表示示“目前的,目前的,现在的在的”时

14、,作前置定,作前置定语。返回(3)n.现在;礼物;在;礼物;赠品品归纳拓展拓展at present at the present time 现在,目前在,目前for the present 暂时,暂且且返回Ive got enough money for the present, but I must go to the bank tomorrow.我的我的钱暂时还够用,但我明天必用,但我明天必须去去银行取款。行取款。He is at present away on his holidays.目前他去休假了。目前他去休假了。返回语境串境串记At present, the Santa Claus

15、 is present in the street and is going to present the Christmas presents to the children.现在,圣在,圣诞老人出老人出现在街道上,要把圣在街道上,要把圣诞礼物礼物赠送送给孩孩子子们。返回多角度演练多角度演练1完成句子完成句子有有200人出席了会人出席了会议。There were 200 people the meeting.他送他送给我一支漂亮的我一支漂亮的钢笔作笔作为生日礼物。生日礼物。He gave me a nice pen present atas a birthday present返回多角度演练

16、多角度演练孩子孩子们献花献花给老老师们。The children 谁是是现在的房主?在的房主?Who is ?presented flowers to their teachers/presentedtheir teachers with flowersthe present owner of the house返回2单项填空填空All of them try to use the power of the workstation_information in a more effective way.Apresenting BpresentedCbeing presented Dto pre

17、sent解析:解析:选 考考查句子句子结构。句意:他构。句意:他们都努力使用工都努力使用工作站的力量以便用一种更有效的方式提供情作站的力量以便用一种更有效的方式提供情报。to present information in a more effective way是不定式短是不定式短语作目的状作目的状语。D返回It doesnt make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.这些便宜的大衣也很好,何必非些便宜的大衣也很好,何必非买那件那件贵的不可。的不可。His argument do

18、es not make sense.他的争他的争论没有意没有意义。考点考点3make sense 有道理,讲得通;能理解,有意义有道理,讲得通;能理解,有意义返回归纳拓展归纳拓展in a/one sense in some sense在某种意在某种意义上,在一定程上,在一定程度上度上in no sense 绝不不make sense of 了解了解的意的意义;理解;理解;懂得懂得make (no) sense to sb. 对某人有某人有(无无)意意义There is no sense in (doing) sth. (做做)某事是不明智的某事是不明智的a sense of humor 幽默感

19、幽默感common sense 常常识返回In a sense it doesnt matter any more.从某种意从某种意义上上说,这事已无关要事已无关要紧了。了。I cant make sense of that painting.我看不懂那幅画。我看不懂那幅画。What you say makes no sense to him.你的你的话对他来他来说毫无意毫无意义。返回多角度演练多角度演练1翻翻译句子句子这个句子个句子讲不通。不通。Does it make sense to let children learn their lessons all day?This senten

20、ce doesnt make sense.让小孩子整天学小孩子整天学习有意有意义吗?返回这个个问题决不能决不能说已已经解决了。解决了。There is a sense in which we are all to blame for the tragedy.In no sense can the problem be said to have been solved.在某种意在某种意义上,上,对这个悲个悲剧我我们大家都有大家都有责任。任。返回2单项填空填空Whats the _ of having a public open space where you cant eat, drink or

21、 even simply hang out for a while?AsenseBmatterCcase Dopinion解析:解析:选 句意:在一个公共句意:在一个公共场所,既无法吃也无法所,既无法吃也无法喝甚至不能散会儿步,喝甚至不能散会儿步,这将意味着什么?将意味着什么?sense“感感觉,意,意义”;matter“有关系,要有关系,要紧”;case“情形,情形,场合合”;opinion“意意见,看法,主,看法,主张,判断,判断,评价价”。A返回考点考点4 refer to提到;谈到;指的是;涉及,相关;适用;提到;谈到;指的是;涉及,相关;适用;参考;查阅参考;查阅(看看)教材教材原句

22、原句At first, the words seem to refer to domestic violence, but then we realise the advert is a warning about eating highfat food!一开始,一开始,这些些话似乎指家庭暴力,但是后来我似乎指家庭暴力,但是后来我们就会就会意意识到到这个广告是个广告是对吃高脂肪食物的警告!吃高脂肪食物的警告!返回Dont refer to this matter again, please.请不要再提不要再提这件事了。件事了。For further particulars, please re

23、fer to Chapter Ten.详情情请看第看第10章。章。These books refer to Asian problems.这些些书涉及涉及亚洲洲问题。These regulations refer only to children.这些些规矩只适用于儿童。矩只适用于儿童。返回归纳拓展归纳拓展refer . to .把把提交提交给/委托委托给refer to . as . 把把看作看作/称称为He was referred to as a big hero.他被称作是大英雄。他被称作是大英雄。返回多角度演练多角度演练1写出下列句中写出下列句中refer to的的汉语意思意思He

24、never referred to his sisters in his letters.If you dont know the spelling of a word, you should refer to a dictionary.When I said some people were stupid, I wasnt referring to Jim.提及,提到提及,提到查阅指的是指的是返回The case referred to has been presented to the supreme law court.The special patient was referred t

25、o a specialist for treatment.相关相关把把提交提交返回2单项填空填空It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.Astick to Bkeep toCrefer to Dpoint to解析:解析:选 句意:他太愚蠢了,竟然在句意:他太愚蠢了,竟然在这次重要次重要测试中中查阅笔笔记,结果受果受罚了。了。refer to在此表示在此表示“查阅”。stick to“坚持持”;keep to“保持保持”;point to“

26、指向指向”。C返回考点考点5 on the other hand另一方面另一方面教材教材原句原句On the other hand, some adverts go too far when they are deliberately offensive. 另一方面,有些广告却另一方面,有些广告却过分地蓄意冒犯。分地蓄意冒犯。返回On one hand, he is a kind man, but on the other hand he is very cruel to his enemy.一方面他是个善良的人,但另一方面他一方面他是个善良的人,但另一方面他对自己的自己的敌人又人又很残酷。很

27、残酷。返回关关键一点一点on the other hand多与多与on (the) one hand连用,表示用,表示“一方面一方面,另一方面,另一方面”。On the one hand, they would love to have kids, but on the other hand, they dont want to give up their freedom.一方面,他一方面,他们想要孩子,但另一方面,他想要孩子,但另一方面,他们又不想放弃自又不想放弃自由。由。返回归纳拓展归纳拓展for one thing . for another thing一方面一方面另一方面另一方面(多用

28、于(多用于陈述述“原因原因”)on the contrary 相反相反in contrast (to) (与(与)相)相对而言而言返回 The job isnt interesting, is it?这工作没多大意思,工作没多大意思,对吗? On the contrary, it is fascinating. I love it.恰恰相反,那工作有意思极了,我喜恰恰相反,那工作有意思极了,我喜欢。 Why dont you buy a car?为什么不什么不买辆车呢?呢? Well, for one thing, its too expensive for me, for another t

29、hing, I cant drive.一方面一方面车太太贵,另一方面我不会开。,另一方面我不会开。返回多角度演多角度演练1选词填空:填空: on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast toI admire your ability, but , I distrust your judgement.We didnt start the fire. , we helped put it out. what some might hope, students rarely finish their homework exclaiming that

30、they had great fun.on the other handOn the contraryIn contrast to返回2单项填空填空This is not an economical way to get more water, _, it is very expensive.Aon the contraryBon the other handCin a word Drather than解析:解析:选 句意:句意:这不是不是获取更多水的取更多水的经济方式,相方式,相反,反,这种方式非常昂种方式非常昂贵。on the contrary“相反相反”;on the other ha

31、nd“在另一方面在另一方面”;in a word“简言之言之”;rather than“而不是而不是”。A返回考点考点6 available adj.可利用的;可获得的;有空的可利用的;可获得的;有空的教材教材原句原句During this period, most English names became unpopular and only a few popular names were available, such as William, Henry, John, Robert, Richard and Thomas. 在那个在那个时期,大多数英国名字期,大多数英国名字变得不再流行,

32、只有得不再流行,只有少数流行的名字少数流行的名字为人所用,比如人所用,比如说威廉、亨利、威廉、亨利、约翰、翰、罗伯特、理伯特、理查德和托德和托马斯。斯。返回This was the only room available.这是唯一可以用的房是唯一可以用的房间。Will she be available this afternoon?今天下午她有空今天下午她有空吗?Tickets are available free of charge from the school.学校有免学校有免费票。票。返回be available to sb.(可可)为某人所得到某人所得到(利用利用)归纳拓展归纳拓展A

33、ll the books in the library will be available to us.图书馆中所有的中所有的书籍将供我籍将供我们借借阅。返回1完成句子完成句子 (所有能找到的医生所有能找到的医生) was called to the scene.We should treasure (可利用的可利用的资源源)The computer has become smaller and cheaper and therefore more (为所利用所利用) a greater number of people.多角度演练多角度演练Every doctor availableavai

34、lable resourcesavailable to返回2单项填空填空There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.Apresent BavailableCprecious Dconvenient解析:解析:选 present“现在的,出席的,当面的在的,出席的,当面的”;available“可得到的,可利用的可得到的,可利用的”;previous“宝宝贵的,的,贵重的重的”;convenient“方便的方便的”。句意:在。句意:在这个国家的西部个国家的西部地区,有很多工作可找。地区,有很多工作可找。B返回返回A

35、son or daughter might inherit a nickname as a surname even_if they themselves did not share the particular characteristic.儿子或女儿可能因儿子或女儿可能因袭一个一个绰号作号作为自己的姓氏,而他自己的姓氏,而他们本本人却并不人却并不带有有这种特点。种特点。 本句是一个主从复合句,其中本句是一个主从复合句,其中“A son or daughter . surname”是主句,是主句,even if引引导的是的是让步状步状语从句,相当于从句,相当于even though。返回Ev

36、en though/if an ad. does not lie, it doesnt mean it tells you the complete truth.即使广告不撒即使广告不撒谎,也不意味着它告,也不意味着它告诉了你全部真相。了你全部真相。We wouldnt go abroad for our holidays, even though/if we could afford it.即使我即使我们有能力支付,也不去国外度假。有能力支付,也不去国外度假。返回as if/though好像,仿佛好像,仿佛even so 尽管如此;即使尽管如此;即使这样归纳拓展归纳拓展The clouds

37、are gathering as if it is going to rain.云在聚集,好像要下雨了。云在聚集,好像要下雨了。The fire was out,but even so, the smell of smoke was strong.火已熄火已熄灭,但即使如此烟味仍很,但即使如此烟味仍很浓。返回多角度演练多角度演练1选词填空:填空: even if, as if, even soThere are many spelling mistakes; its quite a good essay.He was shaking with fright he had seen a ghos

38、t. it takes me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.even so as if Even if 返回2单项填空填空(2011山东高考山东高考)He had his camera ready_he saw something that would make a good picture.Aeven if Bif onlyCin case Dso that解析:解析:选 句意:他准句意:他准备好了相机,万一看好了相机,万一看见能拍一能拍一张好照片的好照片的东西西(就可以拍下来了就可以拍下来了)。结合句意,可知合句意,可知应选in

39、case,意,意为“以防,万一以防,万一”。even if “即使即使”;if only “要是要是就好了就好了”;so that 表表结果或目的。果或目的。C返回返回have/get宾语过去分词宾语过去分词(作宾语补足语作宾语补足语)返回We want to know why the man has had his hair cut like that.I need to get the hard disk upgraded.I must get my tyres pumped up.He had/got his computer stolen the other day.He had/go

40、t his leg broken yesterday.返回我的我的发现(1)以上各句中作以上各句中作宾语补足足语的都是的都是 。作。作宾补的的过去分去分词与与宾语有有逻辑上的上的 。(2)表示表示让别人去做某事的有:人去做某事的有: 。(3)表示表示(主主语)遭受到遭受到(意外的意外的损失或不幸失或不幸)的有的有 。过去分去分词动宾关系关系返回返回一、一、“have/get sth. done”结构的构的应用用 英英语中中过去分去分词可作可作宾补,表示被,表示被动或完成意或完成意义。不及。不及物物动词的的过去分去分词表示完成意表示完成意义,及物,及物动词的的过去分去分词表示表示被被动且完成意且

41、完成意义。“have/get sth. done”表示的两种意表示的两种意义返回1主主语让别人做某事人做某事I had/got my TV set repaired yesterday.昨天我叫人把我的昨天我叫人把我的电视机修理了一下。机修理了一下。2主主语使某物遭受不愉快或不可使某物遭受不愉快或不可测的事情的事情Be careful, or youll have/get your hands hurt.当心,否当心,否则你会弄你会弄伤手的。手的。返回11.翻翻译句子句子史密斯先生的史密斯先生的农场在在这次洪水中被冲次洪水中被冲毁毁了。了。I had my wallet stolen on t

42、he bus.他明天想去他明天想去检查眼睛。眼睛。Mr.Smith had/got his farm destroyed in the flood.我的我的钱包在公交包在公交车上被上被偷了。了。He wants to have/get his eyes examined tomorrow.返回12.用所用所给动词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空He has had his hair (cut)She is going to have her new clothes (make) by a young tailor.cutmade返回二、二、“have/get sb./sth./doing/do”结

43、构的构的应用用1have sb./sth. doing“使使/让某人持某人持续地做某事地做某事(现在分在分词表表示主示主动和和进行的行的动作作)”get sb./sth. doing“使某人使某人/物开始行物开始行动起来起来”The peasants had the tractor working day and night at the harvest time.农忙忙时,农民民们让拖拉机白天黑夜不停地干活。拖拉机白天黑夜不停地干活。The captain got the soldiers moving toward the front after a short rest.休息了片刻之后,

44、上尉休息了片刻之后,上尉让士兵士兵们开始朝前开始朝前线继续行行进。返回点津点津“have sb. doing”若用于否定句,若用于否定句,have有有“容忍;容忍;容容许”之意。之意。I wont have you doing nothing all day at all.我不能容我不能容许你整天无所事事。你整天无所事事。返回2have sb. do sth.或或get sb. to do sth.都表示都表示“使使/让某人做某人做某事某事”Mother had me go to the shop and buy some salt.母母亲让我去商店我去商店买些些盐。I cant get hi

45、m to stop smoking.我无法我无法让他戒烟。他戒烟。点津点津have sth. to do表示表示“有某事要做有某事要做”,动词不定式表不定式表示将来示将来动作,作定作,作定语修修饰sth.,其,其逻辑主主语为句子主句子主语。返回21.用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The novelist had the victim (talk) about the volcanic eruption.I will not have you (talk) to Mother like that.If you did such a tiresome thing, you would get everybody (tease) you.talktalkingteasing返回22.单句改句改错Ill not go out because I have lots of work done.答案:答案:doneto doDont worry. Ill get Tom help you soon.答案:答案:helpto helpHe always has his workers work all night.答案:答案:workworking返回点此进入返回点此进入



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