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1、江西省宜春市万载第一职业技术高级中学2022年高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题32. On July 28, 2012 when everything will be in _ place, _ flood of people from all over the world will be watching the opening ceremony of _ Olympic Games in London.A. / ; a; the B. the ; a; the C. / ; the ; an D. the ; the ; an 参考答案:A略2. _ the weather, the s

2、ports meet will be held on time.AInstead of BIn relation toCRegardless of DIn favor of参考答案:C句意:不管天气如何,运动会都会按时举行。regardless of“不管;不顾”,符合句意。instead of“代替;而不是”;in relation to“关于;涉及”;in favor of“有利于;支持”。3. Is it he or you _ in charge of the job and supposed to complete it on time?.A. who is B. that is C

3、. who are D. whom are参考答案:C4. Thinking that her daughter was doing homework, the mother left the room _ .A. quickly and gentle B. quick and gentle C. quickly and gently D. quick and gently参考答案:B5. What the educational expert wants to stress is that _ from worry and anxiety can definitely contributes

4、 to a childs mental and physical health. A. responsibility B. freedom C. sorrow D. comfort参考答案:B6. There is some possibility that the patient could make a full recovery, a certain cure for the disease.A. there should beB. was thereC. there wasD. should there be参考答案:D7. “It is the realization of the

5、Chinese Dream _ put forward by Chairman Xi _ presents a vision for national revival and contributes to a new global landscape”, said foreign experts at a dialogue Saturday in Shanghai.A. which; that B. that; / C. /; which D. /; that参考答案:D8. It would be a great idea if you travelled in the of someone

6、 who is familiar with these regionsAcompany Bresponse Cintroduction Dappreciation参考答案:A略9. calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of things. A . mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. neednt You _ have done all the 参考答案:B略10. How do you understand the saying “It is the soldier, not the poet, _ has

7、given us freedom of speech?” A. who B. which C. whom D. what参考答案:A11. Was her concert a great success? Sure. _ such a good chance, how could she let it slip away?A. Having given B. Giving C. Having been given D. Being given参考答案:C略12. David watched the car drive slowly away,until it was a dot in the

8、distanceAless than Bmore than Cnot more than Dno more than参考答案:D13. My parents arent _ me going abroad for education, fearing that Im too young to take care of myself.A. in charge ofB. in favor ofC. in need ofD. in praise of参考答案:B【详解】考查介词短语。句意:我父母不赞成我出国留学,担心我太小不能照顾自己。A. in charge of负责;B. in favor of

9、赞成、支持;C. in need of 需要;D. in praise of赞扬、歌颂。根据“fearing that Im too young to take care of myself.”可知此处表示“不赞成”,故B项正确。14. When you are reading, make a note of _ you think is of great importance.A. which B. that C. where D. what参考答案:D15. Since the medicine had no _ on him, he had to go to see another do

10、ctor the next day. A. result B. work C. effort D. effect 参考答案:D16. Sorry, I have no time left now, Can we discuss the matter 1山东、北京、天津、云南、贵州、江西 六地区试卷投稿QQ 2355394694 _ supper?A、 overB、onC、byD、at参考答案:A17. Its often difficult to find _ to express what you want to say.Aexactly the right wod Bthe word ri

11、ght exactlyCthe right exactly word Dexactly right the word参考答案:A二、 新的题型18. The mamabear instinctMs Angela McQueen, a math and PE teacher at Mattoon High School, Illinois, has a routine when shes on lunchmonitoring duty She_1_ (keep) an eye on the hundreds of students in her charge by walking laps(圈)

12、 around the school cafeteriaIn September 2017, McQueen, then 40, had hardly finished one lap_2_ a 14yearold freshman standing not far from her pulled out a gun She knew too well that he was going to start shootingSchool employees_3_(train)on how to handle active shooters:Attack their ability_4_ (aim

13、) So with the shooters finger on the trigger, McQueen rushed to him_5_(grab) at his arm, she forced the gun into the air, but not_6_ he struck one student in the hand and chest and hurt another As students ran for the exits, McQueen defeated the shooter with help from the school resource officer,_7_ disarmed the student and took him into imprisonment until police arrived minutes later Afterward, McQueen went outside to give hugs and support to her shaken studentsIts the mamabear instinct, she told the local paper I dont have kids of my o


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