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1、海南省海口市市府城中学高一英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. No one likes _.Ato play a trick on Bto play a trickCto be played a trick Dto be played a trick on参考答案:D考查非谓语动词。句意:没有人喜欢被作弄。“开玩笑;作弄”用动词短语play a trick on,此处为被动。2. Bob insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _from work. A. did; wont be fired B. had done; not be fired C. shou

2、ld do; mustnt be fired D. do; shouldnt be fired参考答案:B3. Many high school _ have no chance to go to college in that country at present. A. accountants B. volunteers C. graduates D. experts参考答案:C4. Henry broke the window. Ill ask him why _ .A. did he do that B. he did thatC. had he done that D. he had

3、 done that 参考答案:B试题分析:考查宾语从句。句意:亨利打破了窗户,我问他为什么他要这样做。根据语境可知这件事已经发生了,故用一般过去时,故选B项。 考点:考查宾语从句 5. The English play _ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success. A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which参考答案:C6. We went through a period _ communications were very difficult in the

4、 rural areas.A. whichB. whoseC. in whichD. with which参考答案:C【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我们度过了一段在农村通讯很困难的时期。这是一个定语从句,先行词是period,后面的定语从句中缺少时间状语,要用when或in which,相当于in the period表示时间,作句中的状语。故选C。7. You were late for class, but you _ on time. A. might be B. should beC. ought to have been D. must have been参考答案:C解析:表示过去应该

5、做而未做某事,意为“过去本应该”。8. It is the third time that he _ the first prize in the competition. A. wins B. won C. has won D. to win 参考答案:C9. Even nowadays some schools in many poor rural places still have no _ to computers for the latest information.A. approach B. abilityC. access D. need参考答案:C句意:即使在当今,许多位于贫

6、困乡区的学校仍然无法接近电脑来获得最新的信息。have no access to 无法接近,是固定短语,选C。10. The speaker _ the talk from one topic to another.A. exchanged B. switch C. turned D. altered参考答案:B11. Would you like to watch the basketball match with me this evening? _. I like basketball very much. A. Id love to B. Not really C. I wouldnt

7、 go D. Thank you all the same参考答案:A12. Your parents always arrange everything for you, but since youre no longer a child, you should learn to be _ them. Agrateful to Bindependent ofCdifferent fromDsatisfied with参考答案:B13. We usually take turns _ cleaning, and today it is my turn _ it. A. to do; doing

8、 B. do; doC. done; doing D. to do; to do参考答案:D14. The young engineer was_ a gold cup because of his creative achievements for the development of the company.Aawarded Badmitted Capplied Daccepted参考答案:A15. A large sum of money has been raised for the_of the poorly-educated children in the mountainous

9、districts.Aprofit BfavourCadvantage Dbenefit参考答案:D16. Have you ever been to Shanghai Expo Garden?No.It is the first time that I_to China.Acome Bhave come Cam coming Dcame 参考答案:B略17. The horses each other the first prize in the match. A. completed against; for B. competed against; to C. competed agai

10、nst; for D. completed; to get 参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. Lucks thought to happen by chance; its not thought to be something you can plan for or obtain by intention. 36 There are ways in which you can tap into positive force and improve your luck. Indeed, lucks the product of our own mental focus and attitudes

11、. Imagine by changing your focus, you can intentionally increase the amount of luck you experience in life. Face Your FearsThe only way to get beyond a fear is to march straight through it. If you hide from your fears, youre hiding from new opportunity that might be waiting for you. 37 Be CuriousThe

12、 more curious youre, the “luckier”youll become. Curiosity will lead to roads you mightnt have travelled. You never know what opportunity might present through your creative and curious mind. Take Baby Steps38 The best and most effective way to achieve what you want is to take your dreams one small b

13、aby step at a time. 39 The luckiest and most successful people are the ones who have failed over and over, but didnt give up. They learned from their failures; filed them away as “feedback”, and they forged(稳步前进) ahead. Ask for What You WantIts no accident that those whore lucky and get what they wa

14、nt! Trust your desires and make requests without apology. 40 If your request is turned down, consider the answer to be a temporary “no”. Its okay to ask for what you want again at a different time. All these behaviours are guaranteed to improve your luck for sure! A. So you cant avoid them forever in life. B. Success doesnt happen overnight. C. However, luck isnt just a random(任意的) event. D. Go for it! E. Give your feedback F. So stare do



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