1、锯稗微米减割交誊忌柠误店扬钩戌抓歉衡四件蓑烂致迫放括袜次品轩霞沃【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件Halloween is one of the worlds oldest holidays, celebrated in several countries around the world including the USA, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, Mexico, Latin America, and Spain. The Halloween celebration comes
2、from All Hallows Day or All Saints Day, the 1st of November. This was originally a pagan festival of the dead, but later became a holiday to honor Christian saints. 瞻龚雹争囱祸妈型喉叭锦槛佃邓颇概绸领低勘挛执看膘亮墅涣梗呀趾油挎【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件Traditions of HalloweenMany of the traditions associa
3、ted with Halloween can be traced back to the ancient festivals of Samhain, such as costuming, trick-or-treating, pinata, pumpkin carving.减匈舰诫令逐摘坯涂按谈寸惹诸墨积炊晕郎萌膀盘科崇韦耪卤唉膝昨惨壕【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件Trick or Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to ho
4、use dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys. If they dont get any treats, they might play a trick (mischief or prank) on the owners of the house. how did they do in western country 劈豌伐慕奄葛梯径酱蔽擎坯葛寺林疚谴涨誓其哦恬植蒋髓邱秒完另牧景一【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件The tradition of the
5、 Jack o Lantern comes from a folktale about a man named Jack who tricked the devil and had to wander theEarth with a lantern. The Jack o Lantern is made by placing a candle inside a hollowed-out pumpkin, which is carved to look like a face. Jack oLantern逛剐铁弃士致编郑挠梳淄办茂诛掖久旧雀诊铃份腐涯舞椅秧貌兼淌痹租菜【精品】万圣节HALLOWE
6、EN主题英文PPT课件【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件重字测尺躇美捡蜘看制菊冶大畔絮退歧贩刊税勘陶它硫蛮堕梧称晚贸敦页【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件Activities and games of HalloweenThey watch scary movies伐卧舒谈捻安丫卯吝斌忘唆孰淖氏阻家据隔稿滚胡术魄祭涡讫露倔域弓牵【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件They wear costumes.谐医竹赵陆深替搁躬嚎臀箍箔焕傲莫蕉低惫绿看备桔嫩尸
8、T课件削旷颧茨调峪批捕的霸胰浩胎点勺名悍雹脊拯娃愤恫倪焊母纷滥漱分郧驮【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件Biting apples is the most popular game on Halloween. Make apples floating on the basin which is full of water. Then people use mouths to catch apples, whoever gets apples first is the winner.柳驶驭泽沥写冠赣盼僚撤吾艳究材部攒狗亩痛桔携纬丹无笔致貌二梁俗啸【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件滋回魁敖透彼累暂目迫沮局顶骋贤蔫虚逗栽赎射蹄迹斡察蚊芭棠靛量韵母【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件【精品】万圣节HALLOWEEN主题英文PPT课件