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1、 烟台市2018年中考英语试卷一、完形填空1请根据短文内容从所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。 Whats the meaning of life? This is a question we all ask (1) at one point or another. The best answer that I came across was written by the great psychologist, Viktor Frankl. He wrote that The meaning of life is to give life meaning. When I was a young b

2、oy, I gave my life meaning by (2) playing, running, jumping, swimming, laughing and riding my bike. When I went to school, I gave my life meaning by learning, studying hard, getting good grades and trying to make my mom and dad (3) . When I was a teenager, I found meaning in playing sports, (4) out

3、with my friends and trying to impress girls. In college, I found my life meaning by deciding what I wanted to study and what career(职业) I would (5) for. When I was working as a teacher, I found meaning in helping to open young minds to new (6) and old wisdom. When I married and had kids, I found mea

4、ning in protecting and watching over those I loved. When I found out (7) of my sons were mentally handicapped (智障),I found meaning in loving them, (8) them and learning so much from them about life, love, patience, faith and joy. (9) I grew older, I began to understand meaning isnt something that co

5、mes and goes. We can give meaning to every moment of our life. We can bring meaning to the thoughts we have. We can bring meaning to the things we do we can bring meaning to the hearts we (10) . All we have to do is to love. It is love that makes life worth living. It is love that gives life meaning

6、.(1)AourselvesBoursCus(2)AexactlyBsimplyCwidely(3)AwiseBseriousCproud(4)AhangingBbringingCgiving(5)AprovideBprepareCcheer(6)AideasBadviceCpromises(7)AneitherBeitherCboth(8)Agrowing upBcaring forCtaking after(9)AAsBUnlessCSince(10)AfeelBtouchCbeat二、阅读理解2阅读理解 There lived an old man in a small town of

7、Germany. He had three sons and they all worked in the same factory where he had worked. After the Second World War began. his sons were all made to join the army and all of them died in the battle(战争). The old man was heartbroken. He didnt have enough food and often went hungry. Nobody helped him an

8、d he didnt know how to go on living. One cold winter night, the old man couldnt go to sleep. He had been hungry for two days and it was so cold that ice could be seen in his room. He had to get up and began to run in the room until he lay down on the ground. The next morning he had to beg from door

9、to door. He had been to a lot of cities ever since. Once he came to a village, but the villagers were all poor and couldnt give him anything. He was too hungry to go to another village. He thought over and over and found a way. He came to a police station and called out. Hitler is a foolish pig! Out

10、 came a policeman at once. He took the old man into a room, gave him some bread and a cup of tea. Then he said, Dont say that in our village, sir! Im sorry, sir, said the old man, I dont know its Hitlers hometown. No, no, sir, the policeman said in a hurry. Its the pigs hometown!请根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(1)Wh

11、y was the old man heartbroken? ABecause he had nothing to support his three sonsBBecause he was made to join the armyCBecause all his three sons lost their lives in the war(2)Finally, the old man got things to eat by _. Aasking the villagers for helpBshouting to the police stationCbegging from door

12、to door(3)Actually the policeman _. Ahated Hitler as well as the old manBdidnt want to help the old manCthought the old man was more foolish than pigs(4)We can infer(推断)that the village underlined in the passage is _hometown. Athe old mansBthe pigsCHitlers(5)The passage above is _. Aa science fictio

13、nBa funny storyCa fairy tale3阅读理解 On sale!Girls Purple TentIt has light weight and is easy to fit together and take down.There are small holes in the windows. These holes let the air in and keep the bugs out.Price: 30(66)For more interesting thingsTel: 768-3647.Peng Lai Chun Restaurant Yuxi RoadA Ch

14、inese restaurant.Delicious and great value!You can get a starter, a main course and a drink only for ¥18! Book early because it gets busy! Wednesday: Kids under 8 half price.Tel: 623-2972Bookshop assistantDickens BooksLincoln RoadMondayFriday, plus one Saturday per month 8 a. m.4 p. m. 8 per hour Te

15、lephone 879-6634 and speak to the shop manager.John HunterSummer Fashion Show Golden Shopping Plaza 2:00 P. M. SaturdayMens and womens swimwear and summer wear.See 26 pretty and cool models in the latest fashions.All clothing on sale after the show for under $60.请根据材料内容,选择最佳选项。(1)What can we know about the tent? AIts pinkBIts for boysC


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