人教版七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas_ Section B 1a-1d 课件

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《人教版七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas_ Section B 1a-1d 课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas_ Section B 1a-1d 课件(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section B 1a-1dList some words to describe the animals in the pictures.Lets think and guess.a pandaIts big and fat.Its quiet and gentle.Its black and white.giraffes1.very tall2.have a long neck3.beautiful 4.from Africa5.interesting and friendlykoalas1.small;grey2.cute a

2、nd lazy3.sleep in the day4.live in trees5.only from Australiaelephants1.big and heavy2.have long trunks(鼻子)3.two big ears are like fans4.from Africa5.cute and friendly6.eat grass7.the biggest animal on the landA description of an animalnamenationalityhobbyagewhat to eatwhere to liveappearanceothersp

3、ersonality Do you know how to describe an animal?Can you describe your favourite animal?tiger,elephant,koala,panda,lion,giraffe,dog,catAnimalscute,lazy,fun,smart,beautiful,scary,shy,big,interesting,boring,friendly,tall,small,really,kind of,be from,Africa,South Africa,China,Thailand,South(North)Ameri

4、ca Words and expressions Do you know how to describe an animal?Can you describe your favourite animal?I like because I like pandas because theyre cute.I like because I like giraffes because theyre kind of beautiful.Lead inI(dont)like because I dont like koalas because theyre really lazy.I dont like

5、lions because theyre really scary.I(dont)like because Lead inI like because I dont like because Lead in1.smart _ 3.beautiful _ 5.lazy_7.small _2.friendly _ 4.cute _ 6.scary _ 8.shy _efebfdacMatch the description words with the animals.You can use some words more than once.1a presentationDescribe the

6、 animals in the pictures.I like pandas because theyre kind of shy.I like elephants because they are kind of smart.I like giraffes because theyre kind of beautiful.practiceI dont like koalas because theyre really lazy.I dont like tigers because theyre very scary.I dont like lions because theyre reall

7、y scary.practiceMary and Tony are talking about pandas and elephants.They have different ideas.They use different description words to describe them.Pre-listening1.smart _ 3.beautiful _ 5.lazy_7.small _2.friendly _ 4.cute _ 6.scary _ 8.shy _efebfdacListen and circle the description words you hear in

8、 1a.1b Lets listenListen again.What words do they use to describe the animals?Fill in the chart.AnimalMarys wordsTonys wordselephantspandasinteresting,really smart lazybeautiful,kind of shykind of cute1c Lets listenFill in the blanks.1.Tony thinks elephants _ _,but Mary thinks elephants _ _ _ _.2.To

9、ny thinks pandas _ _ _ _.3.Mary thinks pandas _ _ and _ _ _.are lazyare interesting and are kind of are beautifulkind ofshysmartinterestingListen again and fill in the blanks.Mary wants to see the _,because theyre interesting and really _.Tony thinks they are _,too.He wants to see the _,because they

10、re kind of cute.Mary loves pandas.She thinks theyre _,but also kind of _.Theyre over there,_ the koalas.elephantssmartlazypandasbeautiful shynot far from Tony:Where do you want to go now?Mary:Lets see the elephants.Tony:The elephants?Why do you like elephants?Mary:Oh,theyre interesting.And theyre re

11、ally smart.Tony:Yes,but theyre lazy,too.Lets readMary:Oh,Tony!So,where do you want to go?Tony:Lets see the pandas.Theyre kind of cute.Mary:Oh,yeah.I love pandas.Theyre beautiful.But theyre also kind of shy.Where are they?Tony:Theyre over there,not far from the koalas.Lets readTalk about the animals

12、you knowwith your partner.A:What animals do you like?B:I like elephants.A:Why?B:Because they are cute.What animals do you like?A:I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart.1d Lets practice My favorite animalsWhat animals do you like?I like.Because.What animals.?Zoo Pet house 1:Good introduction with ajectives.(利用所学形容词作报告);2:Confident and fluent(自信且流利);Rules:Survey and Report:My favorite animals小组内调查学生最喜欢的宠物,然后做报告。小组内调查学生最喜欢的宠物,然后做报告。I like.because.Why?.Where.?Group work


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