
1、灌木护坡 根据灌木具有的良好的抗旱、保水、保土、防风沙、降尘土、抗盐碱,且生长快、耐贫瘠、对土壤环境要求不高等优点,将灌木种植应用于护坡工程而形成的一种生态护坡。 Shrubs Slope According that shrub has good effect for drought tolerance,water conservation,soil conservation,sand reduction,falling dirt,salt tolerance,and fast growth,poorresistance,less demand on the soil environment,etc.,will be applied to slope engineering shrubs planted to form a kind ecological protection. 2、乔灌草护坡 是指将乔木、灌木、草本有机结合,合理配置,保持生态平衡的综合护坡方式。繁茂树冠能阻止雨滴对地表的直接击溅,林下小气候可增强土壤涵养水源的能力,草木与枯枝落叶能防止地表径流冲刷,庞大根系能增强土壤抗冲蚀力,由此达到立体式防治水土流失的效果。 Arbor-Shrub Grass Revetment It means an approach aiming at maintaining ecological balance by combining and allocating arbor,shrub and herbaceous plants in an organic way.Flourishing crowns can stop raindrop directly impacting on the earth's surface,microclimate in forest can enhance soil's capacity for conserving water sources,herbaceous plants and dry branches and fallen leaves can prevent surface runoff and huge root system can bring soil an enhanced capacity for resisting washout,and a 3D system of water and soil conservation has taken shape in this way. 3、鱼鳞坑护坡 鱼鳞坑是一种水土保持造林整地方法,在较陡的梁峁坡面和支离破碎的沟坡上沿等高线自上而下地挖半月型坑,呈品字形排列,形如鱼鳞,故称鱼鳞坑。鱼鳞坑护坡即是指在坡面上挖掘鱼鳞坑,在坑内植树,起到蓄水保土,防止坡面水土流失的作用。 Fish-Scale Pit Revetment Fish-scale pit,as an approach for water and soil conservation and soil preparation for afforestation,means that to dig,along contour line,semi-lune pits distributing as the shape of Chinese character of Pin in a top-down way in the relatively steep slopes and gully slopes,and as they looks like fish scale,they are called fish-scale pits.While fish-scale pit revetment refers to digging the pits in slopes,and planting tree in them,which play a role of conserving water and soil,and preventing soil erosion.

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