
2023年山东省泰安市第六中学高三英语模拟试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. ______on the opposite wall ____ one map together with dozens of pictures. A.Hung; is     B.Hung; are     C.Hanging; is D.Hanging; are 参考答案: C 分析句子结构与意思,可知这是一个倒装句,句子中的主语是one map together with dozens of pictures,受到主谓一致中的with是就远原则的限制,谓语动词应该要看远处的map,故第二个空格的谓语动词应该用单数;而hang在句子中是主动,故选C。 句意:一张地图,还有几十张的图片都挂在了对面的墙上。 2. ---Are you getting a new car this year? ---You must be joking! I can’t afford to pay my bills, _______ buy a new car. A. let alone          B. or rather         C. leave alone        D. other than 参考答案: A 3. Although ________ about fatness,she still has confidence in her performance of daily life. A. teased B. teasing C. tease D. to tease 参考答案: A 4. Years of fighting has left the area _____. A. in fear   B. in silence     C. in ruins   D. in peace 参考答案: C 5. --- I’m not good at singing, you know. ---       . It’s just for fun. A. All right                                    B. No problem                     C. Come on                      D. Cheer up 参考答案: C 22.  Mrs. White managed to settle the quarrel between Lei and Rain without hurting the feelings of______.              A.either          B.none        C.neither          D.all            参考答案: A 7. The white building, ______ threats to pull it down, is now a private house in the possession of a retired professor.        A. survived                   B. surviving                  C. to survive               D. having survived 参考答案: D 13. Funny animal is a term used in comics and animated cartoons ___ the animals are given human characteristics.    A. where       B. that       C. why       D. as 参考答案: A 略 9. ----Alice,turn off the light and lock the door before you leave.    -----  ____________.   A. Got it           B. Made it         C. Heard it        D. Taken it 参考答案: A 10. Experts and teachers all think that failure is not _____ a bad thing to some extent. A. greatly B. necessarily C. definitely D. fully 参考答案: B 11. Interest is as               to learning as the ability to understand, even more so. A. vital                                B. available                  C. specific                    D.  similar 参考答案: A 12. — Why was our foreign teacher unhappy yesterday? — News about the tsunami striking her country __________ an attack of homesickness. A. set for                    B. set out                             C. set about              D. set off 参考答案: D 13. —It is quite    me why she gave up such a good chance.    —You can go and ask her yourself. A.beyond    B.against   C.across   D.through 参考答案: A 14. ---Have you found the person you want? ---No. Experienced salesmen are     these days. A.usual    B.few    C.rare   D.small 参考答案: C 15. You can never be_____ careful ; the road is icy and slippery. A. very         B. too        C. quite       D. rather 参考答案: B 16. A concert will be held ______ the world-famous musician, who will personally play his favourtie music at it. A. in memory of B. in favour of    C. in reply to D. in salute to 参考答案: D 试题分析:考查固定短语。句意:即将举行的音乐会将致敬世界著名的音乐家,音乐会上会亲自演奏最爱的音乐。in salute to在致敬,故选D项。          17. Students should able to think for themselves ________just obeying teachers. A. in case of         B. besides             C. except D. instead of 参考答案: D 二、 单词拼写 18. 单词拼写(共10题,每小题1分,满分1分) 66. Hearing the fire a_______, all the students were in panic and began to cry for help. 67. Although he is three years j_______ to me, he has more working experience. 68. After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide a________ for the homeless families. 69. I thought the measure would work, but it had the o________ effect-more rivers being polluted. 70. The enemy soldiers were f_______ in all directions, but few of them could escape. 71. People who lived through the Second World War still have v________ memories of helplessness. 72. In that dark and stormy night, strong winds were a_________ with heavy rain. 73. Oct.1, 1949 saw the day when Chairman Mao stood in the tower of Tian’an Men Square, d________ that the People’s Republic of China was founded. 74. Psychologically speaking, children need love and a_________ to feel secure. 75. Even though the temperature in Russia was -18 ℃, China's first lady was still able to dress in an e_______ way, with a navy blue overcoat that was simple but well-tailored. 参考答案: 66. alarm 67. junior 68. accommodation 69. opposite 70. fleeing  71. vivid   72. accompanied 73. declaring   74. affection 75. elegant   19. You go to a store to buy food for a party.But when you get to the cash register,there are no plastic bags for the things you buy.If you live in San Francisco,this situation might not surprise you.(71)  Many cities and towns around the United States may ban plastic bags.(72)  Instead,they'd like people to use their own cloth bags when they shop.(73)  They say they wouldn't buy as much i

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