Unit 7 第6课时 Section B(3a-Self check) 【高效课堂+备课精研】七年级英语上册 (人教版)

Knowledge aims:come,buy,clothes,store,sale,sell,price,need,boy,skirts,pair,jackets,socks,shoes,trousers,shorts We have green sweaters for only$15.Yellow sweaters are only$12.Ability aims:Ask about prices and talk about clothing Moral aims:Learn to buy and sell clothes.Learn to cooperate with others.一、填表格,记数字。一、填表格,记数字。101115tenthirteentwelve201830sixteennineteen262839twenty-onethirty-fiveeleven 13fifteen12twenty16eighteen19thirtytwenty-six21twenty-eight35thirty-nineRevision1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty30 thirty40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety21 twenty-one 29 twenty-nine31 thirty-one 39 thirty-nine41 forty-one 49 forty-nine51 fifty-one 59 fifty-nine61 sixty-one 69 sixty-nine71 seventy-one 79 seventy-nine81 eighty-one 89 eighty-nine 91 ninety-one 99 ninety-nine100 hundredLearn these numbers and find out the rules:Know the amount(数量)(数量)you want?a pair of one two three3 pairs of trousers 2 pairs of socks shortsvestbootstieblousebeltcoatI can sell more clothes!glovesdown coat big small short long blackwhite redgreenblueyellowbrownpurplepinkgrayThe colors you wantsizes you want We have sweaters for only 29 yuan.Do you like sweaters?Yes,how much are they?Its 25 yuan.How much is the long skirt?Only twenty yuan.How much are thetrousers?Can you describe(描述描述)my clothes?$10$18$30$12$10a red skirta black T-shirt a green sweateryellow shortssmall pink shoes long blue socks$12Round 3How much is this/that/the-?Its-How much are these/those/the-?Theyre-12¥12015¥5018¥1133011¥29On Sale!3a Look at the things in the picture.Fill in the blanks in the ad.Huaxing Clothes Store Do you like _?We have _ for only _ yuan.How much are our _?Only _ yuan.And red _ are _ yuan.sweaters21sweaterstrousersskirts2025BigSale!3b Write an ad for your own clothes store.【思路点拨思路点拨】(1)体裁体裁:说明文。说明文。(2)人称人称:第一人称。第一人称。(3)时态时态:一般现在时一般现在时。(4)要点:种类、颜色、要点:种类、颜色、价格价格谋篇布局谋篇布局引入主题引入主题介绍产品介绍产品发出邀请发出邀请Come to now!We have in They are And we have nice Only for one pair and are at very good prices,too.You can buy for only Welcome to We are now.积句成篇:短语储备积句成篇:短语储备a clothes store 一家服装店一家服装店all colors 所有颜色所有颜色at a great sale 降价销售降价销售at a good price 以优惠的价格以优惠的价格how much 多少钱多少钱 a pair of 一双一双开头句:开头句:Welcome to Come and buy 中间句:中间句:We sell at very good prices.We have in color(s).For ,we have for only结尾句:结尾句:Come to and buy clothes now!积句成篇:句型荟萃积句成篇:句型荟萃One possible version:Miss Qiaos Clothes StoreCome and buy your clothes at !Do you like?We have_Come to our store now.Sale at _ Miss Qiaos Clothes StoreT-shirtsT-shirts at very good price for only10.Do you need bags?We also have great bags for only 8!For boys,we have T-shirts in white and yellow for only15.Shorts are only10!For girls,you can buy green skirts for12.I:a pair of white socks _ _ My partner:_ _ My teacher:_Describe what these people are wearing today.1a pair of brown shoes,blue trousers,a yellow sweater,blue trousers,a red jacket,a purple hata pair of grey socks,a pair of white shoesa pair of grey socks,a pair of red shoesred trousers,a white jacket2.Put the sentences in order to make a conversation.A.Thank you.B.Im sorry.We dont sell bags.C.You are welcome.D.Here you are.E.Yes,please.Do you sell bags?F.OK.Ill take them.G.Can I help you?H.I see.Hmm those blue trousers are nice.How much are they?I.Theyre twenty-five dollars.1234567892A.Thank you.B.Im sorry.We dont sell bags.C.You are welcome.D.Here you are.E.Yes,please.Do you sell bags?F.OK.Ill take them.G.Can I help you?H.I see.Hmm those blue trousers are nice.How much are they?I.Theyre twenty-five dollars.Put the sentences in order to make a conversation.一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1 (所有的)my pencils are green.2Your skirt is (很)good.3Go to get some books in the bookstore at a great (特价销售)4Mrs.Liu (卖)fruits in a small store.5What do you want to (买)for your fathers birthday?A watch.Allverysalesellsbuy二、根据首字母提示写单词1.Whats the p_ of your dictionary?2.Come and buy your clothes at our great s_.3.They are nine d_.4.Wang Jing is a good b_.He helps his friends a lot.5.We s_ trousers for only 30.ricealeollarsoyell三、单项选择。三、单项选择。1.The T-shirt is only ten dollars?Ill _ it.A.take B.sale C.sell2.Can I help you?_.A.Im sorry.B.Thank you.C.Yes,please.I want a skirt.3.We have sweater _ green,red and yellow _ only 18 dollars.A.at,to B.on,in C.in,for 4.How much _ those socks.A.is B.are C.do ACCB()5.The prices of the clothes at the shop are very_.A.high B.expensive C.higher D.cheap()6.The socks are _ sale.Theyre very cheap.A.in B.at C.on D.for()7.We have skirts _ all colors _$16 each.A.at;in B.in;for C.at;at D.in;in()8.Linda _ a new eraser _ the store in the school.A.sells;of B.sells;from C.buys;from D.buys;toCABC四四、根据汉语提示完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子1.这是一件价格合理的这是一件价格合理的T恤衫。恤衫。This is a sweater _ a good _.2.我们这儿不卖红色的袜子。我们这儿不卖红色的袜子。We dont sell socks _ _ here.3.快来买,服装大减价了!快来买,服装大减价了!Come and _ clothes _ our great _.4.我们这些短裤每件仅售我们这些短裤每件仅售13元。元。We have

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