
湖南省长沙市浏阳市2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读单选 Name: Gu Ailing Achievements:Before the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games she had got over 50 medals. And she won two gold medals and one silver medal for China in the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Skiing brings out the best in her. Hobbies: ◆She is a model when she has time. ◆She usually plays the piano in her free time. ◆ Now she is writing a book about her life. 1.How many medals has Gu Ailing got?A.50. B.53. C.More than 53. 2.What is Gu Ailing doing now? A.She is writing a book. B.She is taking piano lessons. C.She is working as a full-time model. When we talk about the UK, what will you think of? Big Ben, Downing Street and Tower Bridge are always our hot topics (话题). But there are many other facts about the UK. Come and see! The most popular museum is the British Museum in London. Over six million people visit it every year. It is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. But on Friday, the closing time is 8:30 p.m. The River Severn starts in Wales and flows (流) through western England. It’s well known for the Severn Bore — a tall wave (波浪) of water that regularly (定期地) flows up the river from the sea. Hungry? Beef and chicken are tasty, fruit and vegetables are healthy, and sandwiches are simple. Short of money? The cheapest food is fish and chips (炸鱼薯条). And it’s delicious. 3.When can we visit the British Museum?A.At 9:00 a.m., Monday. B.At 10:30 a.m., Tuesday. C.At 9:30 p.m., Friday. 4.What is the River Severn famous for? A.Its tall wave of water. B.Its beautiful riverbank. C.Its deep river bed. 5.The reading material (材料) above is most probably ________. A.a business plan B.a travel guide C.a science report Libraries usually have a pretty strict “no talking” rule, but it’s the opposite in the Human (人类) Library. In fact, talking is what the Human Library is all about! Ronni Abergel, a Danish reporter, started the first Human Library in Copenhagen in 2000. He wanted to create a safe space for people to discuss difficult themes. There are now Human Libraries in more than 80 countries. Instead of books, the libraries’ resources (资源) are humans. When you walk into a Human Library, you can see a list of the day’s available “books”. These “books” are actually human volunteers who have “published (出版)” their stories and experiences. Once you choose one, you sit down with the “book” either alone or in a group and have a conversation. “We look for volunteers that are homeless, have no jobs, have certain disabilities, etc, they can help educate us,” Ronni explained. “What could be a better resource to learn from than someone with a lived experience? Whether you’re young or old, rich or poor, no matter who you are, we can all meet up in the library and learn.” Most people walk out of the Human Library with a new understanding of themselves and others. Ronni believes that listening to another human’s experiences can break us out of our “shells (壳)” and change our opinions. Would you like to visit a Human Library and have a conversation with a special “book”? 6.Can we talk in the Human Library? ________ . A.Yes, we can’t B.No, we can’t C.Yes, we can 7.What does the underlined word “themes” mean in Chinese? A.场景 B.主题 C.环境 8.What are these “books” actually about? A.interesting books B.available “books” C.human volunteers’ stories and experiences 9.How does Ronni believe that people can break them out of their “shells (壳)”and change their opinions? A.By reading the books. B.By listening to another human’s experiences. C.By working with friends. 10.What do you think of Human Libraries? A.Special and helpful B.Special and unhelpful C.Special and homeless Wen Xionghui is a calligraphy (书法) teacher who works at Dongyuan Senior High School in Heyuan, Guangdong Province. Every Friday afternoon, he travels to rural (农村的) areas in Heyuan to teach students calligraphy. Wen started working as a volunteer calligraphy teacher in rural schools in 2014. For eight years, he has taught in several schools. “It takes me at least 1.5 hours to reach the nearest school by bus, and over 3 hours to get to the farthest school,” Wen says. The journey is harder if there’s bad weather, but Wen has never missed a class. “I’m glad when I see students make progress. I feel tired but happy,” he adds. Most of Wen’s students are left-behind children (留守儿童). Wen says that although rural children start to learn calligraphy later than children in cities, this doesn’t mean that they aren’t excellent students. In fact, he always finds students with a talent for art in rural schools, and some have become quite skilled because they keep practicing. Wen not only teaches students calligraphy in rural areas, but also spreads a love of traditional art and culture. “Teaching art is really meaningful in rural areas because there aren’t enough art teachers there,” Wen says. Li Zhihong, an expert in calli

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