
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、Training includes practical experience working on a range of aircraft on campus including a______Boeing aircraft owned by the school. A.broken B.functioning C.used D.skeleton 【答案】 BCK1C6U4Z5Y8N3A2HT1B1U2O7P1Z9K5ZP9H10H7C4H3M3Y10 2、Angus Wienhoit’s seminar provides a ____ approach to starting a business using resources that are widely available. A.sizable B.practical C.variety D.constant 【答案】 BCX4H2D6J9G6E2H8HA1N2R8D6T1I2D5ZR5K1I3V6M5G3W6 3、国务院总理温家宝2012年3月5日向十一届全国人大五次会议作政府工作报告时提 出,2012年中央财政已按全国财政性教育经费支出占国内生产总值的( )编制预算,地方财 玫也要相应安排,确保实现这一目标。这意味着该目标自1993年提出以来我国有望首次实现这一承诺。 A.3% B.4% C.2.8% D.3. 5% 【答案】 BCR8V5Y10M9J2M5Q3HL3T5Z3K5V10L9R6ZE7N6C3B7V7U1W3 4、资料:What attracts customers? Obviously the quality of a product does, but visual images contribute a great deal. It is not only the image provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporate identity of the company. A.the examples of logos which are emotive and can inspire loyalty B.the examples of giving people idea of the products by using the images C.the examples of logos which fit in with contemporary design D.None of above 【答案】 ACE3B4C4C4M9S2S1HH9D1F6J5V10Z5L6ZN4R6P4B7O4D7Y8 5、用汇编语言或高级语言编写的程序称为( )。 A.用户程序 B.源程序 C.系统程序 D.汇编程序 【答案】 BCK6J8O1R5F2S6Q4HE1H3K6V5Y5K6F7ZY6Q4J9L7A9H1P9 6、Susan made(  )clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. A.That B.this C.it D.her 【答案】 CCX2X1S10V1A10W10O3HT4W7Q6V10B5L10R2ZS3F10U10U10S10C9P1 7、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings. A.More than half of people don’t have enough finances for retirement B.quarter of people don’t take part in their company’s retirement plan C.No one can be financially secure in retirement D.The average person will spend 20 years in retirement 【答案】 CCH5J9V10O10P7U10E6HQ6V5P2O9V3Q5W1ZG4M1U5L7T5K1P8 8、小明手里有2枚5分钱硬币,7枚2分钱硬币和5枚1分钱硬币,如想组合成1角1分钱,共有(  )种组合方式。 A.11 B.7 C.8 D.10 【答案】 BCI10Z4Y3I10L10C9T7HG5K8A2B10D1H3H9ZE5V8Y1M4W9R5U1 9、下列语句中,没有语病的一项是(  )。 A.自从李师傅开了修理高级手表的直播视后,短短的十分钟内,先后有一万二干人次前来观摩学习。 B.减免高速公路通行费后,公路货运量较去年同期增加了1.5倍,高速通行费减少了0.8倍。 C.许多消费者前来喝咖啡,并非是因为这家店的咖啡好喝,而是因为心忧患券到期不能使用。 D.上午八点,随着飞机舱门缓缓打开,英雄们鱼贯而出,站立在通道两侧的数百名欢迎队伍立刻鼓掌,欢迎英雄们回家。 【答案】 ACC7U3O6A9N3G3L2HL5S4Q7V2J2Q7D2ZC10D2I8G2J4H6P8 10、在我国,全国人民代表大会通过法律须经( )。 A.到会代表的过半数同意 B.全体代表的过半数同意 C.到会代表的2/3多数同意 D.全体代表的2/3多数同意 【答案】 BCN5L7S1M2M4B2K8HY2D6L3W2B10Q1D10ZX6M4Q9R1O3Z9A5 11、最早建立存款保险制度的国家是( )。 A.英国 B.美国 C.法国 D.加拿大 【答案】 BCA1K2R3V6F8V5Y3HH9S6E9H10J7Z2C8ZM5V10W1M9T10F5G8 12、(  )的基本内容是:只要财产权是明确的,并且交易成本为零或很小,则无论在开始时将财产权赋予谁,市场均衡的最终结果都是有效率的。 A.帕累托定理 B.欧拉定理 C.恩格尔定理 D.科斯定理 【答案】 DCJ9L3P1T6N9Q7O8HP3A9P8R5M1W7Y4ZI10Z1B7M9X3M3T1 13、The more diverse knowledge one understands and actively absorbs, the probability of finding useful and _____discoveries. A.novel B.conventional C.rebellious D.narrative 【答案】 ACD9D1Y5U5V7K7S6HT3T3Q3F1A10N4Z4ZO2I9B6K5E6N2E2 14、下列关于期权的说法中,(  )是不正确的。 A.期权的买方只有义务而没有权利 B.期权的卖方没有选择权 C.期权的交易对象是选择权 D.期权的买方可以放弃行使期权 【答案】 ACL3S6H1D10J8S2K7HE9B3M2W4R10C7J10ZW3C8J1K9Q7N1Y2 15、Passage 3 A.They have to cancel their vacations in New England B.They find it unaffordable to dine in mom-and-pop restaurants C.They have to spend more money when buying imported goods D.They might lose their jobs due to potential economic problems 【答案】 CCY3V8J10M10J2Y8B8HP1V5Q6M6R10M1E3ZL2C1U8I2C2F7V5 16、Passage 1 A.to be rich B.to have her own parents C.to have a lot of friends D.happiness 【答案】 DCZ4L9W5H8K10K8B1HI9N3X9Z2T10B10Q7ZE5J10G6Y8X10A1X1 17、从融资角度看,下列属于间接融资工具的是(  )。 A.银行承兑汇票 B.企业债券 C.商业票据 D.公司股票 【答案】 ACV2Z10Z8A8U1E6B5HV1F10N3H6L5M8D10ZE8D2K2Z4C4E9F3 18、科学发展观的第一要义是(  )。 A.科教兴国 B.以人为本 C.发展 D.发展战略 【答案】 CCU6Y2I2P6X3M6J2HB7G3Z5X6Q8I4E9ZG10V3F4I3O6L10U4 19、下列有关商业银行办理业务的规定正确的是(  )。 A.商业银行可以任意提高利率来吸收存款 B.商业银行办理结算业务根据需要可以压单 C.商业银行办理业务不能收取手续费 D.商业银行不得在没有客户办理业务的时候自行缩短营业时间 【答案】 DCY3D9B3E7A7M10A5HP2C4H8Y4W4Z7H8ZG10U3P7F9M8Q5Z4 20、OPEC holds meetings frequently so as to regulate the outp of __ oil. A.first B.crude C.original D.primary 【答案】 BCG8L3U3K2G9T9O9HB6Q7O7T10K2W5E6ZM8W4O7B6W6M1W6 21、资料:You can not go forward by going backward. Take the current debate about trade and globalization, for instance, while the impulse to erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experienced in recent years, it is not the way to create lasting growth and shared prosperity. A.Blocked flow of trade and investment B.Loss of economic value C.Declining worker mobility D.Distressing job losses 【答案】 DCX4V9M7L2R3L7E10HX4J6J9A2P6B4N8ZN1H10C2B7A6F9C5 22、我国商业银行的核心资本包括( )。 A.实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润 B.实收资本、资本公积、呆账准备金、长期债务 C.实收资本、未收资本、重估资本、未分配利润 D.资本净值、资本盈余、未分配利润、呆账准备金 【答案】 ACA2S5M2L2Q1F2L4HM9A8D1X9P7Q2O5ZO10X6O7S1A8C4L1 23、资料:The soybean prices ended higher this Monday as traders expect supplies to remain tight. A.It’s not worth noticing B.It will rise 15 percent C.It’s still uncer

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