
湖北省荆门市中学职高部2022-2023学年高一英语期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. ----Can you lend me some money ?   ----That _______. How much do you want ? A.depends                 B.describes C.expresses                D.decides 参考答案: A 2. ---- I’ve never found a better job.    ---- _______!          A. Life is hard                                                           B. Don’t worry          C. Congratulations                                                 D. Sorry to hear that 参考答案: C 3. — How do you _____ your trip to the Great Wall? — Wonderful. In fact, I’d like ______ another trip to it. A. like; having       B. think of; to have       C. like; to have       D. think of; having 参考答案: C 4. Too many private cars got out and traveled _______ high speed, causing a lot of traffic accidents on the highway during the holiday. ks5u A. to              B. at             C. for            D. in 参考答案: B 5. Either you or one of your family members __________the opening ceremony next week.     A. attends                  B. attend                 C. is to attend              D. are to attend 参考答案: C 略 6. After he returned from America, he _____ looking into the cause of the murder. A.set out B. set down C. set about D. set off 参考答案: C 7. The floods which happened in India last month left about______ people homeless. A. two thousand      B. two-thousands    C. two thousands    D. two thousands of 参考答案: A 8. If you want to do international trade successfully, ______ of English is _______.    A. good command; a must      B. a good command; a need  C. a good command; a must     D. good command; must 参考答案: C 9. Suddenly they noticed a house with two big trees _______ in front of it. A. to stand    B. standing   C. standed    D. stands 参考答案: B 10. I’ve got to go now. Something has just__________ at school and I’m needed there.   A. come to       B. come up            C. come in        D. come over 参考答案: B 11. Whatever happens, I can’t cheat my child—it’s against all my __________. A. emotions B. principles C. opinions D. regulations 参考答案: B 12. He is the sort of friend who will ________ you through thick and thin. A.stand out    B.stand for       C.stand back  D.stand by 参考答案: D 13. _______ we gave her something to eat,she would save it up for her little brother.(  ) A.Whatever B.However C.Whenever D.Whoever 参考答案: C 无论何时我们给她东西吃,她总会省下来给她的小弟弟. 分析句式可知,前半句为一个状语从句,根据意思判断为一个时间状语从句,"Whenever"意为"无论何时"符合题意."Whatever"意为"无论什么""However"意为"无论怎样""Whoever"意为"无论谁". 14. — It is said that you have won the first prize in the English contest. — _____. English is not my cup of tea. A. Don’t pull my leg                     B. Don’t be a wet blanket C. I’m all ears                          D. It is a piece of cake 参考答案: A 15. As soon as he heard the news,an ________ of surprise appeared on his face. A.condition  B.situation C.function  D.expression 参考答案: D [expression意为“表情”。句意:他一听到这消息,脸上就露出一副吃惊的表情。] 16. A quarter of the students ______ in favor of the idea, saying that it’s convenient for their daily life. A. is B. are C. has been D. have been 参考答案: B 二、 书面表达 17. 广告活动的主题logo。请根据图示和有关要求写一篇150字左右的英语短文。 你的短文须要阐述: 1. 该logo所揭示的主题; 2. 在现实生活中,该logo所反映问题的现状和影响; 3. 你的感受和获得的启发。 注意:文中不得出现真实校名和人名;务请确保内容 完整,语言规范,语篇连贯。 短文开头如下: PSAs deal with the problems that affect public welfare, meant to benefit people.                                                                                                                                                                    参考答案: PSAs deal with the problems that affect public welfare, meant to benefit people. The logo of an ad campaign shows that smoking kills. The PSA’s campaign urges people not smoke in that smoking does so much damage to our health. Many people think smoking is enjoyable and attractive. They aren’t fully aware of the damage of smoking and the advantages of not smoking. That’s why there are so many smokers! But as a matter of fact, smoking is so harmful to our health that every year numbers of people die all too soon due to the illnesses related to smoking. Just as the logo indicates, smoking adds up to killing yourself (/committing suicide). I am shocked by the logo into realizing that smoking is not at all cool but a killer. I believe that it will discourage me from smoking. In the meanwhile, I will do my parts and bits to promote the anti-smoking campaign, making people strengthen the awareness that ‘smoking kills’ and keep away from the killer.   (totally 155 words) 三、 阅读理解 18. Australia is the largest island in the world. It is a little smaller than China. It is in the south of the earth. Australia is big, but its population is small. The population of it is nearly as large as that of Shanghai. We cannot believe it is such a big country with so small population! Enough laws have been made to fight against pollution. The cities in Australia have little air or water pollution. The sky is blue and

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