
湖北省宜昌市长江中学2022年高一英语联考试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. ----Just a moment! I haven’t finished packing my suitcase.   -----______. It’s high time we left for the airport.   A. Go ahead B. Take it easy C. Hurry up D. That’s fine 参考答案: C 2. 参考答案: C 略 3. It was on October 3, 2011 _____ a big fire happened in Beijing, _____ was a great shock to lots of people.     A. when; that      B. that; when        C. when; which         D. that; which 参考答案: D 4. Whenever we are in ______ , we must never lose ____ , but try to think of the way out. A. the trouble; our heart              B. troubles; hearts C. trouble; heart                     D. trouble; our heart 参考答案: C 5. ---- Don’t you believe me? ---- ________, I’ll believe ______ you say. (   ) A. No, whatever                B. Yes, no matter what   C. No, no matter what            D. Yes, whatever 参考答案: 9.【答案】D   6. If you don’t like the drink you ________, just leave it and try a different one. A . ordered     B . are ordering  C . will order   D . had ordered  参考答案: A 7. ______, President Obama is the most powerful in the world. A. Compared to                    B. In a sense            C. In sight        D. Definite 参考答案: B 8. ‘Auld lang syne’, reminds us______ think of old friends and remember the good times of the past, as we look____ the future.     A. to, to       B. of, back      C. about, to       D. that, on 参考答案: A 9. The hurricane named Sandy struck many parts of the United States, ______ more than 60 deaths.   A. caused B. causing C. to cause D. having caused 参考答案: B 10. Iraq has __________ too many wars since 1990, making his people __________ a lot.       A. got through; pay                                     B. looked through; face       C. gone through; suffer                               D. passed through; destroy   参考答案: C 11. You have to be careful enough to avoid          while cooking. A. to be burnt    B. being burnt    C. burnt     D. burning 参考答案: B 略 12. Jack has to go to work on foot, for his car needs      . A. repair     B. to repair    C. repairing    D. being repaired 参考答案: C 13. Don’t try to change his mind. Every time he can _______ the weakness in your argument and fights back. A. spot                        B. ignore                    C. escape                    D. remove 参考答案: A 14. Try to          him to let us go with him. A.manage                            B.persuade                 C.suggest                        D.allow 参考答案: B 15.  You __________ be hungry already ---- you had lunch only two hours ago! A. wouldn’t       B. can’t       C. mustn’t    D. needn’t 参考答案: B 二、 填空 16. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词) 1.The retired headmaster is invited to the school, to ________ surprise, changes have been so great ________ the years. 2.My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; as ________ result, he could neither eat nor sleep. 3.— Can you explain how it came ________ that you were late again, Jimmy? — Sorry, sir, my alarm clock went wrong. 4.The weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow. If ________, the sports meeting will be put off. 5.The father as well as his three children ________ (go) skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter. 参考答案: 1.whose; over whose引导定语从句,作surprise的定语; over the years“数年间”。 2.a 句意:我的朋友马丁因为莫名其妙的发烧而病得很严重;因此,他既吃不下也睡不着。as a result“因此;结果”。 3.about come about“发生”,是不及物动词短语。 4.so 句意:天气预报说明天有雨。那样的话,运动会要推迟了。后句是前句所假设的条件可能导致的结果,故用if so。 5.goes 句意:这位父亲和他的三个孩子在冬天每个星期天的下午都到结了冰的河上滑冰。当主语后面跟有as well as, along with, with等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单、复数视主语的单、复数而定。   三、 阅读理解 17. If you are living in the city, have you ever thought of going to live in the country for a change? Many people want to move from the country to the city because they think life in the city is more exciting and better than that in rural (农村的) areas, especially young people who like new and modern things. Often people feel that they can find the latest styles only in the city. Other people are interested in technological (科技的) things and high-tech jobs and think they can find them only in a big city. If they want to find a job, especially a good position in a company, they feel they have to live in a city. To get these jobs, they are willing to put up with many of the disadvantages (不利因素) of city life such as heavy traffic and pollution. However, it is now possible to enjoy a higher quality of life in the countryside and still enjoy some of the advantages (好处) of living in the city. Nowadays, travel is fast and information is available (可获得的) on the Internet, so many people are able to do their work in home offices. Because they have e-mail and personal computers, they don't have to be in big cities to do their business. It is not important where they actually work because the results of their work can be sent everywhere with technology. Now they can enjoy life in the countryside and still be able to do good business and successful careers.

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