
河北省秦皇岛市木井乡大李佃子中学2023年高二英语测试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. Mr. Green is said ________ an experiment to prove their new method of solving the problem when young. A. to do B. to have done C. to be doing D. to have been doing 参考答案: B 2. In case of emergency, whether knowing how to apply first aid or not really ________ in matters concerning wounds like swollen wrists, broken arms, burns, cuts, and so on. A. makes difference          B. makes a difference    C. makes differences          D. makes different 参考答案: B 3. I just wonder ____ that makes him so excited.   A. why it does   B. what he does   C. how it is   D. what it is 参考答案: D 略 4. Though       confidence, Tom managed to finish the speech. A. lacks    B. lacked C. to lack    D. lacking 参考答案: D 考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管缺乏自信,Tom成功地完成了演讲。though后无主语,用非谓语动词形式,lack与主语Tom之间是主动关系,用现在分词表示主动关系。故选D。 5. Tom felt that he himself , rather than the girls,              for the failure of the football match. A. were to blame                                 B. was to blame                C. were to blamed                           D. was to be blamed 参考答案: B 6. After the terrible air crash, the few survivors happened to arrive at      later proved to be an isolated island.      A.what B.that C.which       D.where 参考答案: A 7. Although we produce carbon when we breathe, the carbon we produce is much less than  _____ produced by a car. A. that    B. it C. one    D. the one 参考答案: A 考查代词。句意:虽然我们呼吸的时候生产碳,我们生产的碳比汽车生产的碳少得多。carbon是不可数名词,用that替代,故答案为A。 8. I insisted that a doctor ______ immediately, but he insisted that he ______ ill seriously.   A. should send for ; shouldn’t be         B. sent for ; wasn’t   C. should be sent for ; shouldn’t be       D. be sent for ; wasn’t 参考答案: D 9. _________ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic      about the future of the country. A. Convincing      B. Convinced             C. To convince            D. Having convinced 参考答案: B 略 10. ---Would you like me to help with your designing project?   ---Not for the moment. I’ll ask you for help __________. A. if possible    B. if necessary     C. if so D. if ever 参考答案: B 略 11. I’m used to          in the room which          to keep books and magazines. A. living, used                   B. live, is used                   C. live, used                       D. living, is used 参考答案: D 12. Accidents always       from carelessness, so you must be careful when driving. A. arise B. burst C. rise D. define 参考答案: A 13. We teachers must ensure that all students         their natural embarrassment linked to making mistakes while answering teachers’ questions in class. A. get over     B. look over       C. take over      D. come over 参考答案: A 14. Mary spent all the day playing games on the moblile phone,       ,of course,made her parents annoyed. A. who   B.which   C.what   D.that 参考答案: B 15. —Which of the three optional courses did you like best, Joe? —To tell you the truth. I didn’t like     of them.   A. either    B. both     C. any     D. neither 参考答案: C 16. After the National Entrance Examination the students will have an anxious couple of weeks _____ for the results.    A. wait               B. to be waiting     C. waiting              D. waited 参考答案: C 略 二、 书面表达 17. 请你根据对下面一幅图画的理解,用英语写一篇作文。 【写作内容】 1.用约30个词简要描述图画内容; 2.谈谈读书的意义; 3.就如何养成读书的习惯提出建议(至少两点)。 【写作要求】 1.作文词数:120词左右; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3.不必写标题。 【评分标准】 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案: As is vividly shown in the picture above, sitting on a sofa comfortably, a woman is reading an interesting book and chatting with her husband. Obviously, the message conveyed here is that great significance should be attached to reading books. First and foremost, a good book is our faithful friend. It can increase our contentment when we are cheerful and happy, and lessen our pain when we are sad or lonely. Furthermore, reading extensively can also offer us a wide range of experiences. We can dare say nothing can replace the role that reading plays in our life. As a student, I think the best way to read a book well is to concentrate and reflect. Only through concentration and reflection can we fully understand what is said in the book. 【分析】 本文是看图作文。 【详解】第1步:根据图画可知,本文为一篇看图作文:根据所给图画的理解,用英语写一篇作文。写作内容:1.用约30个词简要描述图画内容;2.谈谈读书的意义;3.就如何养成读书的习惯提出建议(至少两点)。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:As is vividly shown in the picture above(如图所示);significance should be attached to reading books.(读书应该被赋予意义);sad or lonely(伤心或孤独);through concentration and reflection(通过集中和反射)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 【点睛】本文是一篇看图作文,内容完整,能较好地体现出图画的寓意,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。另外全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的

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