
Part A Lets learn&Look,say and completeUnit 5 Whose dog is it?PEP五年级下册五年级下册Lets singLets singLets singLets singWhats your favourite animal?Free talkWelcome to the Dog Show!Whose dogs are on the show?Which dog do you like best?I like dog _.Its _.Mikes dogLets learnWhose dog is it?Its his dog.The dog is his.hishis dog他的他的Whose dog is it?Its her dog.The dog is hers.hersher dog她的她的Whose dog is it?Its their dog.The dog is theirs.theirstheir dog他们的;她们的;他们的;她们的;它们的它们的Its our dog.The dog is ours.oursour dog我们的我们的minemy dog我的我的Its my dog.The dog is mine.Zooms dogLook!Thats my dog!Yes!Its your dog.The dog is yours.yoursyour dog你(们)的你(们)的hisherstheirsoursmineyoursLook,say and completeWho Write two sentencesAmyIts her book.The book is hers.JohnWhose book is that?Its Amys book.Ah!The book is hers.Who Write two sentencesJohn and Amy(your name)(you and your partner)theirsyourshisminehersIts that?Can you say?Its Mikes book.Its his book.The book is his.Its _.Its _.The _ is _.Chen Jies bagher bagbaghersIts _ football.Its _ football.The football is _.John and Zhang Pengs theirtheirsGrammar 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词myherhispenbagminehershiseraser+=+=+=yourtheirrulerdogsyourstheirs+=+=形容词性形容词性物主代词物主代词名词性物名词性物主代词主代词名词名词+=起形容词的作用,起形容词的作用,用在名词前。用在名词前。起名词的作用,起名词的作用,后面无名词。后面无名词。ExerciseRead and tick or cross.1.()mine dog my2.()his football her3.()their book theirs4.()our pens oursmy dogminehis仿照例子写同义句。仿照例子写同义句。例:例:Its her ruler.The ruler is hers.1.Its my cat._2.Its his schoolbag._3.Its our dog._4.Its their room._The cat is mine.The schoolbag is his.The dog is ours.The room is theirs.用所给单词的正确形式填空。用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.This book is _(she).2.Its _(you)cat.The cat is _(you).3.The black dog is _(their).4.The bag is not _(my).hersyouryourstheirsmine

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