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do a good job for his classmate.D.To make a mess of his classmates work.4.A.Both the man and woman think it should be adopted.B.Neither the man nor the woman thinks it should beadopted.C.Only the man thinks it should be adopted.D.Only the woman thinks it should be adopted.A.The same as the mans.6.8.B.The environment is hopeless.C.The environment is improving.D.The environment is free from problems.A.To find the passports.B.To get the tickets.C.To pay the departure tax.D.To look after the baggage.A.2 kilograms.B.3 kilograms.C.23 kilograms.D.28 kilograms.A.Flying is relaxing and enjoyable.B.Flying could be harmful to the human body.C.Passengers should not carry hairspray on board.D.Most passengers like to drink water on board.A.She is frightened of flying.B.She hates the long queue at the check-in.C.She is not happy with the high fare.D.She thinks the service on the flight is bad.10.A.He is annoyed.B.He is furious.C.He is not too worried.D.He is helpless.Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions(每小题:2 分;满分:20 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions,A stands for True and B for False,or A for Y,B forN and C for NG.)小题得分对错学生答案Correct1.C2.D3.B4.A5.C6.C7.D8.B9.A10.CSubtotal:20.4 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!W 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 2 Short passages and multiple-choicequestions(每小题:2分)Directions:Listen to the following recording,then choose thecorrect answers to the questions.You will hear the recordingtwice.After the first playing,there will be time for you tochoose the correct answers.Use the second playing to checkyour answers.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.Why does the man say he cant play tennis?口 A.He has to finish the food on the plate first.B.He has an appointment with a race walker.乙匠 C.He is busy preparing for an exam.D.He is busy preparing for a job interview.2.Why is the man concerned about his score on the exam?U A.It will influence his finding a job.C B.It will determine if he can move to a higher grade in theuniversity.C.It will determine if he can get a scholarship.D.It is the last chance for him to take the makeup exam.3.What happened to Al Heppner,the race walker?A.He finished first in the qualifying round.L.JB.His coach put a lot of pressure on him.C.He injured himself in the race walking.匕h.D.He committed suicide.E4.What does the woman think we need to deal withcompetition?A.Harder work to sharpen our competitive edge.B.Keen observation to find out the opponents weaknesses.C C.A balance between our strengths and weaknesses.匠 D.A sense of balance between what is possible andimpossible.5.What does the man finally think?白 A.He disagrees with the woman.B.He needs some relaxation.K白 C.He must work harder to pass the exam.D.He thinks he is better than the woman at tennis.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.6.What is the WWF?A.A governmental,for-profit organization.B.A non-governmental,for-profit organization.C.A governmental,non-profit organization.La匠 D.A non-governmental,non-profit organization.7.What is WWF attempting to do?_ A.Protect wildlife.巴 B.Promote sustainable development.匹 C.Both A)and B).D.Neither A)nor B).8.What has WWF done in China?A.Developed several million hectares(公顷)of farmland.B.Drawn up the provincial environmental policies.匹 C.Established new natural reserves for pandas._ D.All of the above.c9.How much of the pandas habitat is under formal protectiontoday?一 A.More than half.K1B.Less than half.C.Only a small proportion.La_ D.Almost all.c10.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as WWFs function?_ _ A.Conservation of freshwater resources.B.Recycling of waste paper.C.Conservation of biological diversity.D.Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.Part 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions(每小题:2 分;满分:20 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions,A stands for True and B for False,or A for Y,B forN and C for NG.)小题得分对错学生答案Correct1.C2.A3.D4.D5.B6.D7.C8.C9.A10.BSubtotal:20JClick ONCE on the speaker icon to st

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