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1、2022年福建省三明市开善乡中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题35. It was requested that the play _again A. should put on B. would put on C. be put on D. put on参考答案:C略2. The doctor did _ save the patients life.A. that he could do B. all what he couldC. all he could to D. which he could 参考答案:C3. Do you know why the teacher ask

2、s for me? He wants you to _ your absence last night.A. call for B. account forC. reach forD. send for参考答案:B4. _ you sing so well. You are practicing everyday. A. No doubt B. No hurry C. No way D. No wonder 参考答案:D5. -The weather is too bad.- _ the bad weather , I still try my best to meet my friends

3、as planned .A. In spite of B. As well C. However D. Although 参考答案:A6. He cant sleep with the light_ at night. A. burning B. burnt C. burns D. to burn参考答案:A7. George returned after the war, only _that his wife had left him.A. to be told B. tellingC. to tell D. having been told参考答案:A8. -What caused th

4、e failure of the experiment ?-_.A. Because of shortage of fund B. For lack of fundC. Lack of fund D. Due to lack of fund参考答案:C9. - Will Mary go for a picnic with us tomorrow? - She says she wont go, but I say she _, with no excuse. A. can B. shall C. will D. may参考答案:B略10. I hope the children wont to

5、uch the dog. Ive warned them _ . A. not B. not to C. not touch D. not do参考答案:B略11. Clothing made of man-made fibers has certain advantage over _ made of naturalfibers like cotton, wool or silk. A. this B. one C. that D. what参考答案:C12. -What do you think has made Tom feel down?- his seat in the electi

6、on, I think.A. As he lost B. Losing C. Because of D. Lost参考答案:B13. He demanded that the racial discrimination in his country. A. be abolished B. is abolished C. was abolished D. abolish参考答案:A 14. A man was killed in his own house last Friday and the police are collecting evidence that is_ the case.

7、A. familiar with B. addicted to C. relevant to D. in need of参考答案:C15. In communication, a smile is usually_strong sign of a friendly and_open attitude.A. the; / B. a; anC. a; /D. the; an参考答案:C16. Its not you but Mr. Anderson who _ to answer for the accident.A. was B. were C. are D. is参考答案:D22. -_! T

8、here is a car coming ! -Thank you very much for telling me . You saved my life !A. Good luck B. Cheer up C. Watch out D. Well done参考答案:C略18. As a two-winner in the Venice International Film Festival, he has all the right _ to become the Best Director of China. A. desperation B. qualification C. attr

9、action D. distribution参考答案:B二、 单词拼写19. 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)76. Parents should take care not to keep their children _(接触到) to bad computer games or websites.77. If you want to make your trip _(愉快的), you must keep your eyes open.78. A bird in the tree _(吸引) his attention, so he s

10、topped.79. It is _(方便) for the visitors to enter the museum through the gate.80. To his _(赞扬), Arthur gave back the wallet he picked up on his way to school.81. _(粗略) speaking , England is divided into three zones.82. It is an advantage for her to have some _(先前)work experience.83. _(贪婪)for knowledg

11、e, he went abroad for his further study. 84. Im sorry to know that all my suggestions have been _(拒绝) .85. We dont _(容忍)making noises in the bedroom.参考答案:76.exposed 77.enjoyable 78.attracted 79. convenient 80.credit 81.Roughly82.previous 83.Greedy 84.rejected 85.tolerate三、 阅读理解20. The world is not c

12、oming to an end on December 21, 2012, the US space agency insisted Monday in a rare campaign to dispel (消除) widespread rumors fueled by the Internet and a new Hollywood movie.The latest big screen offering from Sony Picture, 2012, arrives in theaters on Friday, with a 200 million dollar production a

13、bout the end of the world supposedly based on myths (虚构的故事) backed by the Mayan calendar. It is claimed that the end of time will come as a Planet X or Nibiru heads toward or collides (相撞)with the Earth.Some websites accuse NASA of hiding the truth on the planet s existence, but the US space agency denounced (指控) such stories as an “Internet hoax (恶作剧) ”. “There is no factual basis for these claims,” NASA said in a question and answer posting on its website. “If such a collision were real, ast


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