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1、2022年河南省郑州市登封实验高级中学高一英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The building was _ used as a prison in the 1800s, but now it is a famous tourist attraction.A. gradually B. originally C. unfortunately D. eventually参考答案:B略2. There is no flight because of the heavy rain, so many passengers could do nothing but _ the train.A. t

2、o takeB. takingC. takenD. take参考答案:DD 考查省略to的不定式。But, except, besides等词前面的句子中含有实义动词 do 时,该不定式结构中的 to 要省略,否则一般不省略。句意:由于大雨航班取消,所有乘客们只能坐火车了。故选D。3. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know theirand weaknesses.AstrengthsBbenefitsCvaluesDcustoms参考答案:A4. Shes tired of

3、acting, and she _ changing for a new job, but she hasnt made up her mind yet.A. had considered B. has been consideringC. considered D. is going to consider参考答案:B考查时态:由后面的hasnt made up her mind yet可以知道选B,现在完成进行时。选B。5. It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly _ my friend. A. ignore B. judge C.

4、 recognize D. realize参考答案:C6. Mother always tells me to believe in myself, _ that nothing is too difficult to a willing heart.A. to say B. saying C. said D. having said参考答案:B略7. Here are the first three books of his poem works, with the fourth one to _ next month.A. publish B. come outC. turn out D.

5、 replace参考答案:B试题分析:考查词义辨析:A. publish出版(及物)B. come out出版,发行(不及物)C. turn out证明是,结果是,D. replace代替,句意:这是他诗歌集的前三本,第四本下个月出版。选B。点评:这题除了动词本身的区别,还涉及到固定短语,记忆单词的同时也要记住相关的短语。33._ the 90th birthday of our party, we have held all kinds of activities. A. In favor of B. In case of C. In honor of D. In terms of参考答案:

6、C略9. _ that we all think it worth the money.A. Such fine furniture has he bought B. So fine a furniture has he boughtC. Such fine furniture he has bought D. So fine a furniture he has bought参考答案:A10. Jodie didnt remember the exact date of the earthquake, but she knew it was _Tuesday when most people

7、 were at _ work. A.不填;the B. a;不填 C.不填;a D. the;不填参考答案:B11. Pingyao,_in central Shanxi Province,is well-known for its old city walls and streets. Alocated BlocatingCbeing located Dhaving located参考答案:A12. I wonder if she will show up at the concert. She will. She is only too to watch the famous direc

8、tor. A. anxious B. proud C. interestedD. satisfied参考答案:A13. Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now? I am afraid you , in case he comes late for the meeting. A. will B. must C. may D. can参考答案:B略14. The first time you meet people, you often make a judgment about them based on the w

9、ay they _.A.are dressedB. are dressingC. dressedD. dress 参考答案:A15. Henry broke the window .Ill ask him why _ .A.did he do that B.he did that C. had he done that D.he had done that 参考答案:B16. I passed the driving test the first time!_()AI cant agree with you moreBGood for youCIt couldnt be worseDI hop

10、e so参考答案:BA项我完全同意;C项这太糟糕了;D项我希望如此;B项你真了不起;根据上下文的语境可知,上文中表示我第一次就通过了驾考,答句中回答你真了不起,表示对对方的钦佩赞扬,Good for you 你真是了不起,你真行,故选B17. Every year, _ 10,000 visitors come to visit the Han Tombs from other provinces.A. as much as B. as many as C. as more as D. as much 参考答案:B略18. The teacher explained _ once again(

11、)Aus the problemBfor us the problemCthe problem for usDthe problem to us参考答案:D 老师再一次向我们解释了这个问题考查介词向某人说明某事不用explain sbsth结构,应用explain sthto sb表示,故选D二、 单词拼写19. 单词拼写(共10分,每题1分)。1. He is one of the most i_ (有影响力的) figures in the government.2. Diet and exercise are e_ important. We should stress both.3.

12、The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly a_.4. She has a teenage daughter from her p_ marriage.5. A child receives its early e_ from his parents at home.6. You must follow the _ (原则) that everyone should be treated fairly.7. She has been teaching for more than twenty y

13、ears and is e_ in teaching.8. Those experts have made great c_(贡献) for the development of science and technology.9. This house would protect the privacy of _ (娱乐) celebity.10. A schools success is _ (衡量) in terms of the number of pupils who will be admitted into university.参考答案:influential equally atmosphere previous education principle experiened contributions entertainment measured三、 阅读理解20. It is important to know another language and how to communicate without words when you are in another country. Before saying anything, people communicate with each other by using ges


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