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1、2022 年四川省广年四川省广安安市中考英市中考英语试语试卷卷卷卷 I(共三部分;共三部分;满满分分 10 分)第一部分分)第一部分听听力(共两力(共两节节:满满分分 10 分分) 第一第一节节(共共 10 题题;每每题题 1 分,分,满满分分 10 分分) 听下听下面面 10 段段对话对话。每。每段段 对话对话后有一后有一个个小小题题,从从题题后后所所给给的的 A、B、C 三个三个选项选项中中选选出最佳出最佳答答 案案, 并将答案并将答案转转涂涂到到答答题题卡上的相卡上的相应应位置位置。 听完每段听完每段对话对话后后, 你你有有 10 秒秒钟钟的的时间时间来来回答有关回答有关问题问题和和阅读

2、阅读下下一小一小题题。每段。每段对话读对话读两两遍。遍。 1(10 分)(1)What does Bettys father do?A.B.C.(2)What is the girls favourite food?A.B.C.(3)What is the sign?A.B.C.(4)When is Lucys birthday?A.B.C.(5)What are they doing?A.B.C.6How is the weather today?A.Hot.B.Warm.C.Cool.7How many times has the man been to Chengdu? A.Once.B

3、.Twice. C.Three times.8What is the building made of? A.Wood.B.Stone.C.Glass.9How did Tom go to school today? A.By bus.B.By taxi.C.On foot.(10)Whose bike is broken? A.Alices.B.Bobs.C.Jacks.第第二二节节(共共 10 题题;每每题题 1 分分,满满分分 10 分分) 听听下下面面三三段段对对话话和和一一段段独独 白白。每每段段对对话话或或独独白白后后有有几几个个小小题题,从从题题后后所所给给的的 A、 B、C 三

4、三个个 选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳答答案案, 并并将将答答案案转转涂涂到到答答题题卡卡上上的的相相应应位位置置。 听听完完每每 段段对对话话或或独独白白后后,你你有有 15 秒秒钟钟的的时时间间来来回回答答有有关关问问题题。每每段段对对话话或或 独白独白读读三遍三遍。2(2 分)听第 11 段对话,回答小题。(1)What is Eden doing now? A.Reading a book.B.Drawing a pancake.C.Eating a pancake.(2)What class is Eden in? A.Class 4.B.Class 5.C.Class 6.3(4 分

5、)听第 12 段对话,回答小题。(1)What size is the Tshirt? A.Small.B.Medium.C.Large.2How much is the Tshirt? A.13.B.30.C.33.3Where is the bank?A.Its opposite the school on Tree Street.B.Its opposite the school on King Road.C.Its opposite the park on Tree Street.(4)How far is it to the bank? A.About 1 kilometre.B.A

6、bout 2 kilometres.C.About 3 kilometres.4(4 分)听下面一段独白,回答小题。(1)What was the matter with the boys father last week? A.He had a fever.B.He had a backache.C.He had a stomach ache.(2)How did the boy communicate with the doctor? A.By telephone.B.On the Internet.C.By letter.(3)How long will the boy run with

7、 his father every morning? A.Half an hour.B.An hour.C.One and a half hours.(4)When is the boy going to do Taiji with his father? A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.C.In the evening.第二部第二部分分 基基础础知知识识运运用用 (满满分分 15 分)完形填分)完形填空空(共两篇:(共两篇:共共 15 题题:每每题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)先先通通读读下下面面两两篇篇短短文文,掌掌握握其其大大意意,然然后后

8、从从各各题题所所给给的的 A、B、C、D 四四个个选选项项中中选选出出可可以以填填入入相相应应空空白白处处的的 最佳最佳选项选项,并并将其将其选项转选项转涂到答涂到答题题卡卡上的相上的相应应位置位置。5(5 分)Do you often smile?Do you like a smiling face?Smile is very nice.It lets us feel warm in(1) hearts.Smile is important.When you are sad,make a big smile,and it can make you happy again.When you a

9、re worried,make a big smile,and it can help you keep cool again.When you arent successful,make a big smile and it can(2)you to try again and work harder.Smile is very easy,but it is very(3).So lets learn to smile.Everyone(4)smiles.When we give others a smile,we can feel happy,too.When you(5)others s

10、miling faces,youcan feel warm.Lets smile every day.Dont you think so?(1)A.hisB.yourC.ourD.her(2)A.takeB.haveC.playD.help(3)A.useful B.thankful C.hopeful D.awful(4)A.doesB.buysC.watches D.needs(5)A.make B.seeC.giveD.do6 ( 10 分) Once there were three trees on a hill.They were ( 1 )their hopes and drea

11、ms.The first tree said, I want to be a treasure box.Then I could be filled with(2). The second tree said, Someday I will be a ship.I will take the king(3)the sea. Finally,the third said, I want to grow to be the(4)tree in the forest.People will see me on the top of the hill.However,several years lat

12、er,the first tree was made into a wooden box for animals.And the second tree became a fishing ship.The last tree was still there,but(5)knew him.Then one day,a(6)mother wanted to make a wooden bed for her baby.She had no money(7)she chose the wooden box.The first tree could feel the baby was the grea

13、test treasure for the mother.The second tree helped a fisherman in a heavy rain.For the last tree,when the villagers were tired,they(8)take a break underit on hot days.The three trees(9)come true.Sometimes,when things dont happen as you expect,dont lose( 10).Wherever you are,please remember the deci

14、sion youve made at first.Hold on to it!Thats what we call dream.(1)A.looking for B.making up C.talking about D.writing about(2)A.moneyB.timeC.foodD.love(3)A.throughB.againstC.fromD.across(4)A.shortestB.tallestC.oldestD.newest(5)A.everyoneB.anyoneC.nobodyD.somebody(6)A.poorB.richC.strangeD.proud(7)A.

15、becauseB.orC.soD.till(8)A.shouldB.couldC.needD.must(9)A.reportsB.risksC.interestsD.dreams(10)A.hopeB.wayC.changeD.choice第三部第三部分分 阅读阅读理解和理解和口口语语运运用用 (共两(共两节节:35 分)第一分)第一节节 阅读阅读理理解解(共共 20 题题:每每小小题题 1.5 分分,共共 30 分分)阅阅读读下下列列短短文文,从从各各题题所所给给的的 A、B、C、D 四四个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选选项项,并并将将其其选选项项转转涂涂到到答答题题卡卡 上的相上的相应应

16、位位置。置。7(7.5 分)Foodwalkthrough the ancient townKung fu ShowTime:10:00 am 2:00 pm, Time:7:30 pm 8:30 pm,Friday SaturdayThursday FridayPlace:Yudai Ancient TownPlace:Peace SquarePrice:¥90 each personPrice:¥80 each personTel:82101973Tel:83227232While walking through the ancient Two lovely pandas , named

17、Aitown,you can taste lots of delicious Long and Ai Jie , are fond ofsnacks.Chinese Kung fu.To experienceand learn it from a great master ,they come here.Music FestivalArt ExhibitionTime:7:30 pm 10:30 pm, Time:9:00 am 9:00 pm,July 13 14August 1 10Place:Pioneer TheaterPlace:Star GalleryPrice:¥120Price

18、:FreeTel:86103721Tel:86552545Crazy Brain,a wellknown band,A famous Chinese ink painter useswill give a concert.They will play traditionalgongbitopaintsome pieces of wonderful music.Chinese women.(1)If you and one of your friends plan to enjoy the food walk,youwill pay.A.¥90 B.¥120 C.¥160 D.¥180(2)Wh

19、en is the right time to watch Kung fu Show? A.8:30 pm 9:30 pm on FridayB.7:30 pm 8:30 pm on FridayC.7:30 am 8:30 am on ThursdayD.7:30 am 6:30 pm on Thursday(3)Linda wants to go to a concert,she can phone.A.82101973 B.83227232 C.86103721 D.86552545( 4 ) If youd like to learn about the art exhibition

20、, you can go to.A.Star Gallery B.Pioneer Theater C.Yudai Ancient TownD.Peace Square(5)Where can we probably see this passage? A.In a report.B.In a storybook.C.In a diary.D.In a newspaper.8(7.5 分)Nightingale was the worlds first great nurse.She was born in a rich family in 1820,in Florence,Italy.She

21、could have lived an easy,comfortable life.But instead,she chose to work hard and care for the sick.Because she is one of the worlds greatest nurses,every year on her birthday,May 12,people celebrate International Nurses Day to remember the love and help that she gave to so many people.When she was 2

22、4,she told her parents she wanted to be a nurse.But they didnt like the idea.The family had lots of money,so they thoughtit would be better if she didnt work.Nurses were not very well respected at that time.But Nightingale went on with her dream.She went to Germany to learn to be a nurse.There were

23、no nursing schoolsat that time.She had to learn by practising.During a war in 1854 , Nightingale and a team of 38 nurses from England went to care forsoldiers near Turkey.She made the hospitals much cleaner there.Atnight,she would look after the soldiers.She carried a lamp(灯)with her,and soldiers be

24、gan to call her The Lady with the Lamp.In 1860, after the war , Nightingale opened the first nursing school.She also worked to make hospitals better and make rules for nurses.She died in1910 in London , England at the age of 90.Nightingales birthdaybecame International Nurses Day in 1974.(1)Nighting

25、ale was . A.an AmericanB.a Canadian C.an ItalianD.a German(2)When did Nightingale begin to want to be a nurse? A.At the age of 24.B.When she was still a little girl. C.Since she was born.D.After she went to England.(3)What problems did Nightingale have before 1854? A.Her parents didnt want her to be

26、 a nurse.B.There were no nursing schools at that time.C.She didnt have enough money.D.Both A and B.( 4 ) When did Nightingales birthday become International Nurses Day? A.In 1820.B.In 1854.C.In 1860.D.In 1974.( 5 ) What did the soldiers mean by calling Nightingale The Lady with the Lamp? A.She sold

27、lamps.B.She could bring hope to others.C.She lent lamps to others.D.She loved the lamp.9(7.5 分)You may know about junk food like French fries.But do you know about junk sleep?Recently, a British survey ( 调查) shows that there are many electronic products in teenagers bedrooms.They are influencing tee

28、nagers sleep badly.The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16.It found that 50% of them got just 4 to 7 hours sleep every day.But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours.Almost 25% of the kids said they often fell asleep while they were watching TV,listening to music or using other electr

29、onic products.This is very worrying, said Dr.Chris,a British professor(教 授 ). We call it junk sleep.It means you dont get enough sleep and the quality(质量)of the sleep is low,too.If you dont get a good rest,you wont do well in school the next day.The survey found that quite a few of the kids felt tir

30、ed each daybecause of the junk sleep ,especially girls between 13 and 16 feeling the worst.Nearly all the teenagers have a phone ,MP5 or TV in their bedrooms.And lots of them even have all the three.Dr.Chris suggested that parents should help their children keep away from electronic products,and tee

31、nagers should spend less time on the electronic products.(1)What does this passage mainly talk about? A.Junk food.B.Junk sleep. C.Electronic products.D.The importance of sleep.2) How many of the children sleep only 4 to 7 hours a day in the survey? A.200.B.250.C.500.D.1000.3) Junk food and junk slee

32、p are similar to each other because.A.they are both low in qualityB.they are both needed in our lifeC.they are both enjoyed at weekendsD.they are both necessary for peoples health(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Teenagers of 12 to 16 only need 4 to 7 hours sleep each day

33、. B.Few of the teenagers have electronic products in their bedrooms. C.Teenagers spend too much time on electronic products.D.Girls between 13 and 16 spend the least time on electronic products.( 5 ) Which of the following should be the best way to solve the problem? A.Parents must take the electron

34、ic products away from their children.B.Parents stop the teenagers from using any electronic product. C.Teenagers should decide not to use the electronic products.D.Teenagers should spend less time on the electronic products.10(7.5 分)What is a tsunami(海啸)?Tsunamis are often caused by earthquakes or v

35、olcanoes(火ft).The average speed(平均速度)of the waves(波浪)is 300 mph and the waves can last from five minutes to an hour.What to do in a tsunami?Firstly,when a strong earthquake is felt,leave the water at once, get to the shore(海岸)and go as far away as you can from the beach fast.If it allows,go to a hig

36、her ground.Secondly,turn on the TV for news and weather report.They will tellyou more about the tsunami.Thirdly,get all members of your family together and let everyone know the tsunami is coming.Choose a place to stay together.Make sure the place is safe and as far away from the shore as possible.B

37、ring emergency supplies(应急用品)when you have to leave your house.At last,if you find a huge wave is coming,climb onto the roof of your house or on the highest point of the nearest building.Hold on to anything thats strong enough.Climb a tree if you have to.For a tsunami, the only way to survive ( 幸免于)

38、 it is to be prepared.(1)When a tsunami comes,the waves will . A.go as quickly as 300 mphB.become stronger before the earthquakeC.cause heavy rainD.last shorter and shorter(2)How many suggestions are mentioned in this passage? A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.(3)When a tsunami is coming,your family had b

39、etter.A.go to the beach togetherB.stay in a safe place togetherC.stay in your houseD.put emergency supplies on a lower ground(4)We should do the following when a tsunami is coming EXCEPT.A.listening to the weather report B.going to a low place to keep safeC.getting emergency supplies readyD.leaving

40、the water as far away as you can(5)Whats the best title of the passage? A.How to keep safe in the waterB.What a tsunami isC.What to do after a tsunamiD.How to survive a tsunami第第二二节节 口口语语运运用用(共共 5 题题:每每题题 1 分分,满满分分 5 分分)根根据据下下面面的的对对话话 内内容容,从从方方框框内内的的选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选选项项,使使对对话话完完整整通通顺顺,并并将将其其选选 项转项转涂到答

41、涂到答题题卡上的相卡上的相应应位置。其位置。其中中有一有一项为项为多余多余选项选项。11(5 分)A:Hi,Tom!You look very happy today!B:Oh,yes.Guess what?My best friend Ben is coming. A:Really?(1) B:Tomorrow.I cant wait to see him.A:(2) B:He will stay with me for two weeks. A:(3) B:He is really friendly.Im sure you will like him when you see him. A

42、:What does he look like?B:(4)He plays football well. A:Could you introduce him to me? B:(5) A.How long will he stay?B.Of course.C.How often does he visit you?D.What is he like?E.He is tall and strong.F.When is he coming?卷卷 II (共四部分(共四部分:50 分)第一部分)第一部分分 单词单词拼拼写写 (共两(共两节节;共共 20 题题:每小每小题题 1 分,分,共共 20 分

43、)第一分)第一节节 根据根据汉语汉语提示提示, 用用单词单词的正确形的正确形式式 填空,每空填空,每空一一词词,并将答案写在答,并将答案写在答题题卡上的相卡上的相应应位置位置。12(1 分)We planted many trees in(三月).13(1 分)Our school team(赢) the football match last week.14(1 分)He is reading a book about(现代的) history.15 ( 1 分 ) Can you pass me the scissors to cut the wool off the(绵羊)?16(1 分

44、)We should face any difficulty with a (勇敢的)heart.17(1 分)Computers were (发明) not long ago,but theyare popular now.18 ( 1 分) Tom went( 往楼上) to have a rest after dinner.19(1 分)They need to (筹集) enough money to build anew school.20(1 分)There are many(手提包) in the shop.They look very pretty.21(1 分)Linglin

45、g was so (粗心的) that she broke thewindow of her bedroom.第二第二节节 根据短文内根据短文内容容用方框内所用方框内所给单词给单词的的正正确形式填空确形式填空, 每空一每空一词词, 每每词词一次,一次,并并将答案写在答将答案写在答题题卡上卡上的的相相应应位置位置。22(10 分)surpriseahelphandwithfinalgoodbutnoteaskDanny lived a hard life with his mother in a small town.Although theywere poor,they were always

46、(1)to those in need.One day,Danny saw(2)old man carry a huge bag.Theman looked tired and hungry.He(3)people to help him carrythe bag. (4)nobody agreed to help him.Danny offered to give him a(5).The old man told Danny that he had no money to pay him.6)a laugh , Danny said that he was just trying to h

47、elp.He asked the old man where he wanted to go.He told Danny to follow him.7), the old man stopped right in front of Dannys house. This is my house! cried Danny.The old man just turned around and told Danny, This bag is for you.Use it(8). Then he went off.Danny opened the bag and was(9)to find a lot

48、 of money inside.A(10)inside it said, Help comes to those help.第第二二部部分分 短短文文改改错错(共共 10 题题:每每题题 1 分分,满满分分 10 分分)下下面面短短文文中中 的的画画线线部部分分是是错错误误的的,请请改改正正,但但不不得得改改变变原原文文意意思思,并并将将答答案案写写在在 答答题题卡上的卡上的相相应应位置位置。23 ( 10分 ) Childrenandadultsenjoyplaywithkites.(1) There are a lot of kite festivals and competitions

49、 in China,Japan and many others countries.But kites are not just playthings.(2) Theycanbeusefulonmanyotherways.Kiteflyinghas(3) been popular in China since more than 4) two thousands years.Scientists have been5) interestinginkites(6) foralongtime.Theyhaveusedthemfor studying weather and for testing

50、new kinds of flying machines.Recently , scientists have develop many new kinds of kites.(7) Some of them can pull boats , or lift a man easy.Some can(8) fly like a plane.Some kites are really beautiful work of art ,(9) and people love it.Kite flying is not only an art but also a science.(10) 第第三三部部分

51、分 任任务务型型阅阅读读 (共共 5 题题;每每题题 2 分分,满满分分 10 分分)阅阅读读下下面面 的的短短文文, 然然后后根根据据文文章章内内容容简简要要回回答答第第 1 至至 5 小小题题, 并并将将答答案案写写在在答答 题题卡上的相卡上的相应应位置位置。24(10 分)In China,many students spend much of their time on their studies,and dont help with housework at home.As a result,they lack basic skills.Luckily,things are chan

52、ging.Last year,many schools began to teachstudents life skills.Guangming Middle School in Sichuan set up some farming clubs.There students learnt to plant vegetables.At first I thought Icould only grow some vegetables here,but actually,I learnt a lot about vegetables. said Chen Jia,a girl at the sch

53、ool.In Hope Middle School,students have a special life skill class:they learn to make dumplings in different kinds of shapes.I couldnt make dumplings before,but now I am good at doing it.I really love my life skill class.Its my favourite class. said Zhang Yan,a boy at the school.In fact,learning lif

54、e skills is as important as learning Chinese and maths,because it helps us prepare for our future life.Boys and girls,do you help your parents do housework at home ? If not , maybe you should get started now.1When did many schools begin to teach students life skills?(no more than 2 words)2What club

55、did Guangming Middle School set up? (no more than 3 words)3Did Chen Jia learn a lot about vegetables? (no more than 3 words)4What is Zhang Yan good at now? (no more than 2 words)5Why is learning life skills as important as learning Chinese and maths? (no more than 9 words)第四部第四部分分 书书面表面表达达 (满满分分 10

56、分分)25(10 分)坚定文化自信,弘扬中华优秀传统文化,做中华文明 的传播者是新时代中国青少年的责任与使命。假如你是李华,近 期,一批外国朋友要到你所在的学校参观访问,你将作为学生代 表向他们介绍中华优秀传统文化。请根据下面表格中的要点提示, 用英语写一篇发言稿。总体介绍 中华传统文化种类多、历史悠久,影响很多人。京剧国粹之一, 来自Huiban,包含 singing,dancing,speaking讲述了很多故事,受各个年龄段人的喜欢。茶文化茶的种类多,对健康有益。瓷器中国是瓷器之乡,技术世界最早,闻名于世。要求:1字迹工整,书写规范,不逐字翻译,包含全部要点,可 适当发挥;2文中不得出现

57、真实的学校、班级名称;(3)80 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;(4)请将书面表达内容写在答题卡上的相应位置。参考词汇:traditional Chinese culture 中华传统文化 influence 影响 china 瓷器 Beijing Opera 京剧 national treasure 国粹 technology 技术Dear friends,Welcome to our school.Today,I want to share something about traditional Chinese culture with you.Thanks for your l

58、istening.2022 年四川省广年四川省广安安市中考英市中考英语试语试卷卷参考答案与参考答案与试题试题解析解析卷卷 I(共三部分;共三部分;满满分分 10 分)第一部分分)第一部分听听力(共两力(共两节节:满满分分 10 分分)第一第一节节(共共 10 题题;每每题题 1 分,分,满满分分 10 分分) 听下听下面面 10 段段对话对话。每。每段段 对话对话后有一后有一个个小小题题,从从题题后后所所给给的的 A、B、C 三个三个选项选项中中选选出最佳出最佳答答 案案, 并将答案并将答案转转涂涂到到答答题题卡上的相卡上的相应应位置位置。 听完每段听完每段对话对话后后, 你你有有 10 秒秒

59、钟钟的的时间时间来来回答有关回答有关问题问题和和阅读阅读下下一小一小题题。每段。每段对话读对话读两两遍。遍。 1(10 分)(1)What does Bettys father do?A.B.C.(2)What is the girls favourite food?A.B.C.(3)What is the sign?A.B.C.(4)When is Lucys birthday?A.B.C.(5)What are they doing?A.B.C.6How is the weather today?A.Hot.B.Warm.C.Cool.7How many times has the man

60、 been to Chengdu? A.Once.B.Twice. C.Three times.8What is the building made of? A.Wood.B.Stone.C.Glass.(9)How did Tom go to school today? A.By bus.B.By taxi.C.On foot.(10)Whose bike is broken? A.Alices.B.Bobs.C.Jacks.【分析】略【解答】BCACBABCCA【点评】略第第二二节节(共共 10 题题;每每题题 1 分分,满满分分 10 分分) 听听下下面面三三段段对对话话和和一一段段独独

61、 白白。每每段段对对话话或或独独白白后后有有几几个个小小题题,从从题题后后所所给给的的 A、 B、C 三三个个 选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳答答案案, 并并将将答答案案转转涂涂到到答答题题卡卡上上的的相相应应位位置置。 听听完完每每 段段对对话话或或独独白白后后,你你有有 15 秒秒钟钟的的时时间间来来回回答答有有关关问问题题。每每段段对对话话或或 独白独白读读三遍三遍。2(2 分)听第 11 段对话,回答小题。(1)What is Eden doing now? A.Reading a book.B.Drawing a pancake.C.Eating a pancake.(2)What c

62、lass is Eden in?A.Class 4.B.Class 5.C.Class 6.【分析】略【解答】CA【点评】略3(4 分)听第 12 段对话,回答小题。1What size is the Tshirt? A.Small.B.Medium. C.Large.2How much is the Tshirt? A.13.B.30.C.33.3Where is the bank?A.Its opposite the school on Tree Street.B.Its opposite the school on King Road.C.Its opposite the park on

63、 Tree Street.(4)How far is it to the bank? A.About 1 kilometre.B.About 2 kilometres.C.About 3 kilometres.【分析】略【解答】ABA C【点评】略4(4 分)听下面一段独白,回答小题。(1)What was the matter with the boys father last week? A.He had a fever.B.He had a backache.C.He had a stomach ache.(2)How did the boy communicate with the d

64、octor? A.By telephone.B.On the Internet.C.By letter.(3)How long will the boy run with his father every morning? A.Half an hour.B.An hour.C.One and a half hours.(4)When is the boy going to do Taiji with his father? A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.C.In the evening.【分析】略【解答】BBAC【点评】略第二部第二部分分 基基础础知知

65、识识运运用用 (满满分分 15 分)完形填分)完形填空空(共两篇:(共两篇:共共 15 题题:每每题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)先先通通读读下下面面两两篇篇短短文文,掌掌握握其其大大意意,然然后后 从从各各题题所所给给的的 A、B、C、D 四四个个选选项项中中选选出出可可以以填填入入相相应应空空白白处处的的 最佳最佳选项选项,并并将其将其选项转选项转涂到答涂到答题题卡卡上的相上的相应应位置位置。5(5 分)Do you often smile?Do you like a smiling face?Smile is very nice.It lets us feel warm in(1)

66、Chearts.Smile is important.When you are sad,make a big smile,and it can make you happy again.When you are worried,make a big smile,and it can help you keep cool again.When you arent successful,make a big smile and it can(2)Dyou to try again and work harder.Smile is very easy, but it is very ( 3 ) A

67、.So lets learn to smile.Everyone(4) D smiles.When we give others a smile,we can feel happy,too.When you(5) B others smiling faces,you can feel warm.Lets smile every day.Dont you think so?(1)A.hisB.yourC.ourD.her(2)A.takeB.haveC.playD.help(3)A.useful B.thankful C.hopeful D.awful(4)A.doesB.buysC.watch

68、es D.needs(5)A.make B.see C.give D.do【分析】本文主要介绍了微笑在生活中的作用。【解答】 (1)代词辨析。A.his 他的;B.your 你的;C.our 我们的; D.her 她的。根据 It lets us feel warm(它让我们感到温暖)可知, 是我们的心里感到温暖。故选 C。2动词辨析。A.take 带着;B.have 有;C.play 玩耍;D.help 帮 助。根据 Smile is important.(微笑是很重要的。)可知,当你不成 功的时候,露出一个大大的微笑,它可以帮助你再次尝试,更加努 力地工作,因此选 help。故选 D。3形

69、容词辨析。A.useful 有用的;B.thankful 感激的;C.hopeful 有希望的;D.awful 极好的。根据上文 Smile is important.(微笑是 很重要的。)和 So lets learn to smile.(所以让我们学会微笑。)可 知,微笑很有用。故选 A。4动词辨析。A.does 做;B.buys 买;C.watches 观看;D.needs 需要。根据 When we give others a smile,we can feel happy,too.When you(5) others smiling faces,you can feel warm.(

70、当我们给别 人一个微笑,我们也能感到快乐。当你看到别人的笑脸时,你会感 到温暖。)可知,每个人都需要微笑。故选 D。5动词辨析。A.make 制造;B.see 看见;C.give 给;D.do 做。 根据语境和选项可知,此处是当你看到别人的笑脸时,你会感到温 暖。故选 B。【点评】 首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意,结合排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通 读全文核对答案。6(10 分 )Once there were three trees on a hill.They were(1) C their hopes and dreams.The first t

71、ree said, I want to be a treasure box.Then I could be filled with(2) A . The second tree said, Someday I will be a ship.I will take the king ( 3 ) D the sea. Finally,the third said, I want to grow to be the(4) B tree in the forest.People will see me on the top of the hill.However,several years later

72、,the first tree was made into a wooden box for animals.And the second tree became a fishing ship.The last tree was still there,but(5)Cknew him.Then one day,a(6)Amother wanted to make a wooden bed for her baby.She had no money ( 7 )Cshe chose the wooden box.The first tree could feel the baby was the

73、greatest treasure for the mother.The second tree helped a fisherman in a heavy rain.For the last tree,when the villagers were tired,they(8)Btake a break under it on hot days.The three trees(9)Dcome true.Sometimes,when things dont happen as you expect,dont lose( 10)A.Wherever you are,please remember

74、the decision youve made at first.Hold on to it!Thats what we call dream.(1)A.looking for B.making up C.talking about D.writing about(2)A.moneyB.timeC.foodD.love(3)A.throughB.againstC.fromD.across(4)A.shortestB.tallestC.oldestD.newest(5)A.everyoneB.anyoneC.nobodyD.somebody(6)A.poorB.richC.strangeD.pr

75、oud(7)A.becauseB.orC.soD.till(8)A.shouldB.couldC.needD.must(9)A.reportsB.risksC.interestsD.dreams(10)A.hopeB.wayC.changeD.choice【分析】本文主要讲述了三棵树谈论它们的梦想。故事告诉我们,有时候当事情看起来不像你想的那样时,不要失去希望,坚持下去,梦想就会实现。【解答】(1)短语辨析。A.looking for 寻找;B.making up 弥补;C.talking about 谈论;D.writing about 写到。根据下面三棵树的对话,可知此处是它们在谈论它们的

76、梦想。故选 C。2名词辨析。A.money 钱;B.time 时间;C.food 食物;D.love 爱。根据 I want to be a treasure box.(我想成为一个宝箱。) 和选项 可知,盒子里要装的是钱。故选 A。3介词辨析。A.through 穿过 ;B.against 反对 ;C.from 从 ;D.across 横过。根据 Someday I will be a ship.(总有一天我会成为一艘船。)可知, 是要带着国王横渡海洋, 此处指从表面上航行, 因此选 across。故选 D。4形容词辨析。A.shortest 最矮的;B.tallest 最高的;C.olde

77、st 最老的;D.newest 最新的。根据 People will see me on the top of the hill.(人们会在ft顶上看到我。)可知,是成为一棵最高的树 。故选 B。5代词辨析。A.everyone 每个人;B.anyone 任何人;C.nobody 没有人;D.somebody 某人。根据 The last tree was still there(最后 一棵树还在那里)再结合 but(但是)可知,应该是没有人认识它。 故选 C。6形容词辨析。A.poor 贫穷的;B.rich 富有的;C.strange 奇怪 的;D.proud 自豪的。根据 She had

78、no money(她没有钱)可知, 她很穷。故选 A。7连词辨析。A.because 因为;B.or 否则;C.so 因此;D.till 直 到。根据句意,她没有钱,她选择了那个木箱子,前后之间构成因 果关系,前因后果,因此选 so。故选 C。8情态动词辨析。A.should 应该;B.could 会、可以;C.need 需要;D.must 必须。根据 when the villagers were tired(当村民们累 了的时候)可知,他们在大热天会在它下面休息,因此选 could 符 合题意。故选 B。9名词辨析。A.reports 报道;B.risks 风险;C.interests 兴

79、趣;D.dreams 梦想。根据上文 their hopes and dreams(它们的希望和梦想)可知,这三棵树的梦想都成为现实。故选 D。(10)名词辨析。A.hope 希望 ;B.way 方式 ;C.change 变化 ;D.choice 选择。根据语境可知,有时候,当事情没有如你所愿的发生时,不 要失去希望。故选 A。【点评】 首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所 提供的信息,然后明确词意,结合排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通 读全文核对答案。第三部第三部分分 阅读阅读理解和理解和口口语语运运用用 (共两(共两节节:35 分)第一分)第一节节 阅读阅读理理解解(共共 20

80、题题:每每小小题题 1.5 分分,共共 30 分分)阅阅读读下下列列短短文文,从从各各题题所所给给的的 A、B、C、D 四四个个选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选选项项,并并将将其其选选项项转转涂涂到到答答题题卡卡 上的相上的相应应位位置。置。7(7.5 分)Foodwalkthrough the ancient townKung fu ShowTime:10:00 am 2:00 pm, Time:7:30 pm 8:30 pm,Friday SaturdayThursday FridayPlace:Yudai Ancient TownPlace:Peace SquarePrice:¥90 ea

81、ch personPrice:¥80 each personTel:82101973Tel:83227232While walking through the ancient Two lovely pandas , named Aitown,you can taste lots of delicious Long and Ai Jie , are fond ofsnacks.Chinese Kung fu.To experienceand learn it from a great master ,they come here.Music FestivalArt ExhibitionTime:

82、7:30 pm 10:30 pm, Time:9:00 am 9:00 pm,July 13 14August 1 10Place:Pioneer TheaterPlace:Star GalleryPrice:¥120Price:FreeTel:86103721Tel:86552545Crazy Brain,a wellknown band,A famous Chinese ink painter useswill give a concert.They will play traditionalgongbitopaintsome pieces of wonderful music.Chine

83、se women.1If you and one of your friends plan to enjoy the food walk,youwill pay D. A.¥90B.¥ 120 C.¥ 160 D.¥1802When is the right time to watch Kung fu Show? B A.8:30 pm 9:30 pm on FridayB.7:30 pm 8:30 pm on FridayC.7:30 am 8:30 am on ThursdayD.7:30 am 6:30 pm on Thursday3Linda wants to go to a conc

84、ert,she can phone C . A.82101973B.83227232 C.86103721 D.865525454If youd like to learn about the art exhibition,you can go to A.A.Star Gallery B.Pioneer Theater C.Yudai Ancient TownD.Peace Square(5)Where can we probably see this passage?D A.In a report.B.In a storybook.C.In a diary.D.In a newspaper.

85、【分析】本文是四则休闲娱乐活动的广告。【解答】 (1)细节理解题。根据 Food walk through the ancient town 中的信息:Price:¥90 each person(每人票价是 90 元),因此如 果你和你的一个朋友计划享受美食散步,你们应该付 90+90180。 故选:D。(2)细节理解题。根据 Kung fu Show 中的信息:Time:7:30 pm 8:30 pm,Thursday Friday,(周四到周五,晚上 7 点半到 8 点半),结合选项,可知 B 选项周五晚上 7 点半到 8 点半去看 功夫表演合适。故选 B。3细节理解题。根据 Music

86、Festival 中的信息 :Tel:86103721,可知琳达想去听音乐会,她可以拨打电话 86103721。故选 C。4细节理解题。 根据 Art Exhibition 中的信息,Place:Star Gallery,可知如果你想了解艺术展的话,你可以去 Star Gallery。故选 A。5文章来源题。通读全文可知,本文是四则休闲娱乐活动的广 告,由此可以推知,文章可能来源于一份报纸上的广告。故选 D。【点评】 首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所 提供的信息,然后明确词意,结合排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通 读全文,核对答案。8(7.5 分)Nightingale was

87、the worlds first great nurse.She was born in a rich family in 1820,in Florence,Italy.She could have lived an easy,comfortable life.But instead,she chose to work hard and care for the sick.Because she is one of the worlds greatest nurses,every year on her birthday,May 12,people celebrate Internationa

88、l Nurses Day to remember the love and help that she gave to so many people.When she was 24,she told her parents she wanted to be a nurse.But they didnt like the idea.The family had lots of money,so they thoughtit would be better if she didnt work.Nurses were not very wellrespected at that time.But N

89、ightingale went on with her dream.Shewent to Germany to learn to be a nurse.There were no nursing schools at that time.She had to learn by practising.During a war in 1854 , Nightingale and a team of 38 nurses from England went to care forsoldiers near Turkey.She made the hospitals much cleaner there

90、.Atnight,she would look after the soldiers.She carried a lamp(灯)with her,and soldiers began to call her The Lady with the Lamp.In 1860, after the war , Nightingale opened the first nursing school.She also worked to make hospitals better and make rules for nurses.She died in 1910 in London , England

91、at the age of 90.Nightingales birthday became International Nurses Day in 1974.(1)Nightingale was C. A.an AmericanB.a Canadian C.an ItalianD.a German(2)When did Nightingale begin to want to be a nurse?A A.At the age of 24.B.When she was still a little girl. C.Since she was born.D.After she went to E

92、ngland.(3)What problems did Nightingale have before 1854?DA.Her parents didnt want her to be a nurse.B.There were no nursing schools at that time.C.She didnt have enough money.D.Both A and B.( 4 ) When did Nightingales birthday become International Nurses Day?DA.In 1820.B.In 1854.C.In 1860.D.In 1974

93、.( 5 ) What did the soldiers mean by calling Nightingale The Lady with the Lamp?BA.She sold lamps.B.She could bring hope to others.C.She lent lamps to others.D.She loved the lamp.【分析】 短文讲了南丁格尔是世界上第一位伟大的护士。详细地介 绍了南丁格尔的经历。【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据 She was born in a rich family in 1820,in Florence,Italy.(1820 年,

94、她出生在意大利佛罗伦萨的一 个富裕家庭。)可知南丁格尔是意大利人。故选 C。(2)细节理解题。根据 When she was 24,she told her parents shewanted to be a nurse.(当她 24 岁时, 她告诉父母她想成为一名护士。) 可知南丁格尔 24 岁的时候开始想成为一名护士的。故选 A。( 3 ) 细节判断题。根据 she told her parents she wanted to be a nurse.But they didnt like the idea.(她告诉父母她想成为一名护士。 但他们不喜欢这个主意。)和 There were n

95、o nursing schools at that time.(当时没有护理学校。) 可知她的父母不想让她当护士。那时 没有护士学校。故选 D。4细节理解题。根据 Nightingales birthday became International Nurses Day in 1974.(1974 年, 南丁格尔的生日成为国际护士节。) 可知南丁格尔的生日是在 1974 年变成国际护士节的。故选 D。5细节理解题。根据 She made the hospitals much cleaner there.At night,she would look after the soldiers.(她让

96、那里的医院 变得更干净了。晚上,她会照顾士兵。) 可知她可以给别人带来 希望。故选 B。【点评】 在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻 前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案。9(7.5 分)You may know about junk food like French fries.But do you know about junk sleep?Recently, a British survey ( 调查) shows that there are many electronic products in teenagers bedrooms.They are infl

97、uencing teenagers sleep badly.The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16.Itfound that 50% of them got just 4 to 7 hours sleep every day.But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours.Almost 25% of the kids said they often fell asleep while they werewatching TV,listening to music or using oth

98、er electronic products. This is very worrying, said Dr.Chris,a British professor(教授 ). We call it junk sleep.It means you dont get enough sleep and the quality(质量)of the sleep is low,too.If you dont get a good rest,you wont do well in school the next day.The survey found that quite a few of the kids

99、 felt tired each daybecause of the junk sleep,especially girls between 13 and 16 feeling the worst.Nearly all the teenagers have a phone,MP5 or TV in their bedrooms.And lots of them even have all the three.Dr.Chris suggested that parents should help their children keep away from electronic products,

100、and teenagers should spend less time on the electronic products.(1)What does this passage mainly talk about?B A.Junk food.B.Junk sleep. C.Electronic products.D.The importance of sleep.(2 )How many of the children sleep only 4 to 7 hours a day in thesurvey?C A.200.B.250.C.500.D.1000.( 3 ) Junk food a

101、nd junk sleep are similar to each other because A.A.they are both low in qualityB.they are both needed in our lifeC.they are both enjoyed at weekendsD.they are both necessary for peoples health(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? C A.Teenagers of 12 to 16 only need 4 to 7 hour

102、s sleep each day.B.Few of the teenagers have electronic products in their bedrooms. C.Teenagers spend too much time on electronic products.D.Girls between 13 and 16 spend the least time on electronic products.( 5 ) Which of the following should be the best way to solve the problem?DA.Parents must ta

103、ke the electronic products away from their children.B.Parents stop the teenagers from using any electronic product. C.Teenagers should decide not to use the electronic products.D.Teenagers should spend less time on the electronic products.【分析】短文讲了什么是垃圾睡眠,详细地介绍了造成垃圾睡 眠的原因,及其作者给出了建议。【解答】(1)主旨归纳题。根据 Yo

104、u may know about junk food like French fries.But do you know about junk sleep?(你可能知道 像炸薯条这样的垃圾食品。但是你知道垃圾睡眠吗?)可知文 章主要说的是垃圾睡眠。故选 B。2细节推理题。根据 The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16.It found that 50% of them got just 4 to 7 hours sleep every day.(这项调查是在 1000 名 12 到 16 岁的英国孩子中 进行的。调查发

105、现,50%的人每天只睡 4 到 7 个小时。)可知在调 查中,有 500 个孩子每天只睡 4 到 7 个小时。故选 C。3细节理解题。根据 The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16.It found that 50% of them got just 4 to 7 hours sleep every day.But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours.(这项调查是 在 1000 名 12 到 16 岁的英国孩子中进行的。调查发现,50%的人 每天只睡 4 到 7 个小时。但是医生说他们

106、需要 8 到 9 个小时。) 可 知垃圾食品和垃圾睡眠相似, 因为它们的质量都很低。 故选 A。4细节判断题。根据 Dr.Chris suggested that parents should help their children keep away from electronic products , and teenagers should spend less time on the electronic products.(克里斯博士建议 父母应该帮助孩子远离电子产品, 青少年应该少花时间在电子产品上。)可知青少年花太多的时间在电子产品上。故选 C。(5)细节理解题。根据 Dr.Ch

107、ris suggested that parents should help their children keep away from electronic products , and teenagers should spend less time on the electronic products.(克里斯博士建议 父母应该帮助孩子远离电子产品, 青少年应该少花时间在电子产品 上。)可知青少年应该少花时间在电子产品上。故选 D。【点评】 在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻 前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案。10(7.5 分)What is a tsunam

108、i(海啸)?Tsunamis are often caused by earthquakes or volcanoes(火ft).The average speed(平均速度)of the waves(波浪)is 300 mph and the waves can last from five minutes to an hour.What to do in a tsunami?Firstly,when a strong earthquake is felt,leave the water at once, get to the shore(海岸)and go as far away as y

109、ou can from the beach fast.If it allows,go to a higher ground.Secondly,turn on the TV for news and weather report.They will tell you more about the tsunami.Thirdly,get all members of your family together and let everyone know the tsunami is coming.Choose a place to stay together.Make sure the place

110、is safe and as far away from the shore as possible.Bring emergency supplies(应急用品)when you have to leave your house.At last,if you find a huge wave is coming,climb onto the roof ofyour house or on the highest point of the nearest building.Hold on to anything thats strong enough.Climb a tree if you ha

111、ve to.For a tsunami, the only way to survive ( 幸免于) it is to be prepared.(1)When a tsunami comes,the waves will A. A.go as quickly as 300 mphB.become stronger before the earthquakeC.cause heavy rainD.last shorter and shorter2How many suggestions are mentioned in this passage?C A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D

112、.Five.3When a tsunami is coming,your family had better B. A.go to the beach togetherB.stay in a safe place togetherC.stay in your houseD.put emergency supplies on a lower ground(4)We should do the following when a tsunami is coming EXCEPTB.A.listening to the weather report B.going to a low place to

113、keep safeC.getting emergency supplies readyD.leaving the water as far away as you can(5)Whats the best title of the passage?D A.How to keep safe in the waterB.What a tsunami isC.What to do after a tsunamiD.How to survive a tsunami【分析】文章介绍了如何在海啸中逃生。【解答】( 1 ) 细节理解题。根据 Tsunamis are often caused by eart

114、hquakes or volcanoes(火ft).The average speed(平均速度)of the waves ( 波 浪 ) is 300 mph and the waves can last from five minutes to an hour.(海啸通常由地震或火ft引起。海浪的平均速度 是每小时 300 英里,海浪可以持续 5 分钟到 1 小时。) 可知,海啸 来了,海浪就会以每小时 300 英里的速度前进。故选 A。2细节理解题。根据 Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly,At last,(首 先,第二,第三,最后,) 可知,文章中提到了四个个建议。故选

115、C。3细节理解题。根据 get all members of your family together and let everyone know the tsunami is coming.Choose a place to staytogether.Make sure the place is safe and as far away from the shore aspossible.(把你所有的家庭成员聚集在一起,让每个人都知道海啸 就要来了。选择一个地方待在一起。确保这个地方是安全的,并且 尽可能远离海岸。) 可知,当海啸来临时,你的家人最好是一起待 在安全的地方。故选 B。4细节理

116、解题。根据 If it allows,go to a higher ground.(如果条 件允许,就到地势较高的地方去。)选项 B 叙述不对;turn on the TV for news and weather report.(打开电视看新闻和天气预报)选 项 A 正确;Bring emergency supplies (应急用品)when you have to leave your house.(当你必须离开家时,带上应急用品。)选项 C 正确 ;when a strong earthquake is felt,leave the water at once,get to the sh

117、ore and go as far away as you can from the beach fast.(当感觉 到强烈的地震时,立即离开水,到达海岸,尽可能快地离开海滩) 选项 D 正确。当海啸来临时,选项 B 不能做。故选 B。5主旨大意题。根据 What to do in a tsunami?(在海啸中该怎 么办?)可知,文章介绍了如何在海啸中逃生。所以选项 D 是最 佳标题。故选 D。【点评】 本文是一篇阅读选择题,做题时要先通读短文,弄清楚短 文大意,然后在文中找出相关句子,根据句子选择正确答案。第第二二节节 口口语语运运用用(共共 5 题题:每每题题 1 分分,满满分分 5 分

118、分)根根据据下下面面的的对对话话 内内容容,从从方方框框内内的的选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选选项项,使使对对话话完完整整通通顺顺,并并将将其其选选 项转项转涂到答涂到答题题卡上的相卡上的相应应位置。其位置。其中中有一有一项为项为多余多余选项选项。11(5 分)A:Hi,Tom!You look very happy today!B:Oh,yes.Guess what?My best friend Ben is coming. A:Really?(1)FB:Tomorrow.I cant wait to see him. A:(2)AB:He will stay with me for two

119、 weeks. A:(3)DB:He is really friendly.Im sure you will like him when you see him. A:What does he look like?B:(4)EHe plays football well. A:Could you introduce him to me? B:(5)B A.How long will he stay?B.Of course.C.How often does he visit you?D.What is he like?E.He is tall and strong.F.When is he co

120、ming?【分析】这是一则介绍朋友的对话。【解答】 (1)根据下文明天结合选项可知,F 项他什么时候来?符合题意。故选 F。2根据下文他将会和我待两周。结合选项可知,A 项他将会待多久?符合题意。故选 A。3根据下文他真的很友好。结合选项可知,D 项他性格怎么 样?符合题意。故选 D。4根据上文他长的怎么样?结合选项可知,E 项他又高又结 实。符合题意。故选 E。5根据上文你能介绍他给我么?结合选项可知,B 项当然。 符合题意。故选 B。【点评】 题目要求补全对话,主要考查学生的语言运用能力及日常 交际能力,做题时要根据上下文语境来确定句意。卷卷 II (共四部分(共四部分:50 分)第一部分

121、)第一部分分 单词单词拼拼写写 (共两(共两节节;共共 20 题题: 每小每小题题 1 分,分,共共 20 分)第一分)第一节节 根据根据汉语汉语提示提示, 用用单词单词的正确形的正确形式式 填空,每空填空,每空一一词词,并将答案写在答,并将答案写在答题题卡上的相卡上的相应应位置位置。12(1 分)We planted many trees inMarch(三月).【分析】我们在三月种了许多树。【解答】根据提示三月可知,in March在三月,填名词。 故答案为:March。【点评】 翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试 题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。13(1 分)Our s

122、chool teamwon(赢) the football match last week.【分析】我们校队上周赢得了足球比赛。【解答】根据提示赢可知,是动词 win。由 last week上周可知,一般过去时态,谓语动词用 win 的过去式 won。 故答案为:won。【点评】 翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试 题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。14 ( 1 分) He is reading a book about modern( 现代的)history.【分析】他正在读一本关于近代史的书。【解答】 根据提示现代的可知,这里修饰名词 modern,用形容词 modern。

123、故答案为:modern。【点评】 翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试 题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。15(1 分)Can you pass me the scissors to cut the wool off the sheep(绵羊)?【分析】你能把剪刀递给我把羊毛从羊身上剪下来吗?【解答】根据提示绵羊可知,填名词 sheep 的复数 sheep。 故答案为:sheep。【点评】 翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试 题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。16(1 分)We should face any difficulty with a brave(勇敢的

124、)heart.【分析】我们应该用一颗勇敢的心面对任何困难。【解答】根据提示勇敢的可知,这里修饰名词 heart,用形容词 brave。故答案为:brave。【点评】 翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试 题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。17(1 分)Computers wereinvented(发明) not long ago,but they are popular now.【分析】电脑是不久前发明的,但现在很流行。【解答】 根据提示发明可知,是动词 invent。由 were 可知,这里 是一般过去时态的被动语态,结构是 was/were+动词的过去分词。 invent 的

125、过去分词是 invented。故答案为:invented。【点评】 翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试 题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。18(1 分)Tom wentupstairs(往楼上) to have a rest after dinner.【分析】晚饭后汤姆上楼休息。【解答】 根据提示往楼上可知,go upstairs上楼动词短语,填副 词 upstairs。故答案为:upstairs。【点评】 翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。19(1 分)They need toraise(筹集) enough money to

126、 build a new school.【分析】他们需要筹集足够的资金来建造一所新学校。【解答】根据提示筹集可知,这里 need to 后跟动词原形 raise。 故答案为:raise。【点评】 翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试 题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。20(1 分)There are manyhandbags(手提包) in the shop.They look very pretty.【分析】商店里有许多手提包。它们看起来很漂亮。【解答】 根据提示手提包可知,这里形容词 many许多,修饰名 词 handbag 的复数 handbags。故答案为:handbag

127、s。【点评】 翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试 题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。21(1 分)Lingling was socareless(粗心的) that she broke the window of her bedroom.【分析】玲玲太粗心了,把卧室的窗户打破了。【解答】根据提示粗心的可知,was 系动词,系表结构,填形容 词 careless 作表语。故答案为:careless。【点评】 翻译填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据中文提示完成试题,注意时态、单复数、词性等变化。第二第二节节 根据短文内根据短文内容容用方框内所用方框内所给单词给单词的的正正确形式填空确

128、形式填空, 每空一每空一词词, 每每词词一次,一次,并并将答案写在答将答案写在答题题卡上卡上的的相相应应位置位置。22(10 分)surpriseahelphandwithfinalgoodbutnoteaskDanny lived a hard life with his mother in a small town.Although theywere poor,they were always(1)helpfulto those in need.One day,Danny saw(2)anold man carry a huge bag.The man looked tired and h

129、ungry.He(3)askedpeople to help him carry the bag. ( 4 )Butnobody agreed to help him.Danny offered to give him a( 5 ) hand .The old man told Danny that he had no money to pay him.6 With a laugh,Danny said that he was just trying to help.He asked the old man where he wanted to go.He told Danny to foll

130、ow him.7 Finally ,the old man stopped right in front of Dannys house. This is my house! cried Danny.The old man just turned around and told Danny, This bag is for you.Use it(8) well . Then he went off.Danny opened the bag and was(9) surprised to find a lot of money inside.A ( 10 ) note inside it sai

131、d , Help comes to those help.【分析】 丹尼和他的母亲在一个小镇上过着艰苦的生活。虽然他们很穷,但他们总是帮助那些需要帮助的人。在帮助一个老人后,得 到了很多钱。【解答】(1)考查形容词。句意:虽然他们很穷,但他们总是帮 助那些需要帮助的人。根据 Although they were poor(虽然他们很 穷) 可知是指:虽然他们很穷,但他们总是帮助那些需要帮助的人。故填 helpful。2考查冠词。句意:有一天,丹尼看到一位老人背着一个大袋 子。根据句意,可知此处表示泛指。old 发音以元音音素开头,用 an。故填 an。3考查动词。句意:他请人们帮他提袋子。根据

132、句意,可知考 查 ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事。时态是一般过去时。故填 asked。4考查连词。句意 : 但是没有人同意帮助他。根据 nobody agreed to help him(没有人同意帮助他)可知这跟前文是转折关系 。故填 But。5考查名词。句意:丹尼主动提出帮他一把。根据 give him a, 可知是 give sb a hand 给予帮助,固定搭配。故填 hand。6考查介词。句意:丹尼笑着说他只是想帮忙。根据句意,可 知此处是 with 表示伴随。故填 With。7考查副词。句意:最后,老人在丹尼的房子前面停了下来。 根据 the old man sto

133、pped right in front of Dannys house(一位老人 在丹尼的房子前面停了下来) 可知是指:最后,老人在丹尼的房子前面停了下来。故填 Finally。8考查副词。句意:好好使用它。根据 This bag is for you.(这 个包是给你的。)可知让他好好使用。此处是副词 well 修饰动词 use。故填 well。9考查形容词。句意:丹尼打开包,惊讶地发现里面有很多钱 。根据 find a lot of money inside(在里面发现很多钱)所以是惊讶 的。此处是 ed 形容词修饰人。故填 surprised。10考查名词。句意:里面有一张纸条,上面写着

134、:帮助他人 的人会得到帮助。 根据 it said(上面写着) 可知是在一张纸条。a 接可数名词单数形式。故填 note。【点评】 选择词语时,在理解文章大意的前提下,应该注意文章及 句子所用的时态,以及所填写的词在句子中的位置。通过这些判断,适当改变词汇形式,以符合题目要求。第第二二部部分分 短短文文改改错错(共共 10 题题:每每题题 1 分分,满满分分 10 分分)下下面面短短文文中中 的的画画线线部部分分是是错错误误的的,请请改改正正,但但不不得得改改变变原原文文意意思思,并并将将答答案案写写在在 答答题题卡上的卡上的相相应应位置位置。23 ( 10分 ) Childrenandadu

135、ltsenjoyplaywithkites.(1)playingThere are a lot of kite festivals and competitions in China,Japan and many others countries.But kites are not just playthings.(2)otherTheycanbeusefulonmanyotherways.Kiteflyinghas(3)inbeen popular in China since more than 4)fortwo thousands years.Scientists have been5)

136、thousandinterestinginkites(6)interestedforalongtime.Theyhaveusedthemfor studying weather and for testing new kinds of flying machines.Recently , scientists have develop many new kinds of kites.7 developedSome of them can pull boats , or lift a man easy.Some can8 easilyfly like a plane.Some kites are

137、 really beautiful work of art ,9 worksand people love it.Kite flying is not only an art but also a science.10 them【分析】这篇短文主要介绍了风筝的一些情况。【解答】(1)考查动名词。句意:孩子和成年人喜欢玩风筝。根 据 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事, 可知 play 使用动名词 playing 形式。 故填 playing。(2)考查形容词。句意:有许多风筝节日在中国,日本和许多其 他的国家。others 其他人,代词。根据 countries(国家)是名词,可知前面

138、使用形容词修饰。other 其他的,形容词。故填 other。3考查介词。句意:在很多其他的方面他们可能是很有用的。 in other ways 在其他的方面。故填 in。4考查介词。句意:放风筝在中国流行两千多年了。根据 more than two thousand years(两千多年)表示一段时间。可知使 用介词 for。故填 for。5考查数词。根据 thousand 前面有具体基数词,使用单数的用 法,可知此处使用 thousand。故填 thousand。6考查形容词。句意:科学家们对风筝感兴趣很长时间了。be interested in 对感兴趣。interested 感兴趣的,

139、形容词。故填 interested。7考查过去分词。句意:最近,科学家们已经开发了很多新种 类的风筝。此句使用现在完成时,动词使用过去分词。develop(开 发)的过去分词为 developed。故填 developed。8考查副词。句意:或者很容易举起一个人。根据 lift 举起, 动词,修饰动词使用副词。 easy 容易的, 形容词, 其副词形式为 easily。故填 easily。9考查名词。句意:一些风筝是真正美丽的艺术作品。works 作品。故填 works。10考查代词复数。句意:人们喜爱它们。根据上文 works(作 品)为名词复数形式,love(喜爱)为动词,可知此处使用人称

140、代 词宾格形式 them(它们)指代。故填 them。【点评】1.先认真阅读短文,在做题之前确保已经弄清大意。注意文中上下文的逻辑关系是否正确,时态、人称、主谓、指代等是否 一致。2.聚焦出题热点、综合运用所学语言知识,对不同的错误情况进行 分析和回答(即改词、加词或减词)。3.完成后再次通读全文,校对自己的改正是否正确。第第三三部部分分 任任务务型型阅阅读读 (共共 5 题题;每每题题 2 分分,满满分分 10 分分)阅阅读读下下面面 的的短短文文, 然然后后根根据据文文章章内内容容简简要要回回答答第第 1 至至 5 小小题题, 并并将将答答案案写写在在答答 题题卡上的相卡上的相应应位置位置

141、。24(10 分)In China,many students spend much of their time on their studies,and dont help with housework at home.As a result,they lack basic skills.Luckily,things are changing.Last year,many schools began to teach students life skills.Guangming Middle School in Sichuan set up some farming clubs.There

142、students learnt to plant vegetables.At first I thought Icould only grow some vegetables here,but actually,I learnt a lot about vegetables. said Chen Jia,a girl at the school.In Hope Middle School,students have a special life skill class:they learn to make dumplings in different kinds of shapes.I cou

143、ldnt make dumplings before,but now I am good at doing it.I really love my life skill class.Its my favourite class. said Zhang Yan,a boy at the school.In fact,learning life skills is as important as learning Chinese andmaths,because it helps us prepare for our future life.Boys and girls,do you help y

144、our parents do housework at home ? If not , maybe you should get started now.1When did many schools begin to teach students life skills?(no more than 2 words) Last year.2What club did Guangming Middle School set up? (no more than 3 words) Some farming clubs.3Did Chen Jia learn a lot about vegetables

145、? (no more than 3 words) Yes./ Yes ,she did.4What is Zhang Yan good at now? (no more than 2 words) Making dumplings.5Why is learning life skills as important as learning Chinese and maths? (no more than 9 words) Because it helps us prepare for our future life.【分析】文章讲述了许多学校去年开始教授学生生活技能。【解答】细节理解题(1)根据

146、 Last year,many schools began to teach students life skills.(去年,许多学校开始教授学生生活技能。) 可知,许多学校去年开始教授学生生活技能。故答案为 Last year.2根据 Guangming Middle School in Sichuan set up some farming clubs.(四川光明中学成立了一些农业俱乐部。)可知,光明中学 成立了农业俱乐部。故答案为 Some farming clubs.3根据 There students learnt to plant vegetables.At first I th

147、ought I could only grow some vegetables here,but actually,I learnt a lot about vegetables. said Chen Jia,a girl at the school.(在那里,学生 们学会了种菜。该校女生 Chen Jia 说:一开始我以为我只能在这 里种一些蔬菜,但实际上,我学到了很多关于蔬菜的知识。)可 知,Chen Jia 学到了很多蔬菜知识。故答案为 Yes./ Yes,she did.4根 据 I couldnt make dumplings before,but now I am good at

148、doing it.I really love my life skill class.Its my favourite class. said Zhang Yan,a boy at the school.(以前我不会包饺子,但现在我很 擅长做饺子。我真的很喜欢我的生活技能课。这是我最喜欢的课。)可知,Zhang Yan 擅长包饺子。故答案为 Making dumplings.( 5 ) 根据 In fact , learning life skills is as important as learning Chinese and maths,because it helps us prepa

149、re for our future life.(事 实上,学习生活技能和学习语文和数学一样重要,因为它帮助我们 为未来的生活做准备。) 可知,学习生活技能和学习语文和数学一 样重要, 因为它帮助我们为未来的生活做准备。 故答案为 Because it helps us prepare for our future life.【点评】做题时首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意。掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后, 带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息。第四部第四部分分 书书面表面表达达 (满满分分 10 分分)25(10 分)坚定文化自信,弘扬中华优秀传统文化,

150、做中华文明 的传播者是新时代中国青少年的责任与使命。假如你是李华,近 期,一批外国朋友要到你所在的学校参观访问,你将作为学生代 表向他们介绍中华优秀传统文化。请根据下面表格中的要点提示, 用英语写一篇发言稿。总体介绍 中华传统文化种类多、历史悠久,影响很多人。京剧国粹之一, 来自Huiban,包含 singing,dancing,speaking讲述了很多故事,受各个年龄段人的喜欢。茶文化茶的种类多,对健康有益。瓷器中国是瓷器之乡,技术世界最早,闻名于世。要求:1字迹工整,书写规范,不逐字翻译,包含全部要点,可 适当发挥;2文中不得出现真实的学校、班级名称;(3)80 词左右,开头和结尾已给出

151、,不计入总词数;(4)请将书面表达内容写在答题卡上的相应位置。参考词汇:traditional Chinese culture 中华传统文化influence影响china 瓷器Beijing Opera 京剧national treasure 国粹technology 技术Dear friends,Welcome to our school.Today,I want to share something about traditional Chinese culture with you.Thanks for your listening.【分析】【高分句型一】There are many

152、kinds of traditional Chinese culture.中国传统文化有 很多种。there be 句型。【高分句型二】It is good for our health.这对我们的健康有好处。be good for 对.有 好处。【解答】Dear friends,Welcome to our school.Today , I want to share something about traditional Chinese culture with you.There are many kinds of traditional Chinese culture.【高分句型一】

153、Some of them have a long history.They have influenced many people.(中华传统文化种类多、历史悠久,影响很多人。)Beijing Opera comes first.As one of Chinese national treasures,Beijing Opera comes fromHuiban and it has three parts,including singing, dancing , and speaking.Its full of famous stories , and it is loved by Chin

154、ese people of all ages.(国粹之一,来自Huiban,包含 singing,dancing,speaking;讲述了很多故事,受各个年龄段人的喜欢 。)Next,lets talk about tea.In China there are many different kinds of tea in different areas , such as green tea , black tea.It is good for our health.【高分句型二】(茶的种类多,对健康有益。)The last one is about china.China is the hometown of china.Our chinatechnology is the earliest in the world , and its famous all over the world.(中国是瓷器之乡,技术世界最早,闻名于世。)Thanks for your listening.【点评】 能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用 一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进 而完成写作任务。


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