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1、Page 1翻译中的病句分析 翻译的最高境界修炼主讲:郭宝霞Becky GuoPage 21、不会发现译文中的问题,意味着自己也会犯同样的毛病。2、对译文的反复推敲和对错误的快速、准确识别,是通向快速提高翻译的捷径。3、学会剖析病句和修改病句,可让您的翻译水平逐渐实现质的飞跃。前 言为什么要对大量的病句或自己的译文进行锤炼?对翻译水平的提高有何作用?Page 3病句改写病句改写WARMING-UPEXERCISESOFILL-FORMEDSENTENCESPage 4破句平行结构中的错误修饰语位置不对一产生歧义病句类型串句悬垂修饰语一逻辑主语一致性Page 51.He tried many t

2、imes to give up smoking he never managed to.He tried many times to give up smoking,buthe never managed to.He tried many times to give up smoking.However,he never managed to.He tried many times to give up smoking;however,he never managed to.2.She didnt feel particularly well,she went to bed.She didnt

3、 feel particularly well.Therefore,she went to bed.3.Dont tease the dog you might get bitten.Dont tease the dog,oryou might get bitten.串句Page 64.Smokers claim the right to smoke in public places.While nonsmokers claim the right to clean air.Smokers claim the right to smoke in public places whilenonsm

4、okers claim the right to clean air.5.After I arrived in Chicago by bus.I checked into a room.Then I went to a dinner to get something to eat.After I arrived in Chicago by bus,I checked into a room,andthen I went to a dinner to get something to eat.6.Staring at the clock on the far wall.I nervously b

5、egan my speech.Staring at the clock on the far wall,I nervously began my speech.破句Page 77.Student cheating is still widely practiced.In spite of the fact that the violators get severe punishment once they are caught.Student cheating is still widely practiced inspiteofthefactthat the violators get se

6、vere punishment once they are caught.8.My aunt likes watching daytime television shows.Especially old movies and soap operas.My aunt likes watching daytime television shows,especiallyold movies and soap operas.Cotton grows well in their county.Particularly in Vanguard Commune.Cotton grows well in th

7、eir county,particularlyin Vanguard Commune.破句especially,specially,forexample,suchas,forinstance,like,also,aswellas,except,but,besides后接名后接名词时,不能不能单独存在,独存在,只能成只能成为句子的一部分。句子的一部分。Page 8破句平行结构中的错误修饰语位置歧义病句类型串句悬垂修饰语-逻辑主语Page 99.Kate has been a waitress,a nurse and taught school.Kate has been a waitress,a

8、 nurse and ateacher.10.Recent movies reflect major improvements in not only photograph but also in editing.Recent movies reflect major improvements not only inphotograph but also inediting.11.In fact,flying is often less dangerous than to drive a car.In fact,flying is often less dangerous than drivi

9、nga car.平行结构Page 1012.Jane is a beautiful and the kindest woman I have never met.Jane is the most beautiful and the kindest woman I have never met.13.President Chen Xiao showed appreciation to all employees for their support and active participation in business activities in 2009.President Chen Xiao

10、 showed appreciation to all employees for their support to and active participation in business activities in 2009.14.The math teacher not only irritates me by his high-pitched voice,but also I began to hate the math class.The math teacher not only irritates me by his high-pitched voice,but also mak

11、es me hate the math class.平行结构-小组讨论Page 11破句平行结构中的错误修饰语位置歧义病句类型串句悬垂修饰语-逻辑主语Page 1215.Alice could see a lot of cars running fast outside through her window.Throughherwindow,Alice could see a lot of cars running fast outside.16.He gave the rose to the lovely actress that he had bought for his wife.He

12、gave the rose thathehadboughtforhis wife to the lovely actress.He gave the lovely actress the rose thathehadboughtfor his wife.17.The house was in the woods that burned last night.Thehousethatburned last night was in the woods.18.People who walk normally are healthier than those who dont.People who

13、walk are normallyhealthier than those who dont.Normally,people who walk are healthier than those who dont.Page 13破句平行结构中的错误修饰语位置歧义病句类型串句悬垂修饰语-逻辑主语一致性Page 14所谓垂悬结构(The Dangling Construction)就是一个句子成分,如分词短语,不定式动词短语等,找不到被修饰的主语或被修饰的对象不合逻辑。垂悬结构是种错误的句法,应该避免。下面是三种常见的垂悬结构及其改正方法:1、垂悬分词或分词短语,如:、垂悬分词或分词短语,如:Cli

14、mbing up the hill,several boars were seen.(误)正:Climbing up the hill,the explorers saw several boars.When the explorers climbed up the hill,they saw several boars/several boars were seen.2、垂悬副词短语,如:、垂悬副词短语,如:After putting a shrimp on the hook,the fish began to bite.(误)正:(a)After putting a shrimp on t

15、he hook,the fisherman found that the fish began to bite.(b)After the fisherman had put a shrimp on the hook,the fish began to bite.3、垂悬不定式动词短语,如:、垂悬不定式动词短语,如:To write well,a lot of practice is needed.(误)正:To write well,one needs a lot of practice/a person has to practice a lot.Page 15述三类垂悬结构中,第一类发生的

16、频率最高,必须注意。但是在下列三种情况下,分词短语是对的,它们并非垂悬结构:第一,独立结构(第一,独立结构(TheAbsoluteConstruction,见见3月月7日日中英合谈中英合谈)中的分词短语有自己的主语,所以不是垂悬结构。例如:中的分词短语有自己的主语,所以不是垂悬结构。例如:Such being the case,we can go home now./it is not wrong to call it a day.第二,当分词含有介词或连词性质时,它不需要逻辑主语,所以没有垂悬问第二,当分词含有介词或连词性质时,它不需要逻辑主语,所以没有垂悬问题存在。例如:题存在。例如:Owing to a lack of funds,the project has to be discontinued.Provided that there is sufficient time,everyone can do the job better.第三,当分词短语是用来表示说话者的态度或意见时,也不需要逻辑主语,第三,当分词短语是用来表示说话者的态度或意见时,也不需要逻辑主语,因此也不存在


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