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1、福师大学英语(1)在线作业一-0002Theres a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means trouble.A:makingB:to makeC:to have madeD:having made答案:BPeople appreciate with him because he has a good sense of humor.A:to workB:to have workedC:workingD:have working答案:cIt is that I am looking for.A:hi

2、mselfB:heC:himD:he himself答案:cHow are you feeling?Much better.A:Thanks for coming to see me.B:You look great.C:You are so tired.D:Don,t mention it.答案:AThe colour from yellow through green to black. A:consistsB:constitutesC:composesD:ranges答案:DThat factory nearly 50 years ago.A:has been builtB:had bu

3、iltC:was built D:has built 答案:cWhen you read a book in a hurry, you can some less important details.A:leaveB:skid C:skip D:skin 答案:cThe iron, breathes air as we do. A:as it was B:as it were C:as it is D:as it will 答案:BSince the cinema was , I had to go home to watch TV. A:packed B:crowdedC:filled wi

4、th D:full of 答案:BIt was fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children.A:such greatB:so greatC:such a great D:so great a 答案:AWill you lend him a magazine ? A:to be read B:for reading C:to read D:he read 答案:C This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.A:You may ask for help.B:Let m

5、e give you a hand.C:Please do me a favor.D:I5 d come to help. 答案:BHe was the Nobel prize for his new discovery.A:offeredB:informedC:rewardedD:awarded 答案:DSilver is the best conductor.A:evenB:moreC:veryD:by far 答案:DI finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life soexcited.A:did I feelB:I felt

6、C:I had feltD:had I felt 答案:DMark often attempts to escape whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A:having been finedB:to have been finedC:to be finedD:being fined 答案:DDid you enjoy last nights concert?Yes. Though the last piece rather poorly.A:was playedB:playedC:was playingD:playing答案:AHe said tha

7、t he to the United States.A:had never beenB:had never goneC:was neverD:has never been答案:AA party is the activity I want to take part in.A:justB:goodC:mostD:very答案:DTodays weather isnt as cold as it was yesterday, ?A:was itB:wasnt itC:is itD: isnt it答案:CHe thought that.A:the effort doing the job was

8、not worthB:the effort was not worth in doing the jobC:it was not worth the effort doing the jobD:it was not worth the effort by doing the job 答案:c in simple English, the book is easy to understand.A:WritingB:WrittenC:To writeD:Being written答案:BUnlike most Europeans, many Americans bacon and eggs for

9、 breakfastevery day.A:used to eatingB:are used to eatingC:are used to eatD:used to eat答案:BDont worry. Everything will in time.A:be finishedB:finishC:finishedD:be finishing答案:Achairmanchairmanas on cityAfter a number of disagreements with the committee, the decided to.A:withdrawB:resignC:retireD:retr

10、eat答案:BThe rising of living is as hard on country families families.A:priceB:spendC:expenseD:amount答案:CIt was to save the child he got drowned.A:thatB:whenC:butD:while答案:AIt is a problem that doesn,t need right now.A:to solveB:solvingC:being solvedD:to be solving答案:BPlease dont Bobby when he you.A:t

11、urn down, turns toB:turn away from, turns intoC:turn off, turns upD:turn out, turns over答案:AThe class over, we had a discussion.A:been . heatB:being . heatedC:is .heatingD:be .heated答案:BSilk by Chinese for thousands of years now.A:has usedB:has been usedC:was usedD:is used答案:BThe teacher asked us so

12、 much noise.A:dont makeB:not makeC:not makingD:not to make答案:DIf you quiet, V 11 tell you what happened.A:beB:are to beC:areD:will be答案:cIt was the officer informed the village of the danger.A:whichB:thatC:whatD:whether答案:BIt whether he will go on with his study at the university. A:hasn,t been deci

13、dedB:isnt decidedC:hasnJ t decidedD:doesn,t decide答案:AThis test a number of multiple -choice questions.A:composed ofB:composes inC:consists ofD:consists in 答案:cThe road builders5 claim for a 10 percent pay rise has been under by the government.A:considerationB:inquiryC:regardD:application答案:AThe con

14、vict was from prison after serving his sentence. A:refusedB:drivenC:releasedD:relieved 答案:cShe didn,t fancy out alone.A: goB:to goC:of goingD:going 答案:D一Hurry up please, or I 11 be late.A:Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now.B:Well, its alright, sir.C:How can you say that, sir?D:Oh, we are going

15、the right way.答案:AThey found a pile of gold at the entrance. There was moreinside the cave.A: yetB:stillC:manyD:lot of答案:B Thursday evening at seven, Dr. Stanley will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on Three Days in China.A: InB:0nC: AtD:From答案:BIm sorry to have kept you waiting. 0h, not at all. I here only a few minutes. A:have beenB:had beenC: wasD:will答案:AI suppose youre not serious, ?A:don,t IB:do IC:arent youD:are you答案:DThe thief took away the woman5 s wallet witho


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