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1、Welcome!.1Outline1.一般现在时2.一般过去时3.一般将来时4.过去将来时:5.过去进行时:6.过去完成时7.现在进行时:8.现在完成时:现在现在过去过去将来将来.2用法:用法: 经常性的和习惯性的动作经常性的和习惯性的动作常用时间状语常用时间状语 : usually, sometimes, in spring, every day, in the morning一般现在时的动词形式:一般现在时的动词形式: 动词原形动词原形1.am;is ;are2.have,has3.第三人称单数形式第三人称单数形式-(e)s.3肯定句:肯定句:I watch television ever

2、y day.否定句:否定句:I dont watch television every day.疑问句:疑问句:Do you watch television every day.注意:注意: start, leave, go, come等的一般现在时可表示按规定要发生的未等的一般现在时可表示按规定要发生的未来动作,如列车将离开。客观真理在从句中也用一般现在时来动作,如列车将离开。客观真理在从句中也用一般现在时. .4It snows in winter.It doesnt snow in winter.Does it snow in winter?Examples:.5一般现在时的使用:1.

3、一般现在时表示一般现在时表示总是总是、通常通常、习惯习惯性性的动作或状态。的动作或状态。It snows in winter.I watch television every day.62.用于对用于对客观事实的普遍性客观事实的普遍性的陈述。的陈述。Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.Most animals kill only for food.The world is round.73.某些动词的一般现在时表示某些动词的一般现在时表示说话时正在说话时正在存在存在的一种情况。的一种情况。I have only a dollar right now.He

4、 needs a pen right now.注:这些动词不能用于进注:这些动词不能用于进行时。行时。.8用法:用法:过去时间发生的或过去经常性的动作过去时间发生的或过去经常性的动作常用时间状语常用时间状语: yesterday, last night, two days ago, in 2000, at that time, before ,when 等引导的含等引导的含 过去时的句子。过去时的句子。动词构成:动词构成:动词过去时(动词过去时(-ed) listenlistened study-studied stop-stopped come-came.9否定构成:否定构成:didnt+动

5、原动原 didnt work used not (didnt use) to work一般疑问构成及简答举例:一般疑问构成及简答举例:Did+主语主语+动原动原+其它?其它? 特殊疑问句举例:特殊疑问句举例:What did he do yesterday? When did he get up this morning? 注意:注意:He has opened the door.(表示过去(表示过去“开门开门”的动作对现在的影响是的动作对现在的影响是门还开着)门还开着)He opened the door.(不能确定门现在是否开着不能确定门现在是否开着) .101.一般过去时表示一个动作或情

6、况在一般过去时表示一个动作或情况在过去过去某个的时间某个的时间开始和结束开始和结束.I walked to school yesterday.I bought a new car three days ago.walked,boughtnow一般过去时的使用:.112.表示过去经常性的动作或情况。Ioftengotupat6:00lastyear.I didnt walk to school yesterday.Did you walk to school yesterday ?.12用法:将来会出现或发生的动作常用时间状语:thisevening,tomorrow,nextmonth,ina


8、ng?注意:在if条件或as soon as等时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。.141、基本结构是will/shalldo。例:Weshallsendheraglasshand-madecraftasherbirthdaygift.(我们将送给她一个玻璃的手工制品,作为给她的生日礼物。)2、有些动词,如:arrive,beclose,come,do,done,go,have,leave,open,play,return,sleep,start,stay等,用于一般进行时,并且通常与一个表示将来时间的时间状语连用,可以表示将来时。例:Mymotheriscomingtovisitmen




12、时间来看将要发生的动作或状态, 常用于宾从句常用于宾从句常用时间状语:常用时间状语:the next week等等动词构成:动词构成: 1、would/should+动原动原 2、 was/were going to+动原动原 3、was/were(about) to+动原动原以以work为例:为例:would/should work was/were going to work was/were(about) to work.19否定构成:否定构成:would/should not was/were not一般疑问构成:常用一般疑问构成:常用if或或whether引导宾从引导宾从特殊疑问句举

13、例:特殊疑问句举例:He asked what they would do the next week.IthoughtIwouldmakelotsofnewfriends.Theysaidthattheyweregoingtospendthevacationtogether.20一、过去将来时表示对于过去某一时间而言将要发生的动作一、过去将来时表示对于过去某一时间而言将要发生的动作或存在的状态。或存在的状态。would或或was /were going to + V would可用于各种人称。可用于各种人称。过去将来时的使用:.21二、二、would +V还可表示过去的习惯动作,在这点上同还

14、可表示过去的习惯动作,在这点上同used to同义。同义。When we were children, we would/used to go swimming every summer.比较:比较:I used to walk to school, but now I go by bike.used to +V,指过去的习惯或状态,暗含的意思是指过去的习惯或状态,暗含的意思是“现在不做某事了现在不做某事了”。.22A: Where did you go?B: I was going to visit the park, but in the end I went to the free ma

15、rket.A: What was it like?B:I thought it would be busy, but it was very quiet.23-Alice, why didnt you come yesterday?-I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.A. had B. wouldC. was going toD. did三、三、I thought I was going to.表示表示“原本打算原本打算干某事干某事”。.24-Come in, Peter, I want to show you something.-Oh, how ni

16、ce of you! I _ you _ to bring me a gift.A. never think; are goingB. never thought; were goingC. didnt think; were goingD. hadnt thought; were going Never thought “从未想过“, 与how nice of you所表达的喜悦之情相符.25This morning Alice _ out _ the door opened and in came some strangers.A. was just about to go; whileB. went ; whenC. was going ; whileD. was just about to go; when.26We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _ office soon.A.leavesB.would leaveC.leftD.had left.27用法:过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在发生用法:过去某一时刻


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